Blue Hill/Surry Transfer Station

Minutes of Meeting

April 26, 2016, 2016

Present: Bill Matlock, Chairman; Steve Bemiss, Rebecca Collison, John Bannister, Vaughn Leach, Jim Schatz, Jeff Jewett, Darcel Winslow, Anne Berleant (Weekly Packet), Lucy Leaf and ThomasMinogue.

Called to order at 7:00 PM

Bill Matlock introduced Rebecca Collison, the newest member of the Surry Selectmen to the group.

A MOTION TO APPROVE the March 23, 2016 minutes was made. Seconded.John/Steve. Vote is unanimous. Motion carries.

Financials were looked over and briefly discussed.It was stated that the finances look good so far.

Jeff reported that commercial #2 is broke down, it needs major repairs and extensive welding. Jeff suggested not dumping anymore money into it and wait for a replacement. Bill asked if it would make it through another year, Jeff indicated it would not. Bill asked Vaughn for his input. Vaughn suggested finding out a price for the replacement. Jeff stated he has a previous quote for $15-20,000. Bill asked Jeff to put together an action plan for replacing the unit. Jeff will report back to the board.

Mr. Minogue asked if the compactor will still be necessary when the landfill closes. Jeff explained that yes, it will be necessary as they will still have to ready the trash for delivery.

A final survey with Sarah Nicholson will take place on Friday, the wells will be locked and Jeff will have the keys. John suggested giving the keys to each town office for safe keeping.

The upcoming information meetings were discussed. It was determined that Bill and John will moderate and direct the meetings. It will be a panel discussion allowing each vendor an allotted amount of time to present their case. It was asked that the other board members attend the meetings if possible as it was pointed out by Mr. Minogue that the public will want to know where each town stands on the subject. He also added that he has a friend who has extensive knowledge of the options and will ask him to attend the Surry meeting as well.

John asked if the date for the Blue Hill meeting could be changed. He has a prior commitment on May 23rd. Deadlines for advertising are getting close but an attempt will be made to change the date of the Blue Hill meeting. John and Jim will make contact and keep the board posted of any change.

Anne Berleant asked if the members will vote at the informational meetings. Bill explained they will not be voting as they have not decided at this point. John added the board is divided. Bill explained that if the vote is split along town lines 3/3, Blue Hill will prevail as they are the majority owners with 2/3 and Surry owning 1/3 of the station. If the vote is not split, Roberts Rules of Order must be followed. He stated he hopes a vote can take place at the next Transfer Station meeting.

With no further business, a Motion was madeto adjourn at 7:45PM.

______William Matlock, Chairman