EQAL 2011 – Faculty Workshop for IoE roll out meeting for Heads of Programme Areas / Programme Leaders

1.  Overview of EQAL

·  Brief reminder of EQAL’s aims (what people should know)

o  What is EQAL (what is… slide)

o  Summary of the 4 strands on 1 slide

o  Summary of main outcomes

o  Roadmap

2.  Roles

·  Confirm roles to be carried out - Identify who they are

·  Define role of Unit and Programme Leaders

·  Confirm standard approach (for consistency across programmes)

·  Identify any special issues for the Faculty

3.  Communications

·  Identify and agree a communications mechanism to be used within the Faculty

·  Identification of who to take over all co-ordinating responsibility for communications

·  Identify key communication trigger points (developing a time line for communications)

·  Identify and agree who is responsible at each stage

·  Document agreed actions

4.  Q&A

·  Create a summary of the issues that have been raised so far

·  Note any barriers and take away actions to deal with them

·  Issues to be noted and built into planning process

EQAL Roles and Responsibilities

Key Roles / Outcome / Support
Penny Sweasey – HoD for programmes within the IoE will co-ordinate the EQAL project overall.
EQAL Faculty Co-ordinator
Will work with Karen Castle (PL Quality Enhancement)to coordinate. / ·  PS will identify the key stakeholders for each EQAL strand.
·  Each programme leader / unit leader will be aware of role in delivering EQAL.
·  Liaise with EQAL management group
·  Liaise with CASQE / ADC / Chair FADC
·  Ensure that the approach within the IoE is consistent with the other Faculties / · ensure appropriate materials are available
· organise meetings to share progress
· identify resource needs for key personnel:
o  Alternative to SLTF
o  Cover for MTL to release KC
o  Continuing OfSTED Data management role.
Andy Jones (PVC Learning Technologies) will liaise with PS and Mark Stubbs to deliver the technologies underpinning EQAL. / ·  Identify in consultation with PS staff development and support needs for implementation of EQAL
·  Ensure staff development and training available for the implementation of technological aspects of EQAL. / ·  Negotiate time for all key roles to undertake work in relation to EQAL
·  Negotiate additional support from DVC for technology transfer and implementation
Val Butcher – Secondary UG
Elaine McCreery – Primary UG
Rowena Smith – PDP UG
John Powell – EY & CS UG
Janet Batsleer – Y&C UG / ·  Programme Area coordinators will oversee EQAL in their area.
·  Ensure that the Credit Framework for each programme in their area is consistent with EQAL / ·  Put EQAL on management team meetings and committee agendas
·  Plan additional programme level planning meetings
·  Ensure representation and dissemination from FADC
Ceri Roscoe – Primary BA
Barbara Binns – Sec Maths BA QTS
ANO – Childhood Studies BA
ANO – Youth & Community BA
List all other UG Programme Leaders
VH to check who is leading on what / ·  Programme Leaders will coordinate Unit Leaders in their programmes
·  Ensure all units within their programme is consistent with EQAL Unit Specifications
·  Ensure assessment design in each unit is consistent with EQAL principles. / · Unit leaders to receive EQAL briefing in September from PS / Karen Castle.
· Cohort leaders / Year group leaders to manage overview of new units level by level.

Special factors for Implementation of EQAL in the IoE

Identify any special factors that pertain to your Faculty and how the Faculty Champions will deal with them.

Special factor / Action(s) required
Integration of Placements / Practice credits within ITT and Professional Programmes / To be discussed
Compliance with PSRB requirements / To be discussed
Programmes running longer than standard academic calendar / To be discussed
Staff workload over longer programmes / To be discussed
Risk of OfSTED inspection at same time as EQAL implementation / To be discussed

EQAL Communications – The IoE Faculty model

The Communications mechanism to roll out EQAL across IoE Programmes

Our suggested mechanism is as follows. If you don’t think this is appropriate please identify, agree and document an alternative.

Communication / Responsibility
News and updates on EQAL will be provided to the Dean (copied to PA) and to Head of Department Programmes / Andy Jones / Penny Sweasey
EQAL will be a standing item on FEG agendas / B Entecott
The Dean / Head of Department programmes will brief the FEG on new EQAL matters / PS / AJ
Head of Department Programmes will brief Heads of Programme Areas who are responsible for disseminating the updates to Programme Leaders / Programme Teams / PS > Val Butcher, Elaine McCreery, Andy Pickard, John Powell, Janet Batsleer, Barbara Binns, Rowena Smith
EQAL will be a standing item on Programme Committee agendas / As above
Heads of Programme Areas will brief HoD Programmes and 2) Senior management Group EQAL matters and progress / As above > John Rainer, Sue Mulvenna
EQAL will be a standing item on Faculty Academic Development Committee agendas / Veronica Horne
Campus Student and Academic Services, ICT Campus Teams and other campus based staff will also receive briefings through the appropriate meetings, provided by a Head of Campus SAS (Head of Didsbury / Gaskell SAS to liaise and coordinate with Head for SAS Crewe) / Sandra Sharpe, Hillary Legge
The same mechanism will work in reverse for feedback back to the EQAL Programme Board / PS
The EQAL web site will contain supporting information that should be referred to throughout this process.
The IoE staff pages will have links to all key documents and resources. / PS
Faculty Web Officer Colin Dempsey