Members of the Parish Council and the Parish Clerk had been available before the start of the formal meeting from 7.00 pm to meet the public. All plans and correspondence were available for viewing and comments. 6 members of the public attended the meeting.

Draft Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 4th February 2016

at 7.30pm in Launton Parish Hall

Present: Councillors: Mr Chris Fox, Mr Howard Hill, Ms Lesley Thompson, Ms Penny Stephens, Ms Wendy Foster, and Mr Simon Turner, Chairman.

In attendance: The Clerk, Mrs Caroline Dunn

1)  To receive and accept apologies for absence

Councillor Ed Sanders and County Councillor Mrs Fulljames

2)  To receive any Declarations of Interest in items on the agenda

There were none

3)  To facilitate public participation with regard to items on the agenda

No Comments

4)  To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting on 7th January, previously circulated


Proposed: / Councillor Fox / Seconded: / Councillor Hill
All in favour / Motion carried.

5)  Reports from District and County Councillors

There were none

6)  Finance and Governance

a)  To acknowledge scrutiny and acceptance of previously circulated bank statements.

b)  To confirm and approve expenditure for January and review income in December.

Monthly Payment and Receipts Summary
Payments for approval
Cheque No / Payee / Amount
200476 / Niall Campbell 1 / £286.56
200477 / HMRC / £71.60
200478 / Launton Lines top-up2 / £40.00
200479 / SLCC subscription / £103.00
200480 / BBS3 / £49.98
S/O / Launton Lines / £110.00
Total Payments in / Feb 2016 / £661.14
All above cheques drawn on The Co-operative Bank
Income Received
Source / Reason / Amount
Co-operative Bank Current / No interest / £0.00
Co-operative Bank 14 days / Statement not in yet / £0.00
Bank of Ireland / Statement not in yet / £0.00
Total Receipts for / Jan 2016 / £0.00
Explanatory Notes
1. Niall Campbell
Salary / Regular Gross / £358.16
Total gross / £358.16
Less Tax / -£71.60
Net Salary / £286.56
2. Final correction re adjustment to standing order / £40.00
3. Printer toner / £49.98
Jan 2016
Proposed: / Councillor Turner / Seconded: / Councillor Hill
All in favour / Motion carried.

c) Bob Roberts to meeting re: Island Pond Wood grass cutting – Mr Roberts informed the Council that the contractors, Continental Landscaping, had failed to complete the agreed three cuts last year, only managing two cuts. It was agreed that Mr Roberts would try and persuade the contractors to complete four cuts this year and thus avoid having to return funds.

7)  Planning

a)  Planning applications to consider

i.  Application number: 15/02340/LB & 15/02339/F

Applicant: Bicester Heritage Limited

Proposal: Extension, alteration and change of use of Building 89 (The Guardhouse) from sui generis MOD use to A3 restaurant.

Location: Buidling 89 Guard and Fire Party House RAF Bicester Buckingham Road Bicester

There was no objection and no comment

Proposed: / Councillor Turner / Seconded: / Councillor Thompson
All in favour / Motion carried.

ii.  Application number: 15/02306/F

Applicant: Mr Ashley Payne

Proposal: Proposed single storey rear extension and loft conversion

Location: 26 Ancil Avenue Launton Bicester OX26 5AE

There was no objection and no comment

Proposed: / Councillor Hill / Seconded: / Councillor Stephens
All in favour / Motion carried.

iii.  Application number: 16/00024/TCA

Applicant: Mr George Moore GCK Treeworks Unit 12 The Piggery Easton Maudit Wellingborough Northants

Proposal: Removal of trees for a proposed car park for café (trees to be removed to allow for café and car parking area) 10 trees all numbered

Location: Bicester Heritage Buckingham Road Bicester

There was no objection and no comment

Proposed: / Councillor Turner / Seconded: / Councillor Thompson
All in favour / Motion carried.

iv.  Application number: Not applicable

Applicant: Network Rail (NR)

Proposal: Diversion of footpath from level crossing route across the London North West railway track to tunnel under bridge 195m southeast of existing crossing.

Location: Railway lines on the boarder of Launton and Ambrosden

Parish Councils

There was no objection and a comment that the Clerk should write to Network Rail welcoming the footpath diversion and to ask if there will be less “hooting” as a consequence of this action.

Proposed: / Councillor Hill / Seconded: / Councillor Fox
All in favour / Motion carried.

v.  Application number: 15/02348/F

Applicant: Mr Chris Boden

Proposal: Construction of new electricity sub-station and access off Skimmingdish Lane

Location: Bicester North Sub Station Skimmingdish Lane Caversfield Oxfordshire

There was no objection and no comment

Proposed: / Councillor Turner / Seconded: / Councillor Hill
All in favour / Motion carried.

b)  Planning decisions to note

i.  Application number: 15/02204/F

Applicant: MDD Design Limited

Proposal: First floor side dormer extension to increase floor space

Location: 23 Ancil Avenue Launton Bicester OX26 5DL

Decision: Approved


c)  Local plan part 2 - To be raised at the March meeting, but to highlight a public consultation which is being held on Wednesday 24th February 6-8pm in Bicester.

Councillors Turner, Thompson and Hill to attend, and the remaining Councillors will try to attend part of the meeting. All Councillors will consider questions they wish to be raised at this meeting and submit them to the Clerk in plenty of time.

d)  East West Rail - Clerk and Chairman to report on progress of their investigations re: goods vehicle problems. Traffic survey to be arranged.

The Clerk to contact East West Rail to ask about rumoured delays to the proposed work.

e)  Possible joint committee with Caversfield Council re RAF Bicester planning applications - Clerk to report on discussion with Caversfield Clerk.

The Clerk confirmed that a meeting had taken place with the Caversfield Clerk Jane Olds. Mrs Olds is looking into the legalities of a joint committee and will report back to the Launton Clerk in a few months.

8)  Village Matters

a)  OCC proposals to devolve responsibilities to parishes. Clerk and Chairman to report on specific actions required to progress this with OCC.

The Chairman reported that OCC had not got back to him yet and he would contact them again.

b)  Village Spring Clean-up - Clerk to report.

The Clerk reported that the Spring Clean-up is to be held from 10am to 11.30am on Saturday, 5th March meeting in the Parish Hall and returning there for tea, coffee and cakes curtesy of the WI. The Clerk also asked the Councillors and members of the public to help find volunteers.

c)  Playpark obstruction of footpath - Clerk to report on action taken.

Following a letter from a concerned villager about a footpath obstruction by Vanderbilt developers, the Clerk reported that an official complaint had been logged with CDC and they will be investigating. The Clerk to report back following the investigation.

9) Correspondence

a)  Crossroads potential hazards - Are we able to assist Pat Mitchell.

The Clerk to contact OCC to see what progress is being made and keep Mrs Mitchell informed.

b)  The Queen’s 90th Birthday celebrations – letter from The Acting Bishop of Oxford.

The Chairman to update on potential Village Fete before a decision is made regarding street parties.

c)  Safety Bollard/Barrier besides Costcutter – letter received from Mrs Jeanne Walker.

The Clerk to contact Mrs Walker to ask for photographic evidence, then to contact OCC Highways, with Mrs Walker’s letter and any photographs, to see if they are willing to erect a barrier.

d)  GOMOL Launton Lines Article about the green lane – Clerk to report

No action required following a response in the latest issue of Launton Lines.

10) Correspondence received for action (sent by email)

i) Invitation to Spring 2016 Partnership Meetings

Clerk to ask Councillor Saunders, as other Councillors unable to attend.

ii) Rural Neighbourhood Meeting 16th March

The Councillors will think of any questions they wish to be raised during this meeting.

iii) Launton, A Plan – Update from Fiona Mullins

The Clerk has confirmed that either Fiona Mullins or her colleague Tom McCulloch will attend the March meeting and they will make their presentation to the Council before the Finance & Governance section of the meeting.

11)  Correspondence received for information (sent by email)

i)  Mental Health Services in Oxfordshire

ii)  Community First, Oxford at a Glance

12)  Reports

a)  Chairman’s Report

The Chairman warmly welcomed the new Clerk and said farewell to the former Clerk Mr Niall Campbell, he thanked Niall for tireless work for the Council.

The Chairman asked the Clerk to find out from OCC if the 30 speed limit sign on Station Road could be moved. This follows a letter received from Mrs Rita Jones who had been knocked down by a car, while walking her dog on Station Road. Mr Michael House, a member of the public, stated that before Christmas his dog had also been hit by a car while they were walking along the same stretch of the road. It would appear that during both incidents the cars were travelling at considerable speeds.

b)  Clerk’s Report –

i) Storage solutions

The Clerk asked if the Council would be happy to review storage options for all the filing that has accumulated during the last decade. It was decided that this should be carried out when the weather warms and the evenings are lighter.

The Clerk also asked if they Council would be willing to use Dropbox to receive their monthly documents. All the present Council members barring Councillor Hill already use Dropbox and are happy to do so and Councillor Hill is willing to give it a go!

ii) Elections – Clerk Briefing 15th February 6pm

The Clerk informed the Council that this year is an election year for Launton Parish Council. The Clerk will be attending the Election Briefing at CDC and would produce a full timetable for the election process following the briefing.

13)  Date of next meeting – Thursday 3rd March 2016 at 7.30 in Launton Parish Hall.

The meeting closed at 8.47pm

Notes on declarations of interest.

Any Member arriving after the start of the meeting is asked to declare pecuniary interests, as necessary, as soon as practicable after their arrival, even if the item in question has been considered.

National rules about pecuniary interests are set out in Chapter 7 of the Localism Act 2011 and in secondary legislation made under the Act, in particular, The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012

Signed Clerk Date Page 1 of 5