ENGLISH II: A Survey of World Literature

Mrs. Burgess



Phone:980-343-5800 x567

Revised 2011

English II World Literature is a survey course of world literatures. We will be focusing our studies on acquiring skills needed for studying literature and for life outside of school, such as analyzing diverse perspectives, voices, and cultures within literature. To assist us in learning these skills, we will study classical and contemporary works of fiction and non-fiction. Additionally, journal writing is a large part of your grade in English II, and keeping up with the prompts is critical. We will focus on acquiring the skills needed for communicating clearly. We will work to strengthen your writing, improve your understanding of grammar and English usage, and increase your vocabulary. The acquisition of these skills has both short and long term repercussions; in the next few years, you will need to perform well on the State Writing Test, PSAT, SAT, and SEP. Perhaps even more importantly, the ability to communicate well is a skill you will use for life.

Course Objectives – Students will:

  • Identify and discuss authors and pieces of world literature.
  • Analyze and demonstratean understanding of the relationships between world literature and life through writing and applying the fundamentals of grammar, punctuation, and composition.
  • Articulate the ways literature reflects the historical period and the culture that produced it.
  • Demonstrate a proficiency in reading, analyzing, and discussing literature from different cultures.

Student provided Materials

3-ring Binder – Sections should include: Handouts, Reading Notes, Discussion Notes, Returned Work Grammar exercises,

Composition book– 100 sewn in pages – No spiral notebooks please! No glued in pages

Writing utensils—pencils, blue or black ink pens, assorted hi-liters

Index cards – 3 x 5 white

A good dictionary is recommended

Guidelines for Turning in Assignments:All work must be legible to be graded. If you have poor handwriting, plan on typing.

Out of class assignment: Must be written on white loose leaf paper in BLUE OR BLACK ink only or typed

In class: may be written in pencil – (no colored inks) – on loose leaf paper – no pages torn from spiral notebook

Grading Policy

Grading for this course will follow CMS grading standards.

Revised 2011

A = 93 – 100

B = 85 – 92

C = 77 – 84

D = 70 - 76

Revised 2011

Incentive Grade

An incentive grade will be granted at the end of each quarter in the form of a free 100% test grade! (The avg. of all the tests) Remember – an incentive is a BONUS, whether an absence is excused or not is irrelevant. You aren’t penalized for this. You will only receive this incentive grade if you meet ALL of the following criteria specifically designed for my class:

  • You have no lockouts!
  • You have all supplies and materials every single day!
  • You do not have to be spoken to regularly about excessive talking!
  • You do not have to receive a seat change for behavior-related issues!
  • You do not receive a detention and/or referral for my class!
  • You must not exceed 1 class absence (school-related does not apply). (Ms. Burgess to clarify due to medical issue)
  • You use NO MORE than 1 bathroom pass

Participation Grade:

Participation is a requirement in my classes. You will be earning 50-100 points as a TEST in participation EACH quarter.

  • Raising your hand to answer a question or respond
  • Responding to classroom discussions in a courteous, respectful way
  • No “goofball” answers
  • Make an effort to be a part of the class. THIS IS GRADED!! If you sit and never participate, you will not receive a passing grade in participation. I’m asking that you be a part of your education, and you should want to do that. If you raise you hand and volunteer an answer here and there, you’re in good shape.

Classroom Procedures and Expectations: My procedures and expectations are clearly outlined on the reverse side of this sheet. Your first assignment is to review the procedures with your parents/guardians, sign and return to me.

Classroom Procedures and Expectations"

  1. Personal Matters:

Please take care of personal matters before entering the classroom. This includes refilling water bottles, using the restroom, retrieving books from your locker or from any other classroom. Restroom excuses are for emergencies only.

  1. Cell Phones, iPods, or other personal communication devices: Unless being used with my permission for a specific assignment, these are to remain out of sight. PUT THE EARBUDS AWAY OR LOSE THEM!
  2. Entering the Classroom:

Please enter the classroom quietly and begin your warm-up activity. The day's instructional activities will be listed on the board at the front of the class. You also must be seated by the time the final bell rings. If you are not in your seat you will be considered tardy.

  1. Being Prepared for Class:

Please have your books, supplies, assignments, etc., with you when you enter the classroom. You should be prepared for class before the tardy bell rings. This includes sharpening your pencil, getting a tissue, turning in work, beginning the warm up without being reminded, etc.

  1. Extra Help:

You are encouraged to schedule a conference with me if you do not understand a concept in class. Unless otherwise noted, I will be available between 2:30 and 3:30 on Mondays. If you have been absent and need to make up an assignment, you must see me before or after school. Under no circumstances are you to interrupt my class during your lunch period.

  1. Homework

Homework may include reading, completing written exercises, preparing presentations, studying for tests, or working on long-term assignments. On the assigned date, students will turn in their homework at the beginning of class for full credit. Homework turned in after class has begun will not be accepted.

  1. Make-up Policy

Each STUDENT is responsible for completing all work missed during any absence from class. Students will be allowed five (5) calendar days after returning to school to make up work missed due to an excused absence. Make ups for tests or quizzes are to be scheduled with Mrs. Burgess. It is the student’s responsibility to contact me before or after class or by e-mail to schedule any makeup work. See the Tests / Papers / Projects section for the procedure on absences on major assignment due dates.

  1. Tests / Papers / Projects / Major Assignments

Papers, projects, and other major assignments must be turned in on the specified date for full credit. If a student is absent the day one of these is due, the student's parent must contact me by 2:30 that day (980-343-5800 x567). Only on this condition will I accept late papers with no penalty on the day the student returns to school.

  1. In School Suspension (ISS)

Students in ISS or Lockout on test or quiz days must make up the assignment before or after school. Students are responsible for obtaining class assignments and turning in work according to class due dates. If work is due on the day a student is in ISS, the student must turn it into Mrs. Burgess on that day. Otherwise, students receive a 0 for work missed.

  1. Lockout

Students in Lockout on test or quiz days may not be eligible to make up the work. . Students who take themselves to Lockout in order to avoid a test or quiz or homework deadline will receive a zero and cannot make up the grade.

  1. Communication

Both students and parents are encouraged to discuss any questions, confusions, or concerns with me. I am available daily after school for scheduled student meetings. Before school meeting can also be scheduled.

Parent meetings can be accommodated through a phone conversation if the matter is simple, or if it warrants more attention, meetings can be arranged through the guidance office. For questions about assignments, students can review major projects on the web and e-mail me before 8 PM for a personal response.

Note to Parents/Guardians:

Please do not hesitate to contact me about your child’s grade, behavior, etc. In addition to on-line grades, every midterm your child will receive a printout listing his/her grades, current average, and missing work. Please ask your child to see this printout as it is my way of being in regular contact with you. I also post a calendar for each quarter. Please help your child to use it in order to keep up with class work.


Print Student Name: LastFirst

Signing this form indicates:

  1. I have read and discussed the policies and procedures for English II.
  2. I have received and read the rewrite policy for this class.
  3. I understand all of the policies as they have been presented and will adhere to them over the course of the year.
  4. I understand that I will be given a regular printout of my grades to share with my parent/guardian; this report will be considered parent contact.
  5. My parent/guardian has read, understood, and agreed with these policies as well.


(Parent/guardian PRINT NAME)(Parent/guardian signature)


(Student signature)

Parents: Please list any alternate methods of contact (i.e. fax numbers, email addresses, work phone numbers and extensions) which I may use to keep in touch with you. Also, please let me know of any other additional information I may need to know about your child.

Parent’s / Guardian contact information: If student lives with just one parent or a guardian please indicate

Father’s Name:(please print)______

Day Phone______Cell:______Home:______


Mother’s Name: :(please print)______

Day Phone______Cell:______Home:______


I will be using technology resources in the classroom, including use of cell phones to connect to the internet. Please sign the statement below and indicate whether or not you allow your child to use the internet from his/her cell phone.

I DO ALLOW:______

My child IS NOT ALLOWED:______

Please note below any information about your child that I should know:

Revised 2011