Short Lab Report

A short report is to be hand-written (neatly please) on engineering paper. If you already have it typed, or If you prefer to have it typed, it is also acceptable.

The following is parts of the short report in sequence:

1. A cover page.

Cover page contains:

- Experiment Title

- Experimenter's Name

- Group Number

- Course Number (MAE 244) and Instructor's Name (Dr. Kang)

- Date of Experiment Performed

2. Simple Schematic:

- It may be drawn in 3D (2D is okay too). Please use a straight edge.

- Or to save time, instead of drawing it, you may use a digital picture (picture may be printed on

regular white paper, instead of on engineering paper).

- All major components must be labeled (what needs to be labeled will be announced in the lab

or by email)

- Feel free to add your own pictures and/or drawings.

3. Analysis of Results:

The questions in the handout guides you in performing the analysis. Refer to the questions in

the handout. Only questions that are typed in regular letters are the ones that needs to be

answered in this section. Plots from spreadsheet programs on regular white papers may be

included in this section. Also, this section does not have to be divided into a separate "Data-

Reduction" and "Comparisons" sections (as shown in the "GUIDELINES FOR WRITING A LAB

REPORT"), however, which equations that are being used must be shown as you are

answering the questions.

note: You don't have to show any equation when performing regression (such as in finding

the slope of the stress strain curve by linear regression).

4. Discussion:

Almost similar to the analysis section but slightly different, only questions that are typed in

italics are to be answered in this discussion section. Answers must be clearly supported by the

results by including numbers (for example ..% difference was small...% difference < 5%). At the

end of this section, limitations and experimental errors must be listed. Any possible source of

error that was observed during the experiment, or that was introduced when performing the

analysis should be mentioned.

5. Appendix:

The raw data sheet must be included in this section. This is very important as it will

aid the instructor/grader in confirming your analysis results. If a raw data sheet is

lost or misplaced, obtain a copy from your group mate, or contact me so I can arrange

a copy to be emailed or given to you.

You may also include any other material that is related to this lab in this section (optional).