Climate Change Vocabulary Activity – Frayer Model Word Wall

Overview of Activity: In this lesson, students will be introduced to the key terms related to Climate Change. Students will use dictionaries or the glossary to produce Frayer Models of vocabulary words.

Suggested Time Allowance: One class period


Students will:

  1. Understand key Climate Change vocabulary terms
  2. Develop Frayer Models of Climate Change vocabulary terms for a classroom Word Wall

Resources / Materials:


Blank paper

Frayer Model templates

Dictionaries or Climate Change curriculum glossary


Crossword Puzzle

Activities / Procedures:

  1. Have students create a list of important terms related to Climate Change. Put their suggestions on the board.
  2. Instruct the students that they will be creating a Word Wall of key terms related to Climate Change. In addition to the words students suggested, write the words from the glossary on the board. Number all of the words.
  3. Tell students they will be producing Frayer Models for the vocabulary words. Review the template with the students and model one of the vocabulary words for the students.
  4. The vocabulary word is placed in the middle of the page (example: Climate Change).
  5. The definition is placed on the top left (example: A deviation or difference in the long-term weather patterns of an area, region, or the world).
  6. Characteristics are placed on the top right (example: increased Carbon emissions, changing weather patterns, increased global temperature, rising sea levels, extreme weather conditions).
  7. Examples are placed on the bottom left (example: drought in Austrailia, melting polar ice caps, hottest summers in history, deforestation).
  8. Non-examples are placed on the bottom right (example: increased crop yields, stable temperatures, atmospheric stability).
  9. Individually, or in pairs, assign words to students/pairs. Instruct students to create a Frayer Model for each term on a sheet of blank paper. Provide dictionaries or the glossary for them to use.
  10. As students finish their work, check for accuracy, and place completed Frayer Models on the Climate Change Word Wall.
  11. Have students present their work. Place the finished work on a wall in your room under the label “Climate Change Word Wall.”
  12. Students can do the crossword puzzle for homework or an additional classroom activity.