Minutes of a meeting of the Royal Naval Association Torrevieja Branch

Held at El Paraiso Urb Jardin Del Mar on Wednesday 5th December 2012

In Attendance:

Mike Wright Chairman

Danny Kay Vice Chairman / Membership Secretary

Margaret Forshaw Secretary

John Forshaw Treasurer

June Williams Social Committee (Raffles)

Pamela Cluney Welfare Volunteer

Robin Hargrave Welfare Volunteer

Colin Holloway Welfare Volunteer

Baz Winwood P R O

In Attendance:26 Full Members, 14 Associate Members and 4 visitors.

Apologies Received: J & P Prince, J. Billet, R. Lyon, H. Goodman, L & C Brown,

S. Kane, L. Haig, C. Ramscar and A. Deathers.

The Chairman opened the meeting at 1710 and welcomed S/Mates, Members and Visitors. He informed everyone that as our venue was booked for another function immediately after our meeting, we would have to hasten along.

Members then stood for the Shipmates prayer, and a period of silence was observed in remembrance of those who had fallen since our last meeting.

The Chairman asked for acceptance of the minutes of our last meeting. This was proposed by Robin Hargrave and seconded by Tony Aldridge. The Chairman asked if there were any matters arising: Robin Hargrave pointed out there was a mistake in the name of the company who put on a show in aid of the poppy appeal this should have been the ‘Footlights Theatre Company’ and not ‘Footnotes dance company’.With this amendment the minutes were unanimously accepted.

Chairman’s Report:

Mike thanked everyone who had attended Remembrance Day service and all who had been at the floral parade on what was a very cold day. He thanked Bob Harrison who paraded our standard and Danny who paraded the standard on Remembrance Day.

Mike thanked everyone who had brought food to be given to the Alimentos Solidarios.He has been in touch with Graham Knight and it has been arranged for the donations to be handed over on Tuesday 11thDecember at 1100, to which we are all invited.

Mike told members that sadly we will shortly saying goodbye to Baz and Madeline Winwood who are returning to the U K. Mike gave thanks to Baz who as our P R O has been a great help, and for all the help and support that he has always given Mike and the branch over the years. Both will be greatly missed.

Mike told the branch that while the P R O is not a particularly time consuming job, but it is an important one. The post needs to be filled as quickly as possible, and asked for a volunteer. Terry Watson said he would be prepared to take it on. Mike thanked Terry on behalf of the branch.

Baz then said he had emptied his cellar and all the bottles were on the counter.Members were invited to help themselves to whatever they wanted, and to put what they thought it was worth in a collection pot. All of the money would be given to the Treasurer for the charity pot.

Mike told members that after stand easy the Treasurer would have the total amount in the charity fund. This will be given away in the next few days to the charities voted for. The three charities were D E B RA (butterfly children), the children’s charity at Elche E Maus and the RN RM children’s fund.

Mike asked for more volunteers to help on the Welfare and Social committes. Dick Conway is trying to put a social programme for 2013, but unfortunately he is not too well just now, and therefore not with us this evening.

Our Christmas party takes place on Wednesday the 12thDecember.

There will be a social function in February. If possible it will be held on Valentines’ night, but if the planned venueis not available on that evening, then the function will be held as near as possible to that date and will be a ‘Ladies Night’. Due to the divided opinion on venues, it is proposed that this will be held at the Olympia Restaurant.

Mike reminded everyone that our A G M is in March and nominations for the posts of Chairman and Secretary must be given to the Secretary by the end of our January meeting. Mike said that he wants to stand down as he has been Chairman for 4 years, and before that Vice Chairman and previous to that he was our Standard Bearer. He really feels it is time for a change.

Danny has made it clear that he does not want to take the post but would if necessary, which means we need a volunteer to take over as Vice Chairman and membership secretary. Mike reminded everyone that this is not an option, but it is a mandatory requirement, so we really do need some volunteers.

Elizabeth McCullum asked why the seating for the Remembrance Day service was badly organised and why numbers were not taken in advance. Mike explained that the RNA attend merely as invited guests and therefore this matter is completely outside his control. He suggested that Elizabeth contact the RBL who organise the event.

Vice Chairman’s / Membership Secretary’s Report:

Danny had nothing to report.

Secretary’s Report:

The November circular is on the desk, and this will be the last one this year as HQ feel that a lot of branches don’t meet in January. The minutes of this years’ National Conference are also on the desk.HQ gave a reminder that branches are strongly encouraged to relax rig from blazer and tie for regular or routine meetings. They say that this is not a lowering of standards, but recognition that different occasions require a different approach. They recommend polo shirts or jumpers (which they just happen to have in stock).

Open days next year are 19thApril, 10thMay, 28thJune, 20htSeptember and 11thOctober. Numbers are limited, so if interested please see Margaret asap.

The details have been finalised for the Memorial design competition: details are in the circular.

There is an important message from the Director of the Royal Marines Museum. It is proposed to move the museum from Eastney to Portsmouth dockyard. This is dependant on technical aspects and funding. Again, details are in the circular.

Margaret has a catalogue of Maritime books which are for sale: if interested the catalogue is on the desk.

HQ have been notified of our change of venue.

Treasurer’s Report:

John gave members a summary of our finances which are healthy.

The charity fund will be wound up tonight after the money from the sale of Baz’s wines and the hamper raffle have been added. He gave the value of the stock held which he was advised by his auditors to reduce each year. To this end a sale will be held early next year.As always, the accounts are available should any member wish to see them.

Welfare Report;

We still need volunteers to cover large areas, no one reported sick. Pamela Cluney pointed out she is also the notice board keeper which she brings to every meeting. This month there are details of the carol service in Torrevieja and information ref the winter fuel allowance which all can claim with details of the web site. Mike urged members to have a look each month as important details will be available.

Danny still available to take money and names for Christmas party.

P R O:

Nil Report.

Mike informed members that our past President and social secretary Dave Hutson has had further heart problems and has been told that doctors can do no more. Mike will be sending him our good wishes.

Any Other business:

Danny said he is now accepting subs for next year.

Eddie Cowan said the January quiz between the RM and R N will be held at Casa Ventura on January 29th at 1900.

The sale of Baz’s wines raised €60 and the raffle for the hamper €92. This will be added to the charity fund.

There being no further business the chairman closed the meeting at 1815. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday January 2nd 2013 at El Paraiso Urb Jardin Del Mar at 1700.

Addendum: Hands up who apart from Danny noticed the secretary’s deliberate mistake !!! The November minutes were headed December! As this was not picked up at ‘matters arising’, when only the wrong name for the theatre company was mentioned this is now rectified with my apologies.