COR Reinforcement Training


(As of 28 APR 2008)

NAME: ______DATE: ______

Read each question carefully. Using a # 2 pencil, circle or fill in the blank with the appropriate answer(s).

1) The COR designation/appointment letter is issued by the:

(Answer: c)

a) Unit Commander

b) First Line Supervisor

c) Contracting Officer (KO)


2) The COR Surveillance Checklist should include:

(Answer: e)

a) Reference to the requirement – contract paragraph, mandatory publication, etc

b) Description of the task/work contractor is to perform

c) Measurable performance standards

d) Space to document your surveillance results

e) All of the above

f) None of the above

3) The Quality Assurance Plan (QASP) includes:

(Answer: b)

a) Contractor’s Quality Control Plan

b) Government Acceptance Standards

c) Standard Operating Procedures

d) None of the above

4) Select the best answer. Performing Surveillance means:

(Answer: b)

a) Directing the Contractor’s operations

b) Observing contractor performance and documenting the results

c) Looking for deficiencies

d) Spying on the contractor employees

5) The COR is not responsible to:

(Answer: d)

a) Understand the Contractor’s responsibilities under the contract.

b) Understand the Government’s responsibilities under the contract

c) Document any instances of non-compliance

d) Provide the contractor with a corrective action plan

6) In relation to establishing a new contract or modifying an existing contract, the COR may be required to:

(Answer: d)

a) Determine and document the Unit requirements

b) Recommend requirements to be added to the contract

c) Recommend requirements to be removed from the contract

d) All of the above

e) None of the above

7) Commanders, as well as the ______, must understand they do not have contractual authority to issue directions or changes to any contract or purchase order.

(Answer: d)

a) Customer

b) Contractor

c) COR

d) All of the above

e) None of the above

8) Which of the following information is included in the COR nomination letter?

(Answer: e)

a) Contract Number and specific area of responsibility

b) Start date and end date for Period of Appointment

c) Supervisor name and contact information

d) Technical experience in the specific performance area

e) All of the above

f) None of the above

9) The COR has many responsibilities, that include:

(Answer: f)

a) Hire, fire, and discipline contractors

b) Resolve all problems for the contractor

c) Ask the contractor to perform whatever the Commander wants

d) Provide final interpretation of contractual requirements

e) All of the above

f) None of the above

10) FAR 46.105 (Contractor responsibilities) states the contractor is responsible for:

(Answer: d)

a) Tendering to the Government supplies or services that conform to contract requirements

b) Ensuring the quality of their vendors or suppliers

c) Maintaining evidence that the supplies or services conform to contract quality requirements

d) All of the above

e) None of the above

11) The COR is responsible to: (select all that apply)

(Answer: a; c)

a) Perform surveillance and document results

b) Perform corrective actions for the contractor

c) Maintain files

d) All of the above

e) None of the above

12) Performance Work Statements:

(Answer: c)

a) Are optional in contracts for services

b) Are optional in contracts for products

c) Define performance requirements-work to be accomplished

d) None of the above

13) The COR should involve the Contracting Officer in which of the following:

(Answer: d)

a) Requests for changes in Period of Performance

b) Requests to exercise Options NLT 90 days before contract expiration

c) Requests for change in quantity or delivery schedule

d) All of the above

e) None of the above

14) Select all TRUE statements pertaining to the DD250: (select all that apply)

(Answer: a, b, d)

a) Can be used to accept services and supplies

b) Must be completed IAW DFARS Appendix F

c) Is the only document required by DFAS in order to pay the Vendor

d) Completed form should be distributed to the Contractor, Vendor Pay, and the

Contracting Officer

15) Acceptable surveillance methods include:

(Answer: b)

a.) Line of sight

b.) 100% inspection

c.) Just in time techniques

d.) Army surveillance Instructions

16) The COR nomination letter is generated by the:

(Answer: d)

a) Contracting Officer

b) COR


d) COR’s unitt superviser

17) When is it permissible to direct a contractor to perform a task not listed in the contract's scope of work?

(Answer: d)

a) When requested by the Contractor

b) When requested by the Commander

c) Only during threatcon Bravo on a military installation

d) Never

18) You attend several meetings at a coffee shop with a Contractor during a two month period. In the first week of Month One the Contractor pays your $20 USD coffee tab. In the second week Month One the contractor pays your $21 USD coffee tab. In the first week of Month Two the contractor picks up your $20 USD coffee tab. Which of the following 2 statements are false?

(Answer: c and d are false)

a) Accepting the contractor's gift in Month Two exceeded the $50 USD per year gift limit on receiving a gift from one source

b) Accepting the contractor's $21 USD gift exceeded the $20 USD per occasion gift limit on receiving a gift from one source

c) Accepting all of the gifts was acceptable, as long as you intended to repay the contractor at a later date

d) Your supervisor's approval of the meeting serves as an exception to the gift rules

19) A constructive change to the contract, otherwise know as an unauthorized commitment occurs:

(Answer: c)

a) When the contract period of performance is extended by the Contracting Officer

b) Only on construction contracts

c) If contractor performs work outside the contract requirements

d) None of the above

20) Firm Fixed Price Contracts are high risk to:

(Answer: a)

a.) Contractor

b.) Contracting Officer

c.) Government

d.) None of the above

21) Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) is the term commonly used to identify equipment that is provided by the Government and used by the ______to perform the mission.

(Answer: a)

a) Contractor

b) Military

c) COR

d) Government

22) The COR is required to maintain contract files. At the end of the contract or when directed by the Contracting Officer, the COR will turn their contract files in to the ______.

(Answer: b)

a) Contractor

b) Contracting Officer

c) General Accounting Office

d) Local newspaper

23) As the COR, what should you do if you suspect fraud, waste, or abuse is occurring within a contract that you are responsible for. (select all that apply)

(Answer: a, b, d)

a) Report it to your Chain of Command

b) Report it to your Contracting Officer

c) Ask to be included in the scheme

d) Call the Fraud Waste & Abuse Hot Line

e) All of the above

24) On the DD250, Block 21a (for Inspection at Source) or Block 21b (for Inspection at Destination) are used to indicate inspection and “acceptance” of the supplies or services. What information is the COR required to complete in these blocks?

(Answer: e)

a) Check in the Acceptance box

b) Date and Signature

c) Name and Title

d) Mailing Address and Commercial Telephone

e) All of the above

f) None of the above

25) Information from what three documents must match in order for DFAS to make payment to the vendor/contractor?

(Answer: c)

a) Receiving Report, Invoice, and PR&C

b) PR&C, SOW, and receiving report

c) Contract, Invoice, and Receiving Report

d) Receiving Report, Contract, and QASP