Our learning challenge and homework lab project

This half term our learning challenge is
Why should the rainforest be important to us all?
This half term we will be learning about where the rainforests are using maps and atlases, why they are important to world ecology, including climate, the plants and animals that live there, the layers of the rainforest and how rainforests have changed over time. / English
Write interview questions for Raphael and Gardo in our class novel ‘Trash’ by Andy Mulligan. Present as a hot seat drama activity.
Find and look at a book based on rainforests. Write a report to describe this book. Think about who and why you would recommend this book too.
Ask 3 different people what they know about rainforests and produce a written report. / Mathematics
Use the following information to create your own bar graph.
Plant height
Kapok tree 200 meters
Bobinsana 6 meters
Clavohuasca 80 meters
Ubos 20 meters
English Core text: - (The book we will base our learning on)
TrashbyAndy Mulligan / Art and creativity
Make a detailed sketch of a tree that can be found in a rainforest. Complete more than one sketch to see if you can make an improvement to your work.
Draw a pattern using the large leaves of rainforest plants as inspiration. / Computing
Pick a rainforest and complete research based on that rainforest. Try to find 5 different facts.
Create a poster / PowerPoint to teach others about an animal of your choice that lives in the rainforest.
Maths focus:
Read, write, order umbers to to least 1000000, count forwards or backwards in steps of powers of 10 up to 1000000, interpret negative numbers in context, count forwards and backwards, including through zero, round any number up to 1000000 to neaest 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, solve place value number and practical problems, read roman numerals to 1000, + and – numbers with more than 4 digits, + and – mentally with increasingly larger numbers, solve + and – multi-step problems. / Knowledge of the World
Describe the different layers you find in a rainforest.
Describe how you would survive in a rainforest.
Describe how you think deforestation may affect people and animals.
Describe what negative effects tourism may have on the rainforest. / Science
Find out about the lifecycle of a rainforest animal.
Present this as a colourful diagram on A4 paper.
Is your animal born live or hatched from an egg?
Suggestions for family days out with links to our topic…
Tropical World, Leeds, a visit to any city park to compare its plants with those found in the rainforest, Yorkshire Wildlife Park, Doncaster, visit your local library to discover as much as you can about the rainforest.

Please look at our new, and hopefully improved overview and homework project. We have listened carefully to the feedback from parents and changed the way the homework project and topic information are issued. The sheet overleaf has been redesigned to support and inform parents. We actively encourage learning at home and therefore have put together some information about your child’s new topic this half term.

These homework ideas are suggestions and optional ways to extend their learning further. Pupils who choose to complete or undertake these challenges will be rewarded for their efforts at the end of the half term and this additional homework will be celebrated and displayed in school on a display called ‘homework lab’. We also actively encourage family time and have put together suggestions for fun days out to ensure our children receive as many rich, childhood experiences as possible.

Any homework completed must be returned in the

on thelast Monday before half term.

This will also not affect the weekly homework in core subjects and regular reading at home which will remain a school expectation in all year groups.

Should you wish to know more about your child’s learning this half term please speak to class teachers.

Thank you.