Media Center Scavenger Hunt
Hone your research skills while having fun. Find the answers to these questions:
Using InfoCentre (library catalog), find the answers to the following questions:
Who wrote On the Pulse of Morning?
Name two books written by John Steinbeck.
One the subject of trees, how many books and videos does the media center have?
What is the copyright date for the book, The Hunt for Red October?
How many books by J.K. Rowling does the media center have?
Who illustrated Mariel of Redwall by Brain Jacques?
What is the subject of Gary Paulsen’s book, A Soldier’s Heart: a Novel of the Civil War?
Who wrote The Crucible?
Using reference materials (dictionaries, thesauri, encyclopedias, almanacs, quotation sources, biographical dictionaries), find answers to the following. Be sure to circle your source. There may be more than one correct answer.
Name a word that means the same as criticize. ______
Circle your source: dictionary thesaurus encyclopedia World Almanac
In what city is The Louvre located?: ______
Circle your source: Bartlett’s Quotations encyclopedia World Almanac
What was the population of Georgia according to the last census? ______
Circle your source: thesaurus dictionary World Almanac
Where was Louis Armstrong born? ______
Circle your source: World Almanac encyclopedia Current Biography
What is the capital of Pakistan?
Circle your source: thesaurus dictionary World Almanac
What does fawning mean? ______
Circle your source: dictionary World Almanac encyclopedia
In what race did Danica Patrick compete on May 29, 2005?
Circle your source: almanac Current Biography Bartlett’s Quotations
Who said “Love means not ever having to say you’re sorry.”?
Circle your source: Current Biography Bartlett’s Quotations World Almanac
Using GALILEO’s Academic Search Complete database, answer the following questions:
How many full-text, peer-reviewed articles can be found on the subject of nuclear fission using a simple search?
Which journal ran a cover story in Nov. 2007 on the topic of “green roofs?”
What was the title of the article?
In which publication did an article appear on 6-28-2007 on the topic of the debate over stem cell research?
Using the Wilson Web database, answer the following:
One what date did an article appear in the Saturday Evening Post on the incredible ability of some dogs to detect cancer in some people?
Name the magazine that Lance Armstrong is holding in the photo of himself.
Using GCIS (Georgia Career Information Center), answer the following questions:
What tools does an auto body repair person use in his/her work?
What is the median hourly wage for an electrician in the Savannah area?
What is the address of Augusta State University?
Using the Live Oak Public Library catalog, answer the following questions:
Who wrote the book, Kelly Clarkson?
How many copies of the book are available for check out?
What is the title of a video recording about the Apollo space program?