Allyssa McCabe: Academic and Professional Publications
- Published Books:
In pressMcCabe, A., Bailey, A., & Meltzi, G. (Eds.). Spanish narration and
literacy development. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2003 McCabe, A., & Bliss. Patterns of narrative discourse: A multicultural
life span approach. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
2001 (with a nationally known committee) New Standards: Speaking and listening primary literacy standards for preschool through third grade.
1997Mandell, C., & McCabe, A. (Eds.) The problem of meaning: Behavioral and cognitive approaches. Amsterdam: NorthHollandElsevier. .
1996McCabe, A. Chameleon readers: Teaching children to appreciate all kinds of good stories. New York: McGrawHill.
1992McCabe, A. Language games to play with your child: Enhancing communication from infancy through late childhood (Revised edition). New York: Insight/Plenum.
1991McCabe, A., & Peterson, C. (Eds.). Developing narrative structure. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
1987McCabe, A. Language games to play with your child. New York: Fawcett Columbine. Excerpts from this book appeared in American Baby, XLIX (8), 6672, in Parents Magazine, 65 (9), 1990, in Working Mother, XIV (5), 1991, and in Child, 6 (10), 1992.
1983Peterson, C., & McCabe, A. Developmental psycholinguistics: Three ways of looking at a child's narrative. New York: Plenum Press.
- Chapters in Books, Articles in Encyclopedias and Newsletters, Published Reviews of Books, Editorials:
In pressMcCabe, A. Narrative Inquiry (Journal). SAGE Encyclopedia of
Qualitative Research Methods.
2006Dickinson, D.K., McCabe, A., & Essex, M.J. A window of opportunity we must
open to all: The case for preschool with high quality support for languageand literacy. In D.K. Dickinson, D.K. & S.B. Neuman, S.B. (Eds.), Handbook of Early Literacy Research Vol. II, (pp. 11-28). New York, NY: Guilford Press
2006O’Connor, M., Rotondo, J.H., & McCabe, A. Leading questions and child
witnesses. Law Journal Newsletters: Product Liability Law & Strategy, 24(2),
Part 2.
2005O’Connor, M., Rotondo, J.H., & McCabe, A. Leading questions and child
witnesses. Law Journal Newsletters: Product Liability Law & Strategy, 24(4),
Part 1.
2005 McCabe, A. Language acquisition. Encyclopedia of Social Measurement, Vol.
2 (451-456). Academic Press.
2004McCabe, A. Preface Acquisition of Japanese Oral Narrative Style by Native
English-speaking individuals by Yoshimi Maeno. Lewiston, U.K.: Edwin Mellen
2004Peterson, C.E., & McCabe, A. Echoing our parents: Parental influences on children’s narration. In M.W. Pratt & B.E. Fiese (Eds.), Family stories and the life course: Across time and generations (pp. 27-54). Mahweh, NJ: Erlbaum.
2004 Dickinson, D.K., McCabe, A., & Clark-Chiarelli, N.Preschool Prevention of
Reading Disability: Realities versus Possibilities. In C.A. Stone, E.R. Silliman,
B.J. Ehren, K. Apel (Eds.), Handbook of language and literacy: Development
and disorders (pp. 209-227). Guilford.
2002 Dickinson, D.K., McCabe, A., & Anastasopoulos, L. A framework for
examining book reading in early childhood classrooms. In A. van Kleeck, E.B.
Bauer, & S.A. Stahl (Eds.), On reading books to children: Parents and teachers..
Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Also published as Report #1-014 of
the Center for Improvement of Early Reading Achievement (CIERA, Feb., 2002).
2001 Dickinson, D.K., McCabe, A., & Sprague, K. Teacher rating of oral language
and literacy (TROLL): A research-based tool. Report #3-016 of the Center for
Improvement of Early Reading Achievement (CIERA, Sept., 2001) and in
Reading Teacher.
2000Ely, R., Wolf, A., McCabe, A., & Melzi, G. The story behind the Story: Gathering narrative data from children. In L. Menn & N.B. Ratner (Eds.), Methods for studying language production (pp. 249-269). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
1998 McCabe, A. Sentences combined: Text and discourse. In J. Berko Gleason and
N. B. Ratner (Eds.), Psycholinguistics (2nd edition, pp.275308). New York:
Harcourt Brace.
1997 Mandell, C., & McCabe, A. The many meanings of meaning: An overview. In
C. Mandell & A. McCabe (Eds.), The problem of meaning: Behavioral and
cognitive approaches (pp. 1-14). North-Holland: Elsevier.
1997 McCabe A. Narrative threads of metaphor. In C. Mandell & A. McCabe (Eds.),
The problem of meaning: Behavioral and cognitive approaches (pp. 347-376). North-Holland: Elsevier.
1997 McCabe, A. Developmental and crosscultural aspects of children's narration. In
M. Bamberg (Ed.), Narrative development: Six approaches (pp.137174).
Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
1997McCabe A. Language Games. Parent and Preschooler Newsletter, 12 (11), pp. 13. Reprinted in P&P on Kids, 2003, North Shore Child and Family Guidance Center, pp. 9-11.
1996McCabe, A. A review of Relating events in narrative by R. Berman and D. Slobin (Eds.). Journal of Child Language, 23, 715723.
1996McCabe, A. Evaluating narrative discourse skills. In K.N.Cole, P.S.Dale, & D.J. Thal, (Eds.), Assessment of communication and language (pp. 121142). Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing.
1996McCabe, A., & Peterson, C. Meaningful "mistakes": The systematicity of children's connectives in narrative discourse and the social origins of this usage about the past. In J. Costermans & M. Fayol (Eds.), Processing interclausal relationships: Studies in the production and comprehension of text (pp.139154). Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
1996 Peterson, C., & McCabe, A. Parental scaffolding of context in children's
narratives. In C.E. Johnson & J.H.V. Gilbert, (Eds.), Children's language, Vol. 9,
(pp. 183196). Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
1996Ely, R., & McCabe, A. Gender differences in memories for speech. In S. Leydesdorff, L. Passerini, & P. Thompson (Eds.), International yearbook of oral history and life stories: Gender and memory (pp. 1730). New York: Oxford University Press.
1994 McCabe, A., & Dickinson, D. Language acquisition. Encyclopedia of English
Studies and Language Arts. Ed. by Alan C.Purves. National Council of Teachers of English, (pp. 686-690).
1992 McCabe, A. Developmental Rhetoric: An essay review of J. Golden's The
Narrative Symbol In Childhood Literature. Semiotica,92(3/4), 371380.
1992McCabe, A. Developmental psychology. McGrawHill Encyclopedia Of Science & Technology (7th ed., pp. 160165). New York: McGrawHill Book Co.
1991McCabe, A. Structure as a way of understanding. In A.McCabe & C. Peterson (Eds.), Developing narrative structure (pp. ix xvii). Hillsdale, NJ: L. Erlbaum Associates.
1991McCabe, A., & Peterson, C. Getting the story: A longitudinal study of parental styles in eliciting narratives and developing narrative skill. In A. McCabe & C. Peterson (Eds.), Developing narrative structure (pp. 217253). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
1991McCabe, A., Capron, E., & Peterson, C. The voice of experience: The recall of early childhood and adolescent memories by young adults. In A. McCabe & C. Peterson (Eds.), Developing narrative structure (pp. 137173). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
1991Peterson, C., & McCabe, A. Linking children's connective use and narrative macrostructure. In A.McCabe & C. Peterson (Eds.), Developing narrative structure (pp. 2953). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
1991Dickinson, D.K., & McCabe, A. The Acquisition and development of language: A social interactionist account of language and literacy development. In J. Kavanaugh (Ed.), The Language Continuum (pp.140). Parkton, MD: York Press.
1991McCabe, A. Plans, routines, and memories: Inspired tellingA response to Katherine Nelson. Journal of Narrative and Life History, 1(23), 129134.
1991McCabe, A. Editorial. Journal of Narrative and Life History, 1 (1), 12.
1991McCabe, A. Review of E. Winner's The point of words: Children's understanding of metaphor and irony. Applied Psycholinguistics, 12 (1), 123127.
1987McCabe, A. Review of Judith A. Langer’s Children Reading and Writing. Applied Psycholinguistics, 8, (2), 204207.
- Articles in Refereed Journals:
In pressEly, R., Abrahams, R., MacGibbon, A., & McCabe, A. “I beat them all up”:
Self-representation in young children’s personal narratives. In M. Bamberg (Ed.),
Narrative, discourse, and interaction: In search of identities. Amsterdam: John
2006Bliss, L., & McCabe, A. Comparison of discourse genres: Clinical implications. Current Issues in Communication Sciences and Disorders, 33, 126-137.
2006McCabe, A., & Bliss, L.S. Struggling to make sense: Patterns of impairment in
adult narrative discourse. Imagination, Cognition, and Personality, 25 (4), 321-
2006McCabe, A., Peterson, C., & Connors, D.M. Attachment security and narrative
elaboration. International Journal of Behavioural Development 30 (5), 8-19.
2005McCabe, A., & Bliss, L.S. Narratives from Spanish-speaking
children with impaired and typical language development. Imagination, Cognition, and Personality, 24(4), 331-346.
2004 Dickinson, D.K., McCabe, A., Clark-Chiarelli, N., & Wolf, A. Cross-language
transfer of phonological awareness in low-income Spanish and English Bilingual preschool children. Applied Psycholinguistics, 25 (3), 323-348.
2002-3Champion, T., McCabe, A., & Colinet, Y. The whole world could hear: The structure of Haitian American children’s narratives. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 22 (4), 381-400.
2003Champion, T., Hyter, Y., McCabe, A., & Bland-Stewart, L. “A matter of
Vocabulary”: Performances of low-income African American Head Start children on the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 24(3), 121-127.
2003Dickinson, D.K., McCabe, A., Anastasopoulos, L., Peisner-Feinberg, E.S., & Poe, M.D. The comprehensive language approach to early literacy: The interrelationships among vocabulary, phonological sensitivity, and print knowledge among preschool-aged children. Journal of Educational Psychology, 95 (3), 465-481.
2003Dickinson, D.K., McCabe, A., & Sprague, K. Teacher rating of oral language
and literacy (TROLL): A research-based tool.Reading Teacher, 56, 1-11.
2002Mainness, K.J. Champion, T.B. & McCabe, A. Telling the unknown story: Complex and explicit narration by African American preadolescents—Preliminary examination of gender and socioeconomic issues. Linguistics in Education, 13 (2), 151-173..
2001 Bliss, L.S., McCabe, A., & Mahecha, N.R. Analyses of narratives from Spanish-
speaking children. Contemporary Issues in Communication Science and Disorders, 28, 133-139.
2001 Dickinson, D.K., & McCabe, A. Bringing it all together: The multiple origins, skills, and environmental supports of early literacy. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 16 (4), 185-201.
2001 McCabe, A., & Dickinson, D.K. Good talk, close listening: Laying solid foundations for literacy. National Head Start Dialogue, XV, 21-22.
2000 Imbens-Bailey, A., & McCabe, A. The discourse of distress: A narrative
analysis of emergency calls to 911. Language & Communication, 20, 275-296.
2000Rollins, P.R., McCabe, A., & Bliss, L.S. Culturally sensitive assessment of narrative skills in children. Seminars in Speech and Language, 21 (3), 223-234.
2000Ely, R., MacGibbon, A., & McCabe, A. “She don’t care”: Negatives in Children’s Narratives. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 46 (3),465-490.
1999Bliss, L.S., Covington, Z., & McCabe, A. Assessing the narratives of African American children. Contemporary Issues in Communication Science and Disorders, 26, 160-167.
1999Peterson, C., Jesso, B., & McCabe, A. Encouraging narratives in preschoolers: An intervention study. Journal of Child Language, 26, 49-67.
1998Miranda, A.E., McCabe, A., & Bliss, L.S. Jumping around and leaving things out: A profile of the narrative abilities of children with specific language impairment. Applied Psycholinguistics. 19 (4), 647-668.
1998McCabe, A. At Nicky's house: Developing imagination to deal with reality. Current Psychology of Cognition, 17 (2), 229266.
1998Ely, R., Melzi, G., Hadge, L., & McCabe, A. Being brave, being nice: Themes of Agency and Communion in Children's Narratives. Journal of Personality, 66 (2), 257284.
1998Bliss, L.S., McCabe, A., & Miranda, A.E. Narrative assessment profile: Discourse analysis for schoolage children. Journal of Communication Disorders, 31, 347363.
1997 McCabe, A. Cultural background and storytelling: A review and implications
for schooling. The Elementary School Journal, 97(5), 453474.
1997Peterson, C., & McCabe, A. Extending Labov and Waletsky. Journal of Narrative and Life History, 7, 251258.
1996Biddle, K.R., McCabe, A., & Bliss, L.S. Narrative skills following traumatic brain injury in children and adults. Journal of Communication Disorders, 29, 447469.
1996Ely, R., Gleason, J.B., & McCabe, A. "Why didn't you talk to your Mommy, Honey?": Parents' and children's talk about talk. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 29, 725.
1995Minami, M., & McCabe, A. Rice balls versus bear hunts: Japanese and Caucasian family narrative patterns. Journal of Child Language, 22 (2), 423446.
1995Ely, R., Gleason, J.B., Narasimhan, B., & McCabe, A. Family talk about talk: Mothers lead the way. Discourse Processes, 19, 201218.
1994Peterson, C., & McCabe, A. A social interactionist account of developing decontextualized narrative skill. Developmental Psychology, 30 (6), 937948.
1994Ely, R., & McCabe, A. The language play of kindergarten children. First Language, 14, 1935.
1994McCabe, A., & Rollins, P.R. Assessment of preschool narrative skills: Prerequisite for literacy. American Journal of SpeechLanguage Pathology: A Journal of Clinical Practice, 3(1), 4556.
1993Dickinson, D.K., & McCabe, A. Beyond twohanded reasoning: Commentary on Kieran Egan's work. Linguistics and Education, 5 (2), 187194.
1993Ely, R., & McCabe, A. Remembered Voices. Journal of Child Language, 20 (3), 671696.
1993McAllister, H.A., Dale, R.H., Bregman, N.J., & McCabe, A. When eyewitnesses are also earwitnesses: Effects on visual and voice identifications. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 14 (2), 161170.
1992Peterson, C., & McCabe, A. Parental styles of narrative elicitation: effect on children's narrative structure and content. First Language, 12, 299321.
1991Minami, M., & McCabe, A.Haiku as a discourse regulation device: A stanza analysis of Japanese children's personal narratives. Language in Society, 20 (4), 577599.
1991Peterson, C., & McCabe, A. On the threshold of the storyrealm: Semantic versus pragmatic use of connectives in narratives. MerrillPalmer Quarterly, 37(3), 445464.
1990McCabe, A., & Peterson, C. What makes a narrative memorable? Applied Psycholinguistics, 11(1), 7382.
1988Peterson, C., & McCabe, A. The connective "and" as discourse glue. First Language, 8, 2228.
1988McCabe, A., & Peterson, C. A comparison of adults' versus children's spontaneous use of because and so. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 149 (2), 257268.
1988McCabe, A., & Lipscomb, T. Sex differences in children's verbal aggression. MerrillPalmer Quarterly, 34 (4), 389401.
1988McCabe, A. Effects of different contexts on memory for metaphor. Metaphor and Symbolic Activity, 3 (2), 105132.
1987Peterson, C., & McCabe, A. The structure of and coordinations in children's narratives. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 16 (5), 467490.
1987Peterson, C., & McCabe, A. The connective "and": Do older children use it less as they learn other connectives? Journal of Child Language, 14 (2), 375382.
1985McCabe, A., & Peterson, C. A naturalistic study of the production of causal connectives by children. Journal of Child Language, 12, 145159.
1985Peterson, C., & McCabe, A. Understanding "because": How important is the task? Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 14, 199218.
1984McCabe, A., & Peterson, C. What makes a good story? Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 13, 457480.
1983McCabe, A. Conceptual similarity and the quality of metaphor in isolated sentences versus extended contexts. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 12, 4168.
1978MenigPeterson, C., & McCabe, A. Children's orientation of a
listener to the context of their narratives. Developmental Psychology, 74, 582592.
197778MenigPeterson, C., & McCabe, A. Children talk about death. Omega, 8, 305317.