/ U.S. History Name:
Scavenger Hunt Date:
Washington and Adams Period:
The Early National Period
Answer the questions using the material provided! /

1. Where was the first capital of the United States?

2. What was established with the Judiciary Act of 1789?

3. Name the first 4 cabinet members?Is the cabinet outlined in the Constitution?

4. Which two men embodied the disagreement over how the government should act?

How did each feel about the power and scope of the National Government?

5. Identify which person supported these ideas:

Power should be shared between state and local governments, limiting national power.
Feared absolute power of a strong government
Loose interpretation of the Constitution
The common people are virtuous and trustworthy of government
Economy should be balanced, based on shipping and manufacturing as well as farming.
States should pay their own debts, the national government should pay only the national debt.
Supported by “plain people”
The government should be run by the elite

6. How did Alexander Hamilton propose to solve the nation’s economic problems?

7. Why was the South not very happy with Hamilton’s proposals?

8. Why did Hamilton believe we needed a National Bank?

Why would creating a National Bank be a problem?

9. How did creating a new capitol for the United States help solve the contrasting points on Hamilton’s economic proposals?

10. What were the first two political parties?What issue seemed to cause this to happen?>

Generally speaking, what did each of the two parties want?

11. What is a protective tariff?What is an excise tax?

Why did the Whiskey Rebellion happen?What was the lasting impact?

12. Why was Jay’s Treaty necessary?

Which party supported it and why?Which party opposed it and why?

13. How did the election of John Adams represent the growing sectionalism in the United States?

14. What was the XYZ Affair?How did it help cause an “undeclared war”?

15. What were the Alien and Sedition Acts?Why did Adams press these laws through Congress?

Why would these laws be considered unconstitutional today?

16. The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions claimed the right of nullification.

What is nullification?Why would states’ rights to nullification be a problem?