Institute for Marketecology (IMO) ·Weststr. 51· CH-8570 Weinfelden Fon: +41-71-6260626 Fax: +41-71-6260623

IMO II 00.1.5 G-e Request for Inspection and Certification OVP

We herewith would like to receive a provisional cost estimation for an IMO Off-farm input Verification Procedure (OVP)1 for the following project (please type):

The requested information is needed to send you a realistic cost-estimation for the approval procedure and to ensure that the pre-conditions for a successful certification are basically fulfilled. All information will be handled strictly confidential.

Mandator: / Company, full address, person in charge:
Tel: Fax: Email:
Location of Project / Where is the operator(s) situated? Next airport & Travel time from next airport? How to get there?
In which currency do you want to receive your offer? € CHF
Inspection and/or Certification/approval is requested for the use in organic agriculture according to the following standards[1]
EU Regulations (EC) No. 834/2007 and 889/2008(Europe) / NOP (US)
JAS (Japan) / Others:

Production or Storage Premises

Please list all the premises (on site or at different location) in which products are stored or processed in your company or in the responsibility of your company.

Name of the premises / Location and Function

Subcontracted Activities (for Processing, Storage etc)

Please list all companies which you have subcontracted for organic processing or handling and an overview (e.g. contracted warehouses, contracted processing or packing units).

Subcontracted company / Location and Activity

Product specifications

We kindly ask you to duplicate and fill this page forevery product to be approved. All information provided will be handled strictly confidential.

Commercial name of the product:
Type of product (Soil conditioner, pesticide, Growth Stimulant, herbicide etc.):
Ingredients (including solvents, stabilisers, carriers etc)
Please indicate the chemical name. / CAS - Number / % in Final product / Production process and Technology
yes / no / Remark
Has the product been registered for official use for a certain purpose? If yes give details
Has the product been approved for the use in organic agriculture by any other certifier?
Is there any risk of genetically modified ingredients/ auxiliaries or products thereof? (If yes, give details)
Has the product been irradiated? (If yes, give details in annex)
Is this a byproduct of any industrial process (e.g. stillage)? (If yes, give details in annex)
Is the product required to be registered in the country of production or use (e.g. CIB, India)?

Place/date/signature (electronically): …

IMO II 00.1.5 G-e Application form OVP.doc
Page 1 of 2 / Drafted
04.2011 ta / Checked
05.2011 lit / Approved
05.2011 gw / Version 1

[1] Approval according to the EU-Regulation is the most common. NOP & JAS are separate certification programmes which can be requested individually. If combined with other certifications/approvals (e.g. EU certification) the inspection can cover all programmes, but additional costs for each certification schemes apply.