Rural Schools and Sustainability Survey

The purpose of this survey is to collect information on rural schools and sustainability.
This research project has been approved by the Flinders University Social and Behavioural Research Ethics Committee. For more information regarding ethical approval of the project the Secretary of the Committee can be contacted by telephone on 8201 5962, by fax on 8201 2035 or by email .

Note: it would be helpful if name and contact information could be provided when you return the survey. However, this is entirely optional. Thank you.

Section One:

Name (optional):
School Name:
Type of School (please tick): / Area
Other (please specify)
Distance from Adelaide (please tick): / 100 km
101 – 250 km
251 – 500 km
> 501 km
Current school enrolment:
Enrolment trend (please tick): / Likely to remain stable
Likely to increase
Likely to decrease
Estimated enrolment for 2013:
Phone Contact (optional):
Email Contact (optional):

Tick the box to give consent for your survey responses to be used in the research study entitled: Rural Sustainability: exploring some common understandings

Completed surveys can be returned by email, post or fax.

Email: /
Post: / Polly Holmes
School of Education
Flinders University
GPO Box 2100, SA 5001
Fax: / 8201 3184


You are invited to provide a response to each of the following questions. You may find it helpful when developing your responses to think about matters such as curriculum, staffing, community perceptions about the future, child and youth aspirations, funding, state and Commonwealth policies and the impacts of globalisation. Please click on the shaded area and type your answers in the boxes below. The boxes will automatically expand to fit your response.

1. How do you think rural schools could play a role in progressing a sustainable local community?

2. What role does your school play in supporting the sustainability of your community?

3. What do you think is currently helping your school support the sustainability of your community?

4. What do you think is currently inhibiting your school’s capacity to support the sustainability of your community?

5. What would you like to see happen that would support the sustainability of your community?

6. Any other comments you would like to make about rural schools and sustainability?

Please ensure your completed survey reaches us by Friday 8th August 2008

Thank you for your support.