Events Risk Assessment

The University of New England has an obligation to provide a safe environment to all staff, visitors, service providers and students who attend or provide services for events. Ensuring a safe environment is the responsibility of the event owner and requires a risk management matrix to be completed. This section of the Event Synopsis Form is designed to assist event owners in identifying potential risks and hazards and completing a risk matrix.

Below is a list of event issues that need to be taken into consideration when completing the risk matrix:

Amenities / Are suitable amenities available for the number of invitees
Emergency service access / Are clear access available for emergency services at the event
Insurance / Have you considered public liability and other insurance as required
Smoking legislation / Have all smoke legislative requirements been met
Responsible services of alcohol / Have all RSA legislative requirements been met
Cultural awareness / Have you familiarized yourself with potential cultural sensitivities
Image release form / Are the necessary paperwork in place – NB when children are involved
Legal / Have you submitted any documents with legal implications to Legal Services for review

To manage risk event owners need to control risks associated with hazards using the risk assessment process below:

-  Identify potential risks for your event

-  Access the likelihood for each risk using the risk analysis matrix below

-  Assess the impact of each risk

-  Decide on control measures

-  Note who will be responsible for managing the risk by implementing the control measures

Risk Analysis Matrix

(Source: From HB 205-2004 Occupational Health and Safety Risk)

Level / Descriptor / Description
A / Almost certain / Expected to occur in most circumstances
B / Likely / Will probably occur in most circumstances
C / Moderate / Should occur at some time
D / Unlikely / Could occur at some time
E / Rare / May occur only in exceptional circumstances
Level / Descriptor / Description examples
1 / Insignificant / No injuries
Low financial loss
2 / Minor / First Aid treatment involved
Medium financial loss
3 / Moderate / Medical treatment required
Major financial loss
4 / Major / Extensive injuries
Major financial loss
Offsite release with no detrimental effects
Loss of service
5 / Catastrophic / Death
Huge financial loss
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
A / S / S / H / H / H
B / M / S / S / H / H
C / L / M / S / H / H
D / L / L / M / S / H
E / L / L / M / S / S
H / High risk
S / Significant risk
M / Moderate risk
L / Low risk

Updated 7 January 2014 Page 2 of 3

Risk Management Plan

Activity / Risk / Likelihood of occurring / Impact / Level of Risk / Control Measure / Responsible to Manage
Signing a MoU / Stall in contract negotiations / Unlikely / Major / Moderate / Ensure agreement is reached on a MoU at least 2 weeks before event date and that Legal Services have review it / Event owner
Contact number
Visa delays for international visitors / Possible / Major / Moderate / Consider country specific visa issuing requirements (i.e. it takes longer to obtain a visa from China than US) as part of the planning process.
Prioritise letters of invite from VC. / Event owner
Contact number

Updated 7 January 2014 Page 2 of 3