Graphic Design Syllabus

Description: Graphic Design is a class that teaches art and technology. Students will use the basic elements and principles of art. Students will also learn how to use the computer programs Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. This class teaches the basics of Graphic Design through an art view and corporate view.

Course Objectives:

Completing the Graphic Design program the students will:

·  Learn the basics of Successful Design.

·  Learn the “language” of visual design.

·  Learn to apply basic design concepts to Commercial Design.

·  Learn to creatively solve design problems.

·  Learn to manage projects.

·  Learn to structure an ad campaign from a Graphic Designer’s perspective.

·  Learn how to use Adobe Illustrator as a Design program.

·  Learn how to use Adobe Photoshop as a photo editor.

·  Combine Art, Photography and Illustration.

Instructor Information:

Name: Mr. Pettijohn


Conference Period: 1st Period

Materials Needed:

Students will need a folder to keep together only Graphic Design papers and handouts.

Notebook to do Bell Ringers, pencil and pens.

USB drive (flash drive) – optional but very helpful

Attendance and Make-Up Work:

Students must be in the classroom and in their seats before the tardy bell rings or they are counted tardy. If you are absent, you are responsible to make up any missed work. When a student has been absent for one or more days and has not had sufficient time to make up the work, ordinarily one day for each day of absence, more time may be allowed under extenuating circumstances. When the make-up work is not turned in by the designated date, please refer to the late work policy.

Late Work:

When a student fails to return homework or classwork on the date assigned, that work becomes late work. The teacher will communicate with the student to support the completion of the late assignment. All late assignments will receive 15 points off the first day, 15 more points off the second day, and then a zero after that.

Example: If a student turns in their assignment one day late and they scored a 85 on it, an additional 15 points will be taken off making it a 70.

Grade weight and Evaluation:

Tests/ Project 60%

Classroom 40%

Classroom Procedures:

Students will come to class and take a seat at their computer before the tardy bell rings. Students are asked to take out their project and/or turn your computer on to begin class. You will have a bell ringer every morning at the beginning of class. Independent work is to be done quietly and ask for students to stay focused and on task.

Classroom Rules/ Regulations:

1.  All students will be respectful of the instructor and fellow students at all times.

2.  Take care of your needs before coming to class.

3.  Come to class prepared with the supplies for my class.

4.  No food or drink in class at anytime.

5.  No phones, video games or tablets during class.

*All classes at ROHS strictly follow the student handbook. Students are expected to abide by those rules and regulations.


Please read the information in this letter carefully and sign, acknowledging you have read the information. This will be taken for a grade, which is due no later than the first Friday the week school starts. After this date, a late deduction will be assessed at 10% per day late.


I am giving the students an opportunity to receive extra credit (replace lowest daily grade with 100) by bringing the following supplies: (a bottle of hand sanitizer or Clorox wipes and a box of tissues). For the first six weeks, students will be given the opportunity to receive 2 extra credit grades if any of the above supplies are brought to school by Friday, September 8, 2017. Once this date has passed, there will only be 1 grade replacement per student per six weeks!

(Cut on the dotted line and return the bottom portion signed by the student and parent/guardian)


I have read and understand the information provided in the syllabus for Graphic Design. I understand that this acknowledgement must be returned to Mr. Pettijohn by The Friday of the first week of school and that after that date, a late deduction will be assessed at 10 points per day late. You may electronically sign this by using the Note Anytime application and submit via email.


Student Signature Class Period


Parent/Guardian Signature Parent/Guardian Email (Required)