A Unit of Security Printing & Minting Corporation of India Ltd., New Delhi
(Wholly owned by Govt. of India, Ministry of Finance)
TelePhone : 040 - 27261731 TO 34 e -mail:
Fax : 040 – 2726 2951 P.B.No.10, H.C.L.Post, I.D.A., PHASE- II,
HYDERABAD- 500 051
No. X-24/ PS /2012-13/ENQ.NO.142/Estate/3216 Date : 08.03.2013
Limited Tender
Sealed Limited Tender are invited by the General Manager, India Government Mint, Hyderabad for CARRYING OUT THE JOB as per description.
Pl. Also refer the Annexure “A” enclosed. / Treating the
Total work as One job.
This notice is being published only as an abundant precaution and is not an open invitation to quote in the Tender. Participation in this Tender by invitation only and is limited to the Selected India Government Mint, Hyderabad’s Registered Bidders for the item, whom have been sent this Tender by Post / Courier. Unsolicited offers are liable to be ignored”
Terms and Conditions relating to Tender: -
1.The tenderer is requested to go through all the terms and conditions of the tender enquiry before he
2. Last Date for acceptance of tender is 09. 04.2013up to 2.30PM. The Tender received after due
date and time will not be accepted for whatsoever reasons. Mint is not responsible for postal / courier
3.(a)The Tender will be opened at 3.00 P.M. on 09.04.2013 in the presence of
tenderers who may wish to be present.
(b Specific instructions to be followed while carrying out the above work/job
have been given in the Annexure “A” enclosed herewith.
(c) The participating parties may visit, inspect the
area/premises from where wild vegetation should be removed,may evoluate
and quote accordingly
4. The tenderer who wish to attend bid opening, must have to submit authorization certificate of the
respective firm/ party at the time of bid opening.
5. The General Manager, India Government Mint, Cherlapally, Hyderabad reserves the right to reject all or
any of the tenders without assigning any reason. His decision will be final and binding on the tenderer
and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
6.The General Manager, India Government Mint, Cherlapally, Hyderabad reserves the right to Short
close/Foreclose the Purchase/Work order at any given point of time without assigning any reason(s)
7. The General Manager, India Government Mint, Hyderabad does not bind himself to issue a single
Purchase Order for all the above mentioned items and he reserves the right to issue separate
Purchase Order for above mentioned items.
8. Quotations must be on Letter Head for identifying the firm Quotation sent by e-mail or fax will not be
considered unless the hard copy of quotation reaches India Government Mint, Hyderabad on or before
09.04.2013up to 2.30 P.M.
9. Quotations will not be considered:
a. If rates are not quoted as per the quantities asked for.
b. If EMD is not enclosed along with quotation when required as mentioned overleaf.
10. Taxes & Duties, Packing, Forwarding, Insurance if any should be mentioned separately
and the details there of should be mentioned in the quotation.
11.More than one quotation in a single sealed envelope will not be considered
12. Quotation and rate should be valid for 90 Days from the date of opening.
13. Tenderer must mention that they will scrupulously follow the specific terms given in Annexure A
incarrying out the job.
14. In case the qualified firm could not carryout the job as asked for and taking precautions as specified in
Annexure –A and if Mint has to carryout the same by some other firm, that cost shall be to the account
of the firm on which initially this order was placed
15. Delivery Period: The contract initially shall be for a period of one year and work has to be carried out
once in a quarter.
16. Wherever the order value exceeds Rs.1,50,000/- you are required to submit security
deposit i.e. an amount equal to 10% of the order value before release of order for faithful
performance/execution of the order.
17. Payment will be made within 30 days quarterly after due certification by the concerned Officers/
Authority and subject to submission of bill in triplicate. No advance payment will be made.
18 Income tax shall be recovered at source as per rules wherever applicable.
19. Payment will be made by e-payment only & for the purpose of e-payment kindly ensures to
submit the following information of your Bank details along with Quotation: I. Applicant (Remitter)
Details: Account Title, Debit Account No., Account Type: Current /Saving / Cash Credit etc., II.
Beneficiary Details: Beneficiary Name, Credit Account No., Centre (Location), Name of Bank along
with Address & Branch Code. III. Account Type: IFSC Code, MICR Code, Email I.D. and Mobile
Number of the beneficiary.
20. Please mention your VAT / Service Tax Registration No., PAN No.
21. While submitting your offer, please return the original Tender Enquiry duly signed by you.
22. Correct Enquiry number and opening date should be super scribed on the sealed envelopes.
23. Quotation to be submitted in Indian Rupees (INR) only.
24. Liquidated damages: - If the firm engaged in the contract fails to deliver the thins, ie. if there is any
delay in carrying out the job or fails to perform
the services within the time frame in corporated in the contract, India Government Mint,
Hyderabad shall, without prejudice to other rights and remedies available to India Government
Mint, Hyderabad. under the contract, deduct from the contract price, as liquidated damages, a sum
equivalent to the 0.5% of the delivered price of the delayed goods and/or services for each week of
delay or part thereof until actual delivery or performance, subject to a maximum deduction of the 10%
of the delayed services contract price..
25. This tender enquiry is not transferable. Unsigned tenders will be rejected.
26. The bidder has to mention whether they come under the Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprise Development Act – 2006.
27. Under no circumstances, the change in the price or substance of the bid is allowed or permitted
During the validity period of the offer. If the tenderer on their own varies or alters the price or any
conditions of their offer already quoted after opening of the tender enquiry, such tender enquiry
shall be rejected without any further reference.
28. Acceptance of job carried out is subject to our approval.
29. No “CONDITIONAL TENDER’’ shall be accepted.
(1) The firm for which the work will be entrusted has to trim all the tree branches
existing inside the factory and Township.
(2) The firm has to clear all the trimmed branches and segregate in the Scrap Yard
Of the Factory.
(3) The firm should remove the tree branches which are protruding over the building of the Factory & Township.
(4) All the Safety measures and precautions has to be taken by the firm while
Executing the work.
(5) The firm has to use all the safety and personal protection equipment while working.
(6) The firm should take all the precautions so that the property of Mint such as
Building roofs, windows, window glasses, machineries, Electrical connections, cables, Etc., should not be demaged. If any damage occurred due to negligence while working, the cost for repair will be recovered from the payment being made to the firm.
(7) The firm has to provide the safety equipment to the deployed persons and the persons should be aware of insects/snakes/live wires, chemicals, electrical installations, etc., while working.
(8) All the tools and tackles should be provided by the firm only.
(9) The Certification and inspection has to be carried out by the Committee members approved by the Dy.G.M.
(10)The work has to be carried out quarterly ( Once in 3 months)