Wireless World Research Forum
Minutes of the Steering Board Meeting #25 Teleconference of January 17th, 2005
· Vinod Kumar Alcatel, France
· Vino Vinodrai Bell Mobility, Canada (from 3pm CET)
· Fiona Williams Ericsson, Germany
· Hakan Ohlsen Ericsson, Sweden
· Brigitte Cardinael FT-R&D, France
· Stefan Arbanowski Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany
· Pierre Chevillat IBM
· Constantinos Papadias Lucent, USA
· Amardeo Sarma NEC, Germany
· Mikko Uusitalo Nokia, Finland
· Andy Jefferies Nortel, UK
· Mark Knaden (?) Nortel, UK
· Jack Lee Samsung
· Werner Mohr Siemens, Germany (Joined at 3pm)
· David Falconer Carlton University, Canada
· Ernesto Zimmermann Univ of Dresden, Germany
· Petri Mahonen Univ of Aachen, Germany
· Julie Kritikou (replacing Panagiotis) Univ of Piraeus, Greece
· Nigel Jefferies Vodafone
Delegates absent / Sponsor Member Organisations not represented
· Harald Johansen EURESCOM, Germany
· Larry Swanson Intel, US
· B.K. Yi LG Electronics
· Miguel Pellon Motorola-USA
· Angela Sasse University College of London
· Raytheon-USA
· Huawei Corporation, China
Introduction :
The SB meeting #25 was a teleconference held between 1pm and 4pm (GMT) on the 17th of January 2005. The teleconference facilities were set up by Nokia.
Topic 0: Welcome and approval of agendaAfter a quick exchange of New year greetings and a few words of welcome by MU, the meeting started by the approval of the proposed agenda with an additional item under the AoB.
Topic 1: Review of Action Points up to SB Meeting no #24 and Approval of Minutes of the Toronto MeetingThe report of the Toronto meeting was approved. Some editorial type of comments had been received from Werner Mohr and Nigel Jeffries.
The APs till the Toronto meeting were reviewed. The new status is indicated in the AP List attached to this report. The details about the accomplished actions for the APs specifically discussed in the meeting are provided below :
AP24.1 : MU contacted the WWRF Designated Representative of Univ of Dortmund. He explained that due to the change in his responsibilities, he could no longer usefully contribute to the forum work and hence resigned from the WWRF membership.
AP24.3 : IEEE Com Soc has informed that they cannot reserve any specific slots/issues for WWRF outputs and will continue to consider our contributions on case by case basis. Rahim is requested to continue to follow-up with IEEE.
AP24.4 : Dr Jack Lee could not comment on the WWRF Communication Plans for Asia as he was participating mainly to report on the arrangements for WWRF#13. Lee promised to forward reminder to colleagues in Samsung.
AP24.5 : BC provided a brief account of WWRF participation in the SDR Forum meeting in Phoenix. Her presentation, based on a mix of FT and WWRF strategy, was well received by the forum delegates. The Panel on Seamless Mobility Solutions was well attended and one of the possible conclusions recorded was that some solutions for this problem were already available. Also, it was stated that there were some common elements of approach between SDR Forum and WG6-WWRF strategy. However, SDR Forum was working quite clearly towards the implementation solutions for DARPA and US Defence applications.
AP24.14 : The WWRF has been granted the Tax Exempt status. The AoA modifications required for formalizing this status have already been discussed during the Toronto meeting. This has to be presented to the GA during the next WWRF meeting. The already paid tax needs to be claimed back. See AP25.1 and AP25.18 (recorded after the meeting)
AP24.18 VK stated that 16 nominations have been received from the Sponsor Members for the participation in the SB. The nomination of Huawei, though received after the formal deadline, was accepted because there had been some delay in communication of Call for Nominations to them.
The AoA suggests that the maximum number of SB members is limited to 15. It was suggested that since all the nominated members are very rarely present in the meetings, there may never be a real problem wrt to the AoA. If in the event of voting (on some issue discussed by the SB), all the 16 nominated members were present, a decision to select only 15 voting members will be taken by the SB on the spot. Hence, it was suggested that the present procedure should be concluded at this point. However, this change of mode of operation of the SB needs to be communicated to the GA. See AP25.2.
Topic 2 : Membership IssuesThree new membership applications have been received after the Toronto meeting. These are from:
Full Membership starting 1st of January 2005
- Reyerson University, Canada
- Innovalia, Spain
- University of Kiel, Germany.
These membership applications were approved by the SB. Additionally, the meeting was informed about the results of multiple teleconferences during the previous weeks related to the inconsistencies in the WWRF Membership Lists. Almost all the inconsistencies had been removed and there were a few editorial corrections needed and the case of Univ of Rome needs to be clarified.
Topic 3 : Status Report on the WWRF#13Dr Jack Lee from Smasung informed the SB that :
- Eight rooms with capacity between 20 to 330 persons have been reserved for the two days of the meeting in the Conference Hotel. Two rooms for the Visions Committee and SB meetings have been reserved too on the respective days (28th February and 1st March)
- Banner design was on-going and it was suggested that the new logo and new graphic elements should be used for this design. See AP25.3.
- Only 2 registrations had been received till the 17th Jan.
- The proposed Plenary Speaker List was under consideration by the Samsung management and a decision was expected by Friday the 21st January. See AP25.4 related to the WWRF#13 agenda in general.
Following additional points were discussed :
- The Student Grants: are at the first step managed by the Sponsoring Organisation who claims it from the WWRF Treasurer as for the participation fee for the AURI members.
- Friday the 4th March has been made available for the WG meetings. So far, SIG1, SIG2, SIG3 and WG4 have asked for additional time for meeting.
- Samsung was requested to market the conference with the Operator and University organizations in Korea and Asia in general. It was suggested that all the possible means (mailing lists from EC, European or other collaborative projects etc…) should be used to ensure extensive coverage about WWRF#13. Additionally, the idea of a systematic approach for future meetings was suggested. See AP25.5 and AP25.6.
- Dr Joao Da Silva would be invited for a plenary presentation. See AP25.7.
- All attempts were being made to get a high level person (if not the Chair or Vice Chair directly) from IPDC – Forum. See AP25.7
- It was suggested that though all the links were available, the presentation of information related to the Hotel Reservation for the meeting needed to be clarified. Dr Lee was requested to send the information to Karin Becker. See AP25.8.
- Since the inflow of contributions had been rather slow thus far, the idea of the extension of the deadlines for submission and acceptance was discussed in detail. David Falconer (WG4 Chair) suggested that though the selection procedure etc was clear, the schedule for different steps seemed quite compressed. It was not very clear if the extension of deadlines for submission would help. The idea of a soft deadline was proposed and recorded and all the WG Chairs were requested to inform the SB about the status of contributions on the 24th of May. The final decision on this issue was left to MU. SeeAP25.9 and AP25.10.
- The SIG elections are planned to be held during the next WWRF meeting. VK plans to issue a call for nominations on 21st Of January. The closing date of nominations is 15th of February. See AP25.11.
Topic 4 : Future WWRF Meetings.- The delegates from Intel or LGE being absent from the meeting, no information related to the June meeting of the Forum was available. MU plans to write to Dr. BK Yi and Larry Swanson to request further information. See AP25.12.
- BC informed that FT Communication department had prepared a short list of six candidate hotels in Paris and the availability and pricing for the dates of 7th and 8th December are being checked.
Topic 5: Results of WWRF Strategy Planning WorkshopMU made a thorough presentation of the conclusion slides prepared by Ross Pow of Analysys after the workshop in Toronto. These slides had been distributed to the SB members. It was requested that the updated set of slides should be sent again to the SB. See AP25.13.
However, a near consensus on the following subjects of future work in WWRF seemed to emerge :
- Harmonisation of Wireless Communications (including inter working and interoperability between systems)
- Harmonisation of technical views on topics not yet ready for standardization but having been sufficiently advanced by the research community.
- System Design for B3G
- B3G standardization aspects for inter working
- Attempt towards a universal wireless standard
Additionally, the re-allocation of responsibilities of the existing positions according to the operating plan was briefly discussed as was the allocation of responsibilities for the three new positions defined after the workshop. The candidates for three new positions were requested to submit proposals. See AP25.14 and AP25.15.
Topic 6 : Any Other BusinessTwo topics were discussed:
- White Papers : It has been observed that the draft version of some White Papers are available on the public areas of the WWRF web sites (main or the WG related). MU reiterated the requirement of correcting this state of affairs. All the WG Chairs were requested to contacted Eurescom. See AP25.16.
- WWRF Answers to the ITU Questionnaire related to the Convergence of Digital Industries:
MU reported that the WWRF Vision Committee had reached the final draft of this document and some the additional comments will be incorporated as decided during the next teleconference on the 20th January, 2005. It was explained that the subject of Broadcasting was not taken into account as the ITU-R Working Party 8F was not directly responsible for the subject.
Hakan Ohlsen was requested to check the formal procedure of document submission. See AP25.17
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