A Review

Build Background

As a group, discuss the following:

Think of teams you have read about or learned about in history. What did they accomplish?


Think about explorers who searched parts of North America or sailed around Africa or around the world for the first time.

Think of the Founding Fathers as a team that helped create the United States.

Unit 2 Week 3 Day 1

A Activity

Leveled Reader: Journey to Hong Kong

Before Reading

Use the illustrations to make predictions about what you will learn about on this “journey” and set a purpose for reading.

During Reading

Read the book independently and answer the questions:

How much of this journey took place before the students left for Hong Kong?

What does this book tell you about Hong Kong?

Critical Thinking

What made the journey a team effort?

How did the San Marcos team compare to other teams? How can you tell?

After Reading

How would the journey have changed if the competition was for individuals?

How would a journey like this affect people/teams you know? Unit 2 Week 3 Day 1

A Review

Draw Conclusions

Review the process of drawing conclusions on p. 230. Sometimes when you draw conclusions you must make inferences. An inference combines new details with what you already know from experience. Think about the book Journey to Hong Kong that you just read. How easy or difficult was the journey? What led you to that infernece or conclusion?

Review the definition of “questioning” and use the strategy as you read Scene Two.

Unit 2 Week 3 Day 2

A Activity

Reading Street Book: Scene Two


Read Scene Two on pp. 234-241 and draw conclusions as you read.

Why is this play called Scene Two? Give more than one reason.

Critical Thinking:

How would you respond to working on this team? Why?

If the teachers knew what was really going on among the students, how would they respond? How do you know?

Unit 2 Week 3 Day 2

A Review

Affixes: Prefixes/Word Structure

The word cooperate means “to work together.” What part or parts could I add to this word to turn it into an adjective for describing someone like Mitch, who sometimes doesn’t work with the rest of the team? I’ll try un-, for “not,” and –ive for “behaving.” The word I make is uncooperative.

Unit 2 Week 3 Day 3

A Activity

Reading Street Book: Scene Two


Read Scene Two on pp. 242-247.

Critical Thinking:

Which of the students would you most like to work with on a team? Why? Use five words with prefixes to describe the character traits of each student you name.

Creative Thinking:

What do you think the skit in Scene Two will turn out to be? Why?

Imagine you have to write a skit about your town’s history. What incident would you most like to see reenacted on a modern-day stage?

Unit 2 Week 3 Day 3

A Activity

Reading Street Book: Home and Front Porch

Before Reading

Read Home and Front Porch on pp. 252-253. Read the genre information about poetry. Preview and set a purpose for reading.

How is the poem, Home, arranged on the page?

Why do you think the poet breaks the poem into two parts?

During Reading

How do the poems differ from the play in how they present ideas?

What can you conclude about the speaker of “Front Porch” – at the present time and in the past?

After Reading

Discuss Reading Across Texts then do Writing Across Texts independently.

Unit 2 Week 3 Day 4

A Activity

Leveled Reader: Journey to Hong Kong

Reread for Fluency

Silently reread passages from Journey to Hong Kong. Then reread them aloud with a partner or individually.


Summarize the main idea and key details from Journey to Hong Kong.

After Reading

Complete any unfinished projects. You may share them with your classmates with the teacher’s permission.

Unit 2 Week 3 Day 5