Welcome to Survey Statistics! I look forward to working with you and your student this semester. This course orientation has been prepared to clearly outline the expectations, course work, and classroom policies for which your student will be held accountable. Please read this orientation carefully as much of the information is key to your student’s success. If you have any further questions, please contact me.
Course Information
In statistics, calculations are only half the solution. The other half (and equally essential and important) are interpreting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Thus it is essential that students fully understand the concepts and vocabulary to be successful in this course.
Survey Statistics is a one-semester elective course offered to seniors who have successfully completed (at least) Algebra II. We will be learning:
· Statistical Literacy (including bias, misleading graphical representations, parameter vs. statistic, cause and effect vs. association, sampling variability, etc.)
· Exploratory data analysis (including numerical and graphical, measures of central tendency and spread)
· Different types of data (categorical, numerical, discrete, continuous, etc.)
· Simulation using online applets, statistical software, etc.
· Experimental design vs. observational studies
· Multi-variate data analysis
· Introduction to R programming language
· Various statistical software, programs, applets (including Stat Key, GapMinder, inZight lite, SeeIt, Google Trends, etc.)
· Probability
* Subject to revision as necessary
Textbook & Supplies Policy
· Textbook: Elementary Statistics Picturing the World, Larson Farber. The cost to replace any the textbook is approximately $100 if lost or damaged.
· Recommended materials: pencils, an eraser, spiral notebook or 3-ring binder with notebook filler paper, graph paper, colored pencils
· Calculator: a basic scientific calculator is recommended but not required
Attendance is essential for success in any course. This includes coming to class on time and being ready to work when the bell rings. Consequences for tardies will include teacher/student conference, parent contact, referral to counselor, and referral to administration. If a student is absent, it is their responsibility to get the assignment. Refer to the class calendar for details. If a student is absent on the day of a test, they will be required to make up the test the day they return. If a student is absent for more than one day, then the student will need to schedule a makeup day with the teacher that is within one week of the student returning.
Classroom Policies & Procedures
A classroom is a place of learning and all behavior should support the environment. This includes:
· Talking when appropriate. Whether the teacher is addressing the whole class or students are working in groups, only one person should be speaking at a time.
· Creating a positive group environment. When working together, be on task and listen respectfully to others’ ideas. All students should feel safe making mistakes or asking questions.
· Staying in your seat. You should not get up until it is the appropriate time to sharpen a pencil or get supplies. You must ask to use the restroom and use the bathroom pass.
· Clean up. Make sure that borrowed materials are returned, trash is thrown away, and your desk and surrounding area is clean before the end of the period. No food, gum, or drinks (except water) is allowed.
· All electronics must be turned off and put away during class, unless otherwise directed by me.
Consequences for inappropriate behavior will include teacher/student conference, parent contact, referral to counselor, and referral to administration.
Grading System
Assignment/Activity / PercentageClasswork/Homework/Group work/ Projects / 20%
Assessments, including quizzes, tests, partner/group quizzes, final exam / 80%
Total / 100%
* Subject to revision as necessary
The grading scale is:
A + = 98% - 100% / A = 93% - 97% / A - = 90% - 92%B + = 88% - 89% / B = 83% - 87% / B - = 80% - 82%
C + = 78% - 79% / C = 73% - 77% / C - = 70% - 72%
D + = 68% - 69% / D = 63% - 67% / D - = 60% - 62%
F = 0% - 59%
Note: Current student grades may be checked on line by student and/or parent at any time via the Infinite Campus system.
Learning Activities Policy
Learning activities will be assigned to reinforce theories and skills discussed in class. Without this practice, successful completion of the class is unlikely.
Classwork/Group work: Will be completed during class time. If you are absent an alternative assignment will be given to you to make up work missed.
Homework: Will be completed at home and are graded on the basis of completion and reasonable attempt at the problems. Therefore, if a sincere effort on all of the assigned problems is made, full credit for that assignment may be earned. If you cannot complete the assignment, for any reason, communicate to your teacher as to why.
Please note:
· Learning activities will be assigned regularly. All assignments must be written neatly.
· Assignments will be reviewed in class the next class day and assigned points.
· Assignment format: (1) Show all steps taken to solve the problem. (2) Write the final answer below your work and circle your solution.
· Late assignments are accepted. A point deduction may apply.
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is the responsibility of each student. Academic dishonesty is a critical offense. It not only diminishes the quality of learning, but it also defrauds those who depend upon the integrity of this school’s programs. Any student involved in academic dishonesty on any exam or assignment may be subject to GVHS’s academic integrity policy.
Infinite Campus
Infinite Campus is a grade and attendance program to all of its schools that makes it possible for parents to see their student’s grades and their attendance regularly. Please make use of this program to stay informed on your student’s current grades and their progress in the class. The Hart Districts website provides a link for parents to use http://www.hartdistrict.org/index.php/campus/campus-portal , or you can connect directly using: https://campus.hartdistrict.org/campus/portal/hart.jsp
Contact Information and Availability
I am available to help my students’ during lunch by appointment unless notified otherwise. I believe strongly in the need for parent-teacher communication in order to facilitate student success. If you wish to speak to me for any reason, please do not hesitate to contact me. The easiest way to reach me is via
e-mail (). You may also reach me at (661) 298-8140 ext.1506.
I look forward to working with you and your student this semester.
Acknowledgement of Survey Statistics Course Orientation
Dear Student & Parent/Guardian:
Please sign and return this acknowledgement indicating that you have carefully read and understand the information in the attached course orientation. Please do not hesitate to contact me by email () or by phone. I look forward to a challenging and rewarding semester.
Mrs. Flynn
I, (student’s name) ______, have read the course orientation for Survey Statistics. Further, I understand and agree to abide by all classroom policies and expectations set forth by Mrs. Flynn in this orientation.
Student Signature: ______Period: ______Date: ______
I/We, the parent(s) of ______, have read the course orientation for Survey Statistics. Furthermore, I/we understand and agree to all the policies and expectations outlined in this course orientation by Mrs. Flynn.
Parent/Guardian Name(s): ______
Parent/Guardian Signature(s): ______
Daytime Contact Phone Number: ______
Evening Contact Phone Number: ______
Parent/Guardian Email Address: ______
From the parent/guardian to the teacher:
Here is some important information that I would like you to know about my student:
From the student to the teacher:
Here is some important information that I would like you to know about me: