Test # ______

Honors Hiroshima Unit Test – Please write on your own paper. (200 total points)

Part I: Match each statement below to the correct name. The items may be used more than once.
(4 points each)

Reverend Tanimoto Father Kleinsorge Mrs. Nakamura Miss Sasaki
John Hersey Mr. Fukai Dr. Fujii Dr. Sasaki

______1.was working in the East Asia Tin Works building when the bomb dropped.

______2.was sitting on the porch of a private hospital when the bomb dropped.

______3.was a young surgeon who was walking through the halls of the Red Cross hospital when the bomb dropped.

______4.was two miles away in Koi helping a friend move when the bomb dropped.

______5.was watching a neighbor through the kitchen window when the bomb dropped.

______6.was sitting in the mission house reading a magazine when the bomb dropped.

______7.purposely ran into a burning building.

______8.was pinned between two poles in the river as a result of the bomb.

______9.had to dig through rubble to locate his/her children who were essentially unharmed.

______10.lost his/her glasses in the blast and had to borrow glasses from someone else in order to perform his/her job well.

______11.severely injured his/her leg when a bookcase fell because of the impact of the bomb.


Part II: Match each vocabulary term to its correct definition.

(3 points each)

____ 1. solicitous / A. fear of strangers or foreigners
____ 2. incendiary / B. characterized by distortions; ugly; bizarre
____ 3. hedonistic / C. dying or close to death
____ 4. xenophobic / D. an eye disease causing partial or total blindness
____ 5. regeneration / E. thought of as having magical power
____ 6. grotesque / F. causing or designed to cause fires
____ 7. vortex / G. showing care, attention, or concern
____ 8. moribund / H. similar or comparable in certain respects
____ 9. immolate / I. a wasting away, especially of body tissue or organs
____ 10. talismanic
____ 11.analogous
____ 12. cataract
____ 13. atrophy
____ 14. cenotaph / J. having to do with pleasure
K. a monument honoring a person whose remains are elsewhere
L. to sacrifice something by burning it
M. renewal or regrowth
N. a whirling mass of water; whirlpool

Part III: Multiple Choice. (4 points each)

  1. What effects did the bomb have on the weather?
  1. Created a drought
  2. Created a rain storm
  3. Rain burned the victims
  4. It became abnormally hot outside
  1. Who stumbled upon the soldiers with the melted eyes?
  1. Mr. Tanimoto
  2. Dr. Sasaki
  3. Father Kleinsorge
  4. Mrs. Nakamura
  1. How many patients flocked to the Red Cross Hospital in the days following the bomb?
  1. 100,000
  2. 1,000
  3. 100
  4. 10,000
  1. Approximately how many people died as a result of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima?
  1. 1,000,000
  2. 50,000
  3. 100,000
  4. 1,000
  1. What feeling overwhelmed Mr. Tanimoto as he walked through Hiroshima after the bomb was dropped?

a. helplessness

b. shame

c. fear

d. honor

  1. What character did not get married as a result of injuries suffered the day of the bomb?

a. Mrs. Nakamura

b. Dr. Sasaki

c. Miss Sasaki

d. Dr. Fujii

  1. Which character helped people on and off boats and assisted in bringing water to many people in the hours and days following the bomb?
  2. Mr. Tanimoto
  3. Father Kleinsorge
  4. Mrs. Nakamura
  5. Dr. Sasaki
  1. Which character became destitute (very poor) after the bomb fell?
  2. Miss Sasaki
  3. Dr. Sasaki
  4. Mr. Tanimoto
  5. Mrs. Nakamura
  1. Which character came to America after the bombing to raise money for the “Hiroshima Maidens”?
  2. Mr. Tanimoto
  3. Dr. Sasaki
  4. Mr. Fukai
  5. Dr. Fujii
  1. Who adored the Japanese culture and eventually changed their last name to Takakura?
  2. Mr. Tanimoto
  3. Miss Sasaki
  4. Dr. Sasaki
  5. Father Kleinsorge
  1. Who helped dying inmates cope with death?
  2. Mrs. Nakamura
  3. Father Kleinsorge
  4. Miss Sasaki
  5. Mr. Tanimoto
  1. Who appeared on the American television show This is Your Life?
  2. Mr. Tanimoto
  3. Mrs. Nakamura
  4. Miss Sasaki
  5. Dr. Fujii
  1. What is the correct name given to victims of the atomic bomb?
  2. Kihakusha
  3. Hibakusha
  4. Biakusha
  5. Kushakiba
  1. What were keloids?
  2. Pink, rubbery scars
  3. Small balls of rice given to survivors in Asano Park
  4. The nickname given to survivors of the bomb
  5. Small Japanese or Chinese boats made of bamboo
  1. What did Robert Lewis, co-pilot of the Enola Gay, write in his log during the bombing?
  2. This day will forever be marked in infamy.
  3. My God, what have we done?
  4. Mission accomplished, returning to base.
  5. YOLO

Part IV: Short answer. Please answer the following questions in complete sentences. (10 points each)

  1. On what date and why did the United States drop the bomb on Hiroshima?
  1. What is radiation sickness? How does one get it, and what are the symptoms of each of its stages?
  1. What were the physical and political effects of the dropping of the bomb on Hiroshima?
  1. The doctor at the East Parade Ground said his first duty was to take care of the slightly wounded. Why?
  1. Do you think the atomic bomb should have been dropped? Argue either for or against the use of the bomb, acknowledging the perspective of the opposing view.