NAME ______
Lesson5-14Comma: Parenthetical Expressions
Prompt: Weplacecommasaroundanexpressionthatis justaddedwords and not part ofthesentencestructure: "The team played,inmyopinion,theirbest game."
Directions: Oneor more commashave beenomittedfromeach ofthefollowing sentences.Insert oneor morecommas betweenthewords where you desireacomma tobe.
1. This yearI believewillbethebestyearyet.
2. TheroadtosuccessIhavefoundis pavedwithhardwork.
3. Johnwillcometo understandifhehasany senseat all that hehas been wrong.
4. This solutionwillworkinmy opinion butthecostwillbe high.
5. Thetwosure thingsinlifeweall havediscoveredare taxes anddeath.
6. Notefor exampletheexcellentdetailinthedesign.
7. Youmay besurprisedIthinkjusthow tallhehas grown.
8. Herbeautifulhairaccordingtoherhairdresserwas fartoo long.
9. Thepathtothebeachby all accountswascrowded.
10. ThewavesIregretaretoosmall to surf.
11. Thecostofaneducationone mustconcludeis far cheaper than ignorance.
12. Theweathertoday inmy opinionis beautiful.
13. Thewater as I haveexperienceditis toocoldtoswim.
14. Herheadachesheexplainedwascausedby theloudnoise.
15. Thecure as he foundoutwasworsethantheailment.
16. Drivingtoofastshediscoveredwasnotthethingtodo.
17. Learningit is believedis theresult ofhardwork.
18. Goingtobedearlyandrisingearly accordingtoBenjamin
Franklinmakesapersonhealthy,wealthy, andwise.
19. TheanswerifI canremembercorrectlywasthethirdchoice.
20. GrowingoldI mustconcludeis thebestandonly good optionavailable.
Lesson5-44 Capitalization: Abbreviations
Prompt: Abbreviationsofatitlebeforeor after anameare usuallycapitalized: "Dr.
WilliamGeorge Ph.D.,JohnSmith Esq.,Mrs.Jones U.S.N.,Mr.Marvin VanHorneM.A.(Ret.),Capt.BondsU.S.Army."Capitalize abbreviations ofcompanies,agencies, organizations,days, months,addresses,states, countries,andpostal codes:"IBM,CIA,UN,ABA,Weds.,Jan.,Blvd.,St., CA, OR, AZ,USA."
Directions: Thesentencesbeloweither showerrors incapitalization orare correct as shown.Highlighttheword or words youfeel shouldbecorrectly capitalized but arenotcapitalized, or select"(correctas is)"atthe endof eachsentence.
1. Her namewas printedasfollows: ms CynthiaFellows m.a.,ph.d. (correctas is)
2. Theaddress read:3547 Birchst.,Portland,ma, u.s.a.937854. (correctas is)
3. dr.Whittingtonph.d.isamemberofcta,nea,andcrta.(correctas is)
4. Didmr.Williams work for unesco?(correctasis)
5. Themeetingdatereadasfollows:thur. jan.23,2004, at9:00a.m. (correctas is)
6. Isthepostal abbreviationfor Coloradoco?(correctas is)
7. Theletter was addressedtocol. Richards whois workingwith thecia. (correctas is)
8. Haveyou heard thespeeches ofsirWinstonChurchill?(correctas is)
9. Sheisdatingacpawhoreceived hismbafrom ucla.(correctas is)
10. Issheadoctor with anm.d. ora is)
11. Willofficer Nelsonintroducejudge Gomez?(correctas is)
12. Does prof.Ferneateach atusc orat ucsb?(correctas is)
13. Sheteachesacourseontheadministrationsofjfk andlbj. (correctas is)
14. Lastyear, princeAndrewofEnglandvisitedWashingtond.c. (correctas is)
15. Yesterday,senator Pandolfini,ambassadorKirsch, andsecretaryofstate
Murray were presentinthemeeting.(correctas is)
16. Theaddress readasfollows: maj. PhillipNolan,18654Congress ave.,st.
Cloud,mn93657.(correctas is)
17. TheCanadianPacificRailroadis known as thecpr. (correctas is)
18. Theremarks concernedagen.Winston andacol. Darby.(correctas is)
19. Our historyshows twopres. Adamsesandtwo pres.Bushes. (correctas is)
20. Heworked for severalcompaniestoincludeibm,trw, andnbc. (correctas is)
Correcting Run-ons with BOYS FAN Words
Here is ONE way to correct run-on sentences:
Maxi the Taxi sped through traffic it was time to return to the garage.
Maxi the Taxi sped through traffic, for it was time to return to the garage.
BUT = contrast, on the contrary
OR = options
YET = nevertheless
SO = resultsBOYS FAN
FOR = because or since
AND = addition
NOR = negative alternative
Notice that when you use one of these to connect two complete sentences, you must add a comma before the connector. DO ON PAPER
Exercise 2:
First, find the BOYS FAN word in each sentence below. HIGHLIGHT THE COORDINATE CONJUNCTION, and then PUT a comma in front of it.
1. Fred dashed behind the barrel so Janet scrambled up the tree.
2. Mr. Birosak packs his suitcase but he forgets his hairpiece on the bed.
3. A young crocodile floats in the swamp and the water is murky.
4. Delbert doesn't eat peanuts yet he eats the shells.
5. This bucket is leaking or the floor was already wet.
Exercise 3:
Use BOYS FAN words to rewrite these run-on sentences. Pick the connector which best glues the two ideas together. DO ON PAPER!!!
1. Ravenous Ravenal snatched up the last French fry I ate the rest of the hamburger.
2. The angry driver blew the car's horn the Mustang in front of the car was dallying at the stoplight.
3. Senta works days in a hot dog joint at night she washes cars at the car wash.
4. That herd of rhinos will check into the Bighorn Motel they will continue to gallop down the interstate highway.
5. Hazel and Henrietta grow radishes in their garden they hate to eat them.
6. Tulip Tanski, the class president, called the meeting to order it was time to begin.