Algiers Point Association Board of Directors

Minutes of Meeting of July 20, 2017

Board Members in attendance were: Susan Aspinwall, Rob Booms, Ralph Bradshaw, Brian Dufour, Kelsey Foster, Skip Gallagher, Vlad Ghelase, Paul Langenwalter, Leann Logsdon, Jeremy Miller, Gary Mouton, and Marty Stroble.Leighton Barrett Strong,Connie Burks, Virginia Hebert, Tom Roche,and Tricia Sperier were absent.

Minutes: The minutes of the June 15th board meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report:Available funds total $24,566.79. A transfer in the amount of $15,462.84 was made from Capital One to Chase, with $1000.00 remaining in a GulfCoast account. The report was approved.

Presentation by Susannah Burley of SOUL (Sustaining Our Urban Landscape):

Ms. Burley reported that 85 trees have been planted in Algiers. The APA funded 50 of those trees at a cost of $6000.00. SOUL is requesting that the Algiers Point Association underwrite the planting of 50 additional trees. The request was tabled.

Presentation by Fay Faron on the Wednesdays on the Point (WOTP) concert series:

Ms. Faron provided information on the Wednesdays on the Point concert series, which was postponed until after Labor Day to avoid the high water level on the batture during the summer months and to allow time to garner sponsorships. (The now-closed First NBC Bank had been a major sponsor at $15,000.) She requested that the APA become a sponsor of WOTP this year so that the concerts can take place in the fall. The board discussed the potential benefits Wednesdays on the Point might bring to the neighborhood, including promotion of the Home Tour and the neighborhood in general, support for local bands, and the overall community spirit engendered by the series. The board was generally in favor of supporting Wednesdays on the Point this year and options will be explored by the officers. The Algiers Economic Development Foundation (AEDF) will draw up several possible sponsorship packages for the committee to consider.

Old Business:

The BehrmanPark outdoor pool is scheduled to be replaced by an indoor pool after this summer. As a result of citizen input, the depth of the new pool will now be five feet instead of four feet. Expanded involvement by Algiers residents is necessary to ensure that the new facility meets the needs of the entire West Bank Orleans Parish community whom it will be serving. However, the APA will not be further involved with the issue.

Planning & Zoning Committee Report:

a)NOLACityBeach. Joe Bonney of the Algiers Point Condominiums spoke to the board and reported that his association has requested that the Army Corps of Engineers contact them if the City Beach developers submit an application to the Corps for any construction permits.

b)Riverfront Overlay District Ordinance. The APA will continue to advocate for language in the ordinance that requires riverfront developers to provide visual and pedestrian access to the Mississippi River, public amenities, adequate parking, green infrastructure, and sensitivity to Algiers Point being a National Historic District. The City Council has not yet determined whether the new ordinance will apply to the west bank. APA Planning & Zoning Committee members will continue to monitor the proposed ordinance as well as City Council’s actions on the Master Plan amendments.

Neighborhood Improvement Committee Report:

a)Several “Scoop Dat” bag dispensers for pet waste, constructed and donated by Mr. Jamie Hunt, have been painted by volunteers and are ready for installation. Sue reported that the SPCA is providing the bags.

b)Opelousas Avenue Neutral Ground.Opelousas Avenue is being mowed but not raked. Two individuals mow ConfettiPark and VeteransPark, respectively.

Membership and Communications Committee Report: Kelsey asked for suggestions for the new APA website, which is ready for launch. Jeremy will work with her.

Events Committee Report:

a)The committee met to plan an array of events for the year, the first of which would be a Meet and Greet at Riverside Fitness Center at Federal City tentatively on August 26th.

b)The Home Tour is seeking nominations of homes to complement public buildings suggested for the tour. Expenses include promotional postcards and ads as well as a patron party for homeowners and volunteers. A scaled-back tri-fold program is planned. The board approved up to $4000.00 for the Home Tour.

c)An all-purpose APA banner is needed to be used at events.

d)The board approved a request of $750.00 for the Confetti Kids Candyland Ball, to be held at Mardi Gras World (westbank) on September 16th from 4:00-8:00 PM.

e)Planning for a Holiday Concert Series (Sundays and Wednesdays in December) and APA Membership Party (December 9th – Compass Point) is in progress.

Canal Street Ferry Terminal Railroad Overpass. Funding for the promised railroad overpass is still being sought by the city and Transdev. The APA will continue to monitor the situation to make sure it happens.

Revised APA By-Laws: The board reviewed a revised edition of the APA By-Laws to conform to 501 (c)(3) requirements. The revision was approved with the addition of a Public Safety Committee to the list of standing committees.

Crime Cameras: The board approved a $150.00 crime camera grant.

Community Meetings:Board members are monitoring green efforts around the city, including a bike share pilot program scheduled to be launched in the near future.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:01 PM.