Accelerated Geometry

Mr. Rafferty


·  Textbook: Core Connections Geometry CPM (College Preparatory Mathematics)

Welcome! CPM is designed to help you think about and develop geometric ideas. My goal as your teacher is to be the facilitator that will help you stay on track as you do your daily assignments and I will also help you summarize the different topics of the lessons. Sometimes, it is necessary for me to do a brief lecture or lead a class discussion, but for the most part, you will be working with your study team to solve the geometric problems. You will become a better, more confident learner in math when you are able to ask and answer your own questions. The Standards for Mathematical Practice will also be explored and implemented in your studies throughout the course.

·  Materials : You will need to keep an organized notebook for this course. Your math notebook must include the following:

§  3 ring binder (1 inch minimum) with graph paper OR

a Graph Ruled spiral notebook /composition book with a folder.

§  2 sharpened or mechanical pencils

§  Optional pouch for loose items

§  Calculators – graphing calculators will be provided for in-class use.

§  Learning Log Tool Kit

·  Classroom Procedures – Daily Routines: Students will be expected to participate and work within their learning teams throughout the year. This structure is emphasized in the course curriculum. Students will be expected to follow the basic rules of Sun Valley. Being respectful to others and prepared for class on a daily basis are necessary in order to succeed. There are four team roles that will be utilized during the year in class. (Resource Manager, Task Master, Facilitator, and Recorder/Reporter). Team collaboration and task completion will be assessed during every chapter. (Participation Quizzes & Team Tests) When using technology, students will be assigned calculators/computers. Students are responsible for notifying me if there is damage prior to their use.

·  Online Resources: Students & Parents are strongly recommended to visit for valuable resources in this course. The Homework Help section provides step-by-step explanations to problems assigned in order to assist you. Visit my teacher website for updates and Google Classroom for assignments and upcoming events.

·  SV Initiatives: SSR and Collins writing will occur as routine in all classes. Technology will also be utilized throughout the school year to learn and assess topics in the curriculum.

·  Grading Policy - The following percentages will be used to calculate your quarterly grade:

60% Tests and Quizzes

10% Team Test

10% Homework

10% Classwork

10% Participation Quiz & Learning Logs

Group Policies & Team Expectations

§  3 or more missed homework assignments during a chapter may result in taking a team test as an individual.

The Midterm Exam and Final Exam are each 10% of the course grade.

·  Assignments will also include standardized test preparation problems. These are cumulative and will not necessarily cover exactly what we are covering in class at a given moment.

Please sign and date below acknowledging that you have read and understand the Geometry Syllabus and submit to me once completed. Students will receive an additional copy with their notebook once turned in. Parents please sign and provide your contact information. Thank you.


Student’s Name Parent/Guardian(s) Name


Student’s Signature & Date Parent/Guardian (s) Signature & Date

Please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.

I look forward to working with you throughout the school year.

Students, please sign up for my REMIND messages….I will use this to send messages, extra credit, updates, etc. Parents may also sign up if you would like to keep up-to-date with our class.

*The message will come as a text message directly to your phone.