Human Services Cluster

Food, Wellness, and Dietetics Program




Instructor: Victoria Miles

Phone: 205-274-9915


Program Goal: The goal of the Cleveland High School Family and Consumer Sciences Department is to provide students with the skills they need in academic/technical education and leadership/career development to become successful in the world of work.

I.Course Description

Dietetics is a one-credit course that provides students with advanced knowledge and skills used in nutrition and dietetics. Major topics include nutrition, meal planning, safety, food science, and professional behavior.

Career and technical student organizations are integral, cocurricular components of each career and technical education course. These organizations serve as a means to enhance classroom instruction while helping students develop leadership abilities, expand workplace-readiness skills, and broaden opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for this course.

II.Culminating Products:

Students are expected to meet all course goals and apply knowledge through real-life situations. A variety of teaching techniques such as small and large group discussions, lecture, labs, and independent work will be used to integrate skills such as decision making, problem solving, and critical thinking. Laboratory experiences are essential in developing real-life skills in managing the work of the family. The work of the family involves skills of nurturing the growth of individuals and families and managing family life in the areas of family living and parenting, nutrition and foods, housing, clothing, resource management. Students will engage in activities, experiences, and assessments that deal with applying synthesizing, and evaluating knowledge and skills. Essay tests, performance assessments, laboratory work, projects reports, products produced, project presentations, and paper-pencil tests will be used to assess the student’s progress in meeting course goals.

III.Course Goals

Students will:

  1. Assess the factors on food and nutrition choices.
  2. Describe major nutrients and functions.
  3. Determine nutrient deficiency diseases.
  4. Determine food modifications required with special diets.
  5. Assess long-term effects of food choices.
  6. Evaluate various types of menus using dietary guidelines.
  7. Analyze food safety measures for handling and processing.
  8. Describe the chemical makeup of major food nutrients.
  9. Evaluate resources for participating in professional associations.
  10. Describe technology and career opportunities in dietetics and nutrition services.

IV.Course Outline: The course outline includes the following majorcontent:

  1. Nutrition:
  2. Various factors that influence food and nutrition choices (1)
  3. Socioeconomic
  4. Psychological
  5. Physiological
  6. Cultural
  7. Religious
  8. Major nutrients and functions in the human body (2)
  9. Nutrient deficiency diseases (3)
  10. Food modifications with special diets (4)
  11. Vegetarian
  12. Sports nutrition
  13. Diabetes
  14. Lactose intolerance
  15. Food allergies
  16. Long-term effects of food choices on a healthy lifestyle (5)
  17. Meal Planning:
  18. Various types of menus (6)
  19. Cycle
  20. Nonselective
  21. Selective
  22. Single use
  23. Plan menus using the dietary guidelines to meet nutritional needs of clients (7)
  24. Common therapeutic diets for suitability (8)
  25. Liquid, Soft, Bland
  26. Diabetic, Calorie-restricted, Calorie-controlled
  27. Fat-restricted, Sodium-restricted
  28. Food preparation techniques that conserve nutrients(9)
  29. Safety:
  30. Principles and procedures of HACCP system (10)
  31. Microorganisms that cause foodborne illness (11)
  32. Symptoms and preventive measures for foodborne illness (12)
  33. Food Science:
  34. Chemical makeup of major food nutrients (13)
  35. Carbohydrates
  36. Fats
  37. Proteins
  38. Vitamins
  39. Minerals
  40. Water
  41. Sensory methods to evaluate food products (14)

V. Professional Behavior:

A. Participation in nutrition and dietetic professional associations (15)

1. Ethical behavior

B. Local, state, and federal legislation, regulations, licensure laws (16)

C. Nutrition resources, services, and agencies in community (17)

D. Human relation skills (18)

VI. Technology and Careers:

A. Technology used in dietetics and nutrition services (19)

B. Career and entrepreneurial opportunities (20)

1. Required credentials

Essential Questions:

  • How will long-term effects of food choices impact nutrition?
  • How can you plan various types of menus to meet common therapeutic diets?
  • Why is it important to recognize the microorganisms that cause foodborne illness?
  • What is the chemical makeup of the major food nutrients?
  • How can you participate in nutrition and dietetic professional associations?
  • What technology is used in dietetics and nutrition services?

Course Assessment Procedures: Students will receive their grades based on daily participation, laboratory experiences, projects, notebooks, homework and test. Each category will be equally weighted to determine the student’s final average. Course work will be weighted as followed:

Formative Assessment30%

  • (Daily Participation, Quizzes, Homework, In Class Work)

Summative Assessment70%

  • (Exams, Essays, Projects, 9 Weeks Exam)


Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)



Text, Fees and Required Supplies:


2. Class Fees- $20.00.-This is used to help buy other supplies, groceries, etc.

3. FCCLA DUES- $13.00

4. Supplies: binder/notebook,paper, pencil, or black/blue

ink pen

Classroom Policies:

Attendance:It is important to be in class so you can learn and have high grades.

Tardies:Allowed 2 tardies/semester; 3rd=referral

Late/Make-up Work:Make-up: Excused-3 days, Unexcused/Susp.= 0

Cheating:Zero tolerance for cheating/All parties involved will receive 0/Further

punishment will be evaluated at time of offense

Cell Phone/Electronic Devices:Used for instructional purposes only

Restroom:Go to restroom before/after my class

**All school and county board policies will apply in my classroom.**

Classroom Expectations:

1. Arrive on time for class.

2. Come to class prepared.

3. Walk to your seat quietly while keeping your hands, feet, and other objects to


4. Stay seated at all times.

5. Start on your “Bell Work” as soon as you get in the room.

6. Raise your hand if you would like permission to talk.

7. Listen to your classmates as they speak and ask questions.

8. When I raise my hand, that’s the signal to get quiet, put your eyes on me, and listen.

9. Keep your purses, backpacks, bags on the floor, under your desk or hanging on the back of your desk.

10. Clean up after yourself. Keep your desk and work area clean.

11. Keep your trash in a pile by your desk/work area and throw it all away at once as

you leave class.

12. Class will be dismissed by Mrs. Miles.

Classroom Rules:

1. Be polite and RESPECTFUL at all times.

2. Arrive on time and come prepared for class. (notebook, pen/pencil) Responsible

3. Only talk when you have permission.

**4. Food, Candy, Drinks, and Gum are not allowed in my classroom.

5. Personally owned iPods, iPhones, iPads, cellular/electronic devices will only be

permitted in my classroom for instructional purposes.

6. Follow all classroom and school policies and procedures.

**Food and drinks will be used on days we participate in cooking labs. No other


Classroom Consequences:

Unacceptable behavior (Disruption, Disrespect, Defiance, etc.) will NOT be tolerated.

1st Offense: Warning

2nd Offense: Teacher/Student Conference

3rd Offense: Contact Parent

4th Offense: Office Referral

**Any major offense (profanity, fighting, etc.) can be sent directly to an administrator.**

Nondiscrimination Policy:

It shall be the policy of the Board that the school district shall place an equal emphasis on the nondiscriminatory provision of educational opportunities for children and no person shall be denied the benefits of any education program or activity on the basis of race, color, disability, creed, national origin, religion, age or sex. All programs offered by statutory and judicial requirements.

The Blount County Board of Education provides a variety of support services and opportunities for its students. Among them are Special Education, At-Risk Student Support, and Problem Solving Team (PST).

Philip Hazelrig, Blount County Board of Education

PO Box 578/Oneonta, AL 35121/205-625-4102

Parent and Student Contract

I, ______, have read and understand the rules, procedures, and expectations for my Family and Consumer Sciences class. I have had the opportunity to ask Mrs. Milesabout any questions or concerns I have about this class. I pledge to uphold the policies as given. I agree to do my very best in all assignments and to ask for help when needed.

Student’s signatureDate


I, ______, have read my child’s class syllabus,and I am aware of what will be expected of my child. I agree to support my child’s education, and I understand that it takes the student, the teacher, and parents/guardians working together to help ensure success.

Parent’s/Guardian’s SignatureDate


Parent/Guardian Printed Name: ______

Home Telephone #:______

Work and/or Cell #:______

E-mail Address: ______

Does your child have any food allergies, cleaning chemical allergies, etc.?


Does your child have access to a computer at home? ______

Can your child access the Internet from this computer? ______

Additional comments you would like to make: ______

Students are required to return this page by:

Friday, August 18, 2017

Thank you!