A regular meeting of the Village of Walton Trustees was held June 4, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. in the Village Hall. Mayor Meredith began the meeting with the pledge. Absent from the meeting was Trustee O’Leary.

Motion was made by Trustee Clark approving May 7, 2012 minutes. Motion was seconded by Trustee Reynolds and passed unanimously.

Motion was made by Trustee Bell to approve the Abstract of June 4, 2012. Motion was seconded by Trustee Reynolds and passed unanimously.

Board reviewed monthly report with Highway Superintendent Hoyt. At this time there was nothing new to report however he asked for permission to attend water conference for Ernest Smith, Matthew Myer and himself. He explained it’s a regular conference they attend every six months and the cost is $23.50 per person which includes dues and conference expenses.

Motion was made by Trustee Clark for the three to attend the water conference on June 14th in the amount of $23.50 each. Motion was seconded by Trustee Bell and passed unanimously.

Board reviewed monthly report with Bill Brown of Delaware Engineering who updated everyone on the current projects taking place.

Motion was made by Trustee Bell awarding chemical bids as follows: Slack Chemical for Sodium hypochlorite, Caustic Soda and Sodium Thiosulfate Pentahydrate Large Rice Crystals. Clean Waters, Inc. for Praestal K2001. Motion was seconded by Trustee Reynolds and passed unanimously.

Motion was made by Trustee Reynolds authorizing the Mayor to sign change order number 4 for Contract VW1-G-09 General for Vacri Construction and is for the existing 60 HP currey well #3 motor to be repaired, to increase contract amount by $3,412.50. Motion was seconded by Trustee Clark and passed unanimously.

Motion was made by Trustee Bell authorizing payment to Vacri Construction for General Contract in the amount of $260,321.16. Motion was seconded by Trustee Reynolds and passed unanimously.

Motion was made by Trustee Clark authorizing payment to Vacri Construction for Electrical Contract in the amount of $15,135.42. Motion was seconded by Trustee Reynolds and passed unanimously.

Motion was made by Trustee Clark authorizing payment to Cobleskill Stone Products in the amount of $142,752.58 for payment application #2 for Park Street. Motion was seconded by Trustee Bell and passed unanimously.

Motion was made by Trustee Reynolds authorizing additional work as proposed for Griswold Street, High Street and Park Street. Motion was seconded by Trustee Bell and passed unanimously.

Board reviewed monthly report with Code Enforcement Officer at this time nothing new to report.

Chief Laauser addressed the board stating at this time there is no monthly report. He went onto commend his officers with a recent incident that had potential to take place at the school. Mayor addressed the attendees of the recent promotion of Chief Laauser as of June 1st.

Trustees Bell and Reynolds had no Trustee Reports at this time. Trustee Clark stated he and Trustee Bell are still working with Jim Rice with the grant writing and that it will be a long process but he will keep everyone updated as they go.

Mayor Meredith opened the floor for Public Input.

Pauline Schearer addressed the board asking where her request for an ordinance with cats being leashed stood and would also like to have people stop feeding these feral cats. Mayor Meredith advised he’s been talking with Steve Dutcher as well as the Attorney and all parties are looking into this.

Ed Snow of 69 Townsend Street spoke about there not being a budget hearing and wanted to know what happens when money runs out and also stated that Village Taxes should’ve been out June 1st. Mayor Meredith responded by stating the budget will be done later this week and taxes will be out no later than the weekend as long as County can print them in that time frame.

Bill Rathmuel of 119 Townsend Street addressed the board regarding the Annual Water Quality Report (AWQR) and wondered why it takes so long to get out if it’s for the year 2011. Trustee Clark responded that some samples are only done every three years and that results remain on the letter until Department of Health requires them to be redone. He stated the delay is not within the office it’s just how it happens to work out and that the deadline for the mailing is May 31st as set by NYS.

Mayor Meredith addressed a one year retainer for Attorney Merzig. Trustee Bell went onto explain that he is no longer on payroll as he has been in the past years and this is per guidelines set by NYS Retirement and Office of State Comptroller. Motion was made by Trustee Bell authorizing Mayor to sign agreement. Motion was seconded by Trustee Clark and passed unanimously.

Mayor Meredith read letter from 4H group Wild-N-Wooly director Greg Graupman requesting permission to paint fire hydrants on Delaware Street and a few on adjoining streets in the residential area stating “they will be painted in a decorative manner giving the 4H youth in the community an opportunity to display their artistic skills and improve the appearance of our community.” Trustee Reynolds asked if there are any regulations on color? Trustee Bell stated his concern of painting over the ones recently installed. Motion was made by Trustee Reynolds authorizing the painting of hydrants. Motion was seconded by Trustee Clark and passed unanimously.

Mayor Meredith read letter from Ryan Cobane stating he is working towards his Eagle Scout Badge stating for his project he would like to build benches to go around the walking trail at Austin Lincoln Park and garbage cans to be spread throughout the park. Motion was made by Trustee Clark authorizing Mr. Cobane to work on his project for the walking trail. Motion was seconded by Trustee Reynolds and passed unanimously.

Mayor Meredith read letter from The First United Methodist Church of Walton requesting permission to close North Street from the Union Street intersection to the East Street intersection as done in the past for their Street Festival to take place on June 16th. Motion was made by Trustee Clark authorizing the street be closed from 9:00am until the end of the festival. Motion was seconded by Trustee Bell and passed unanimously.

Mayor Meredith addressed the board regarding the summer mower who was hired at an earlier meeting stating he has taken a job in his field of studies and will not be working with the Village this summer. He stated Brian Sprague has brought in an application for Tyler Palmatier and asks for the boards permission to hire Tyler for the position of mower. Motion was made by Trustee Clark authorizing Tyler Palmatier be hired for position of mower this summer. Motion was seconded by Trustee Reynolds and passed unanimously.

Mayor Meredith also addressed the board regarding a head guard for the weekends stating Brian Sprague has brought in an application for Amanda Moffett stating she has worked for the Village in the past and would like to have her return for weekend help. Motion was made by Trustee Reynolds authorizing Amanda Moffett be hired as Lifeguard. Motion was seconded by Trustee Bell. Trustee Clark abstained from voting as it’s his granddaughter. Mayor Meredith also voted in favor.

Mayor Meredith announced the concerts in the park will start June 18th.

Motion was made by Trustee Clark to rescind previous motion to go out for RFP’s regarding operations of the Sewer Plant. Motion was seconded by Trustee Bell and passed unanimously.

Motion was made by Trustee Clark authorizing Mayor Meredith sign contract with Delaware Operations. Motion was seconded by Trustee Bell and passed unanimously.

Motion was made by Trustee Bell at 6:50 to enter into executive session to discuss Police Personnel matters. Motion was seconded by Trustee Clark and passed unanimously.

Motion was made by Trustee Clark at 6:58 to come out of executive session. Motion was seconded by Trustee Bell and passed unanimously.

Motion was made by Trustee Bell at 6:59 to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Trustee Clark and passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Melinda S. Westcott

Village Clerk