PSF Onlus ISRAEL/PALESTINE - Theoretical Experiential Training - AUGUST 2008

The aim of the PSF project “The Crisis, the Trauma, the Intervention” is to introduce young practitioners, psychologists, social workers, educational social workers and psychotherapists to the psychological work on trauma in a family-child framework. We consider different aspects of the traumatic event: individual, familial and communitarian. Usually, traumatic life experiences and exposure to war, family and community violence are associated in the child with developmental problem and aggressiveness. In Palestine and Israeli the infanthood is daily exposed to systematic violence and/or deprivation. International and local associations work to ameliorate the life conditions of Israeli and Palestinian children and our proposal for the month of August intend to conduce volunteers and health care professionals trough the complexity of the associative word in Israel and Palestine. We will observe the work of local professionals and we can learn from experience some techniques - therapeutic, psycho educative, dialogical and experiential- that can be useful in traumatic and emergency contexts.

We will also have the opportunity to meet great personalities of the Arabic culture and intellectuals of this marvelous Country. This experience aims to be the first step towards a continuative program of cooperation and exchange with Palestinian and Israeli people and health care professionals.

Activities Program (from August 2 to August 24)

Phase 1 - 24 h (4 days)

Day I - Theory and Intervention

  1. Understanding the trauma: theoretical perspectives and psychotherapeutic interventions.
  2. Psychological and behavioural change in emergency situations

•Marks psychological Theory

  1. Psycho Educational Intervention

Day II - Theory and Intervention

  1. Cognitive Theories on Emergency and Trauma
  2. SPAARS (Schematic Propositional Associative Analogue Representation Systems)
  3. The Theory of Rothbaum e Foa
  4. Horowitz Theory
  5. Common factors and differences between the discussed theoretical models
  6. Towards an effective and evidence based intervention:


•contaminative prevention

•etiopathogenesis of the traumatic disease

•Diagnostic criteria and self report tools utilization

•Pathological Individual as spokesperson of the family discomfort (the identified person idea)


  1. The Techniques

Prolonged Exposure

  • Case studies and tutorials


  • Case studies and tutorials

Day IV

  1. The Techniques

Somatic Experiencing

  • Case studies and tutorials

Traumatic Incident Reduction

  • Case studies and tutorials
  • Therapeutic problems and solutions: How to respond to therapy dilemmas ?

Phase 2

Practical Works : 64 h

The work of Psychology Development Centres in the North Galilee territory
(visit of the centers, 4 days)

The work of French Cultural Centre with the children of Nazareth

Is the work of reconciliation possible ? Kamel Bargouti:

summer camps and mixed schools of Palestinian/ Israeli children (2 days)

Meeting day and dialogue between Arabic and Israeli University students:

Phase 3

Professional visits: 56 h

visit to the freedom theatre of Giuliano Mer 'Khamis in the refugee camp of Jenin (2 days)

Meeting with Association for Palestinian women of Bethlehem (one day)

Visit of Arabic Association for Human Rights

The visits to the Associations in the Occupied Territory are subject to check-points and to the Israelian authorities transit permission

Phase 4

Cultural visits

Meeting with Salman Natour, Arabic writer (one day)

Meeting with the artists of the "Academy of Arts" of Nazareth (one day)

Visit to the Holy Places of North Galilee

Visit to the Italian Cultural Centre of Bethlehem

Meeting with the Head of the Faculty of Psychology, Haifa University

Free time : 5 days

Evaluation of the experience and future developments

Departure from Tel Aviv on 08/ 31– Airport Ben Gurion

It is possible to plan with PSF Onlus staff some visits to Nazareth city,
Cana of Galilee, Tiberias Lake, Haifa city, Golan tableland and Druses villages.


1-08 / Tel Aviv/Reini / Arrival
2-08 / Nazareth (Iksal) / Course
3-08 / Nazareth (Iksal) / Course
4-08 / Nazareth (Iksal) / Course
5-08 / Nazareth (Iksal) / Course
6-08 / Nazareth (Iksal) / Observation of the Educational Centres work
7-08 / Nazareth / Observation of the Educational Centres work
8-08 / Haifa / Meeting with Salman Natour (Arabic writer)
9-08 / Jenin (Occupied Territories) / Visit to The Freedom Theatre of Giuliano Mer 'Khamis and Associations NGOs (Psychologists For the Peace, YMCA, Medecins du Monde)
10-08 / Cana of Galilee / Observation of the Educational Centres work
11-08 / Nazareth / The French Cultural Centre work with Palestinian children
12-08 / Nord Galilea / Observation of the Educational Centres work
13-08 / Carmel / Visit to the Druse villages
14-08 / Nazareth / Forced Migration and Mental Health
(Cecilia Edelstein, Caterina Mattea)
17-08 / Betlehem / Visit to the Palestinian Women Bes’lam and other local association
18-08 / Gerusalemme / Visit to the city
19-08 / Nablus / Meeting with “Future Youths” of Dafer Al Masri, represent Suhad Al Masri; and Medecins du Monde
20-08 / Haifa / Meeting with the Head of the Faculty of Psychology, Haifa University
21-08 / Nazareth / Visit to the Arab Association for Human Rights
22-08 / Nazareth / Meeting with the associations for peace of Kamel Bargouti
23-08 / Nazareth / Visit to Kamel Bargouti’s associations
24-08 / Haifa / Meeting with Arabic and Israeli University students
25-08 / Galilea/Free time / Visit to holy places/ ....
26-08 / Galilea/ Free time / Visit to holy places/ …
27-08 / Galilea/ Free time / Visit to holy places/ …
28-08 / Galilea/ Free time / Visit to holy places/ …
29-08 / Nazareth / Appropriation of the experience/ future plans
30-08 / Nazareth / Appropriation of the experience/ future plans
31-08 / Tel Aviv / Departure

Theoretical Cultural Experiential

The Program may be slightly changed. The different phases and the different work areas will be guaranteed.


Guido Veronese Mahmud Said

Mobile: +39 333 3494393 Mobile: + 972 0528394655

e-mail: Tel : + 972 04 6080545

e mail :

Accommodation and Training fees

Departure from Milano (ITA): 07/31/ 2008;

Arrival 08/1/2008 (Tel Aviv Ben Gurion Airport)

Number of participants: max 8 people

Place of residence:



The participants will be lodged in a PSF Onlus apartment in Reine (2Km north of Nazareth).

Deposit …………………………800 € deadline 06/15/2008

Pay …………………………1200 € deadline 07/01/2008

Total fees ………………………2000 €

The rate includes:

  • Fly ticket
  • Food
  • Medical insurance
  • Training
  • Experiential activities
  • Cultural activities
  • Facilities:
Internet Point


(to submit by e-mail to )





Additional information on how to complete the registration process, with bank account details for deposit transfer, will follow upon receipt of your message.

General Information

Time zone: GMT + 2.00 h (+ 1 hour compared to Italy)

Official Languages: Hebrew, Arabic; usual: English and Russian

Religion: Hebraic (majority ), Muslim, Christian

Currency: New Israeli Shekel

Code number from Italy: 00972

Code number to Italy: 0039

Necessary documents: Passport (No visa is requested)

Health Care: Good to excellent level of Health Care Services.

Italian Embassy in Tel Aviv:
Trade Tower Building, 25 Hamered, Street 21° Floor, 68125 Tel Aviv, Israel;

phone: 00972-3 5104004 - 5100080 - 5104224
Fax:00972-3 5100235