Telework Application

Date ______

I. Employee Information

Name ______Address ______

City & State ______Zip code ______

Agency/Division ______

Job Title ______

Office Phone ______

Telework Office Phone ______

Supervisor (direct report) ______

Office Phone ______

II. Telework Information

Proposed Start Date ______

Current Commute Option (i.e. car, rideshare, mass transit, bus) ______

Average daily travel time (one way) ______

Average daily trip mileage (one way) ______

Average Gas Mileage (MPG) ______

Average Annual Leave Hours used ______

Is this your first experience of Teleworking? ______

III. Telework Schedule

Proposed Telework Days(circle all that apply)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Variable (specify) ______

Alternate Telework Days(circle all that apply)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Variable (specify) ______

Proposed Daily Schedule

Total hours per day _____ Beginning ______(am/pm) Ending ______(am/pm)

Core hours you can be reached: Beginning ______(am/pm)Ending ______(am/pm)

What results/accomplishments/tasks do you expect to complete on Telework days?

IV. Dependent Care

Do you have dependents requiring care during telework hours? _____

If yes, do you have dependent care available during your telework hours? _____

V. Circle all equipment/services to be used at telework site

Phone Voice Mail Second phone line Office Furniture Pager Fax Machine Typewriter

Desktop Computer Laptop Computer Printer Internet Scanner Desk ISDN Line

Broadband Line Video Conferencing Cell phone Answering Machine other______

VI. Applicant Acceptance of Telework Policy

I have read and understand the telework policies. I understand that my application for telework does not constitute a formal agreement for telework unless authorized by my supervisor’s signature appearing below. I have received and completed the alternate site safety checklist. I understand that my participation in telework is a management option, voluntary and contingent upon my suitability to successfully complete my required job tasks from an alternate location.

Employee Signature: ______Date: ______

Supervisor Signature: ______Date: ______