Enhancing Shelter Cluster Coherence DRAFT matrix, August2012

Identified Coherence Issues
Issues 1,2 and 3 prioritized for 2012
Issues 4-8 identified to be defined further in the year
Issues 9-14 listed ongoing initiatives contributing to coherence / Status of related initiatives and documents / What needs to be done next / By who
  1. Scope and structure of the cluster
Document explaining what the scope of the Global Shelter Cluster, what it covers and what it does not.
This document to cover the following;
  1. Capture/refine the agreed shelter cluster’s role in emergency and longer term shelter. Disseminate the fact clusters do not apply to refugee situations. Clarification of provider of last resort only applying to emergency needs. NFI’s to be included, different assistance options.
  2. Disseminate agreed Shelter cluster relation/boundaries withWASH.
  3. Clarify cluster coordination responsibilities with CCCM in regards to camp situations and other settlement types.
  4. Clarify cluster coordination responsibilities with Early Recovery in regards to debris removal, infrastructure, urban planning.
  5. Clarify cluster coordination responsibilities with Protection in regards to protection mainstreaming including HLP and vulnerability mapping.
  6. Provide guidance/policy to country level clusters in regards to their scope.
  7. Clarify how Global Shelter Cluster is structured.
  1. Clarify how country level clusters are structured
  1. Can be informed by Sphere, OFDA’s document defining humanitarian shelter (draft), and other documents.

B. Agreed matrix defining responsibilities between Shelter and WASH. Available here.
G. UNHCR has worked on an initial draft
H.IASC Cluster Coordination Reference Module.Available here /
  1. A. Collate existing documents and make a draft short summary (1-2 paragraphs) for comments and approval.
  2. B. Disseminate agreed matrix WASH-Shelter: upload to website, share with WASH cluster, include in trainings.
    C. Prepare an initial draft and discuss with CCCM cluster.
  3. D. Initial draft prepared, circulate to coherence working group and organize a face to face meeting with ER cluster in November.
  4. E.Circulate draft on Protection mainstreaming with Shelter Cluster Coherence Working group for comments and approval. HLP issues to be done by HLP working group.Task closed since issue is sufficiently covered by guidance documents in item 3.
  5. F. Based on previous points, prepare a document capturing the default scope of the cluster for country level cluster to use or adapt as needed.
  6. G. Prepare a draft and circulate.
  7. H. Based on past experiences and existing documents prepare a document capturing a default structure for country level clusters to use or adapt as needed. Task closed since issue is sufficiently covered by IASC cluster coordination reference module. No need for the time being of a separate module just for Shelter Cluster.
  1. Habitat for Humanity International (HfH),IFRC,CRS UNHCR
  2. UNHCR.
  3. IOM, Shelter Centre
  4. Environment Focus Group/ProActCRS, UNHABITAT, HfH.
  5. UNHCR with HfH (CC HLP working group).
  6. HfH– October
  7. UNHCR to circulate a draft,
  8. IFRC

  1. Minimum requirements for country level cluster leads
  1. What are the services that cluster partners expect from cluster leads? (Perhaps they can vary according to situations or type of emergency).
  1. Clearer mechanism and understanding for cluster lead organizations not to use the system to channel funds.arifying coordination roles with funding mechanism
  1. Emphasis on creating cluster hubs (regional, neighborhood hubs) as soon as possible.
/ A. IASC Generic ToR for country level cluster Leads. Available here
A. IFRC documents defining its model and different roles. Available here
B. Framework agreed with donors.
OCHA CAP page Available here
CAP training Available here
C. Case study on sub-hub coordination in Haiti. Available here.There is an IASCreference group dealing with this issue. IFRC coordinators handbook has a chapterdealing with this. / A. Prepare a table with minimum services to be provided according to the level of the emergency. Do a draft and circulate for comments.
B. Produce a list of do’s and don’ts for cluster lead on mixing coordination and funding.Group is currently putting together experiences on the subject and will issue for coherence working group to add.
C. Prepare guidance on the importance of hubs and sub-hubs and how to set them up. This could be done by using existing documents. Check with IOM Pakistan sub hub coordinators. Task closed since issue is sufficiently covered by IASC guidance at this stage. /
  1. Interaction, IFRC, UNHABITAT
  1. CRS,IOM Interaction to collect from their members

  1. Guidance documents on dealing with different cross-cutting/ mainstreaming issues: Age, Gender, Protection, HIV, Environment, SGVB
  1. UNHCR and IFRC are working on several documents.
IFRC and HelpAge International have produced “Guidance on including older people in emergency shelter programmes” Available here
UNHCR has drafted similar documents for the following issues:
NRC with Shelter Centre is developing an shelter environmental tool, website
WWF has updated the Shelter Cluster website with environment materials, ToR for Environmental Advisor, and training for environmental advisors already developed and deployed. /
  1. Working group to revise drafts, propose changes and agree on documents to be adopted.
  2. Market information.
  1. UNHCR share to with allthe groups and compile comments and consolidate.

  1. Linkages between country and global level clusters
Clarifies how the Global Cluster can support the country level clusters:
  1. What is the relation between the Global Shelter Cluster Coordinators and the country level Shelter Cluster Coordinators?
  2. Could the Global Level Reference Groups help the country level TWIGs?
  3. Could a global SAG help the country level SAGs?
  4. How the global cluster can support country level clusters in preparedness or even countries where clusters have not been activated but they are likely to be affected by a disaster.
/ Elements included in “Annex A–Excerpt from Report from the Interim/Summer Working Group (IWG) on Emergency Shelter August 2005”.
IASC Guidance Note on Using the Cluster Approach to Strengthen Humanitarian Response (2006) – notably two first paragraphs on p.6 / To be defined later on in the year
  1. Roles and responsibilities of participating agencies
  1. Defines the commitments that cluster partners take when deciding to be part of the cluster?
  2. What can the cluster lead expect from them?
/ Elements included in “Annex A-Excerpt from Report from the Interim/Summer Working Group (IWG) on Emergency Shelter August 2005”
IASC Working Group, Cluster Coordination Reference Module (2012) / To be defined later on in the year /
  1. HfH
  2. HfH

  1. Criteria for handing over cluster coordination after the emergency phase
  1. Define clear criteria and process for cluster lead handover from emergency to recover.
  2. Clarify cluster coordination responsibilities in Camp situations
/ Short handover guidelines. Available here.
IASC Sub-Working Group on the Cluster Approach working on de-activation, building on Cluster Transition/Adaptation guidance. Draft on Cluster deactivation has been circulated
Any linkages with Early Recover Cluster? / To be defined later on in the year /
  1. HfH

  1. Integrated response
  1. Suggest and explore how the cluster system can accommodate, encourage integrated response in terms of coordination, programming and funding channels.
  2. Suggest ways to include integrated planning of infraestructures, urban planning.
/ To be defined later on in the year
  1. Relation with national actors
  1. Explain how the country level cluster engages with the national government and existing national coordination mechanisms. In particular give guidance as to what are the typical line ministries to link with.
  2. Explain how the country level cluster engages with national level shelter and settlement practitioners, national or local NGOs, national professional bodies, national academia, and others.
/ B. Project with IMC, Concern and Harvard / To be defined later on in the year
Description / Current status / Possible support from working group
  1. Website clear, updated, capturing global and all operations (conflict and natural disasters). The website includes the possibility to see and subscribe to email updates here.
/ Following the development of sheltercluster.org by IFRC, UNHCR has joined the process in 2012. Dedicated capacity in both organizations is ensuring the development and maintenance of the website. WWF has updated the website with environment materials, ToR for Environmental Advisor, and training for environmental advisors already developed and deployed. / IOM and NRC to share a list of countries where they are leading the Shelter Cluster and the related websites if they exist
  1. Factsheets: a document that captures key data for each country level shelter cluster
/ UNHCR has produced first draft for Cote d’Ivoire. IFRC is in the process of providing feedback / Revise and comment
  1. Network/Community of practice of cluster coordinators: establish a system for coordinators to keep in touch and exchange best practice.
/ UNHCR and IFRC are working to establish systematic information exchange with cluster coordinators. / Provide feedback on how operations are advancing.
  1. Updated guidance for cluster coordinators: update the Coordination Toolkit in sheltercluster.org. The updated version will be dynamic so that it will keep itself updated as new examples are produced.
/ Can be found here. / Provide ideas on how to update the toolkit. Provide tools and documents to add.
  1. “Shelter Projects” biannual report
/ Currently at proposal stage;
  • “Shelter Projects 20XX-XX” - Global collection of practices in responding to shelter needs during emergencies
  • Taking advantage of partners’ events and Regional Consultations gather practices and providing substantive backstopping and support to current projects under implementation
  • Impact Evaluation of one shelter response per year. Case to be evaluated will be selected through a Technical Advisory Committee.
/ UNHabitat lead
  1. Avenues of discussion and information sharing for broad awareness, consultations
  • Global Shelter Cluster Meeting and teleconference
  • Shelter Centre meeting
  • Shelter centre Library book lists, play list
  • Common trainings
  • UK Shelter Forum
  • Wold Urban Forum
/ All group to engage