June 15, 2014 – 9:30 A.M.

Call to Worship

* God’s Greeting ~ Greet One Another

* Songs of Praise:

“You are My King (Amazing Love)”

“Find Us Faithful” ~ Blue Hymnal #456

God’s Will for Our Lives: Exodus 20 ~ lead by Rick Botbyl

Leader: Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your steadfast love; according to Your abundant mercy, blot out my transgressions.

People: Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.

Leader: For I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before me.

People: Against You, You alone, have I sinned, and done what is evil in Your sight, so that You are justified in Your sentence and blameless when You pass judgment.

Leader: You desire truth in the inward being; therefore, teach me wisdom in my secret hear.

People: Hide Your face from my sin, and blot out all my iniquities.

Leader: Create in my a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.

People: Do not cast me from Your presence, and do not take Your holy spirit from me.

Prayer of Confession

Assurance of Pardon

* Song of Thanks: “I Will Sing of the Mercies” ~ Blue Hymnal #161

Milestone Presentation to Middle School Graduates

Congregational Prayer

Children’s Message ~ Pastor Chris

(Children are dismissed to Junior Church)

Scripture Reading: Jonah 2 (pp. 1437)

Sermon: “A Prayer From the Deep” ~ Pastor Chris Pedersen


* Song of Response: “Love Lifted Me” ~ Blue Hymnal #508:1,2,3

Offerings: 1st: Cedar Hill Ministries; 2nd: Building Fund

Offertory Prayer


*Parting Praise: “How Deep the Father’s Love for Us”

*You are invited to stand, if you are able.


In reverence and respect to God, kindly turn off all electronic devices prior to entering the sanctuary.

Jonah 2—The Prayer in the Middle of the Story

Jonah is busted (by the sailors and by God).

The LORD provided a fish (Amazing Grace!?!)

Jonah’s prayer: Jonah doesn’t pray out of his fear, desires, feelings etc. Jonah prays out of his past. He starts praying the Psalms:

·  “In my distress I called to the LORD, and he answered me.” Psalm 120

·  “From the depths of the grave I called for help, you listened to my cry.” Ps. 30

·  “You hurled me into the deep” Psalm 69

·  “All your waves and breakers swept over me.” Psalm 42

·  “I said, 'I have been banished from your sight…” Psalm 31

Two observations:

First—Jonah is praying in the midst of his disobedience. How might we pray in the midst of our disobedience? Do we try to keep fleeing from God’s face?

Second—His prayer is about God not about Jonah. Jonah prays using the tools of the psalms.

+From the depths (v.2)—“Sheol”—As far as your can get from God

+Toward your Temple (v.4 &7)—The presence of God

Jonah’s closing words (v.9)

“But I, with a song of thanksgiving, will sacrifice to you. What I have vowed I will make good. Salvation comes from the Lord.”

What does Jonah realize? Does God want people to clean up their act before they approach him?

Romans 8:39

Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

In Jesus Christ, God love you and you can’t change that.

Do you believe that God loves you know matter what you have done or will do?


We welcome you to Sunday Worship at Cedar Hill CRC and are glad you are here with us this morning. If you are a visitor, please see the back of the bulletin for information about our church and fill out a Visitor Card found in the pew and place it in the offering plate or leave it at the Welcome Center.


June 15 ~ 9:30 AM: Today is Father’s Day, and we give praise and thanks to God for our fathers, grandfathers, and all godly men who have been examples to us and have influenced our lives for the better.

6:00 PM: Joint worship with our sister churches at Midland Park CRC.

June 22 ~ 9:30 AM: We will welcome Rev. Larry Spalink to our pulpit, who will preach on Philippians 1:27, “Contending for Christ.”


This Week – June 15, 2014

OFFERINGS: 1st: Cedar Hill Ministries, 2nd: Building Fund

GREETERS: Welcome Team #3

USHERS: Henry Schuurman, Walter Shurminsky, Robert Dykstra

NURSERY: Infant: Mandi Post; Toddler: Allison Douma

CH. CHURCH: Jen Anema/Caitlin Shurminsky, Greta Botbyl

JR. CHURCH: Marcia Heerema/Ryan Carey

Next Week – June 22, 2014

OFFERINGS: 1st: Cedar Hill Ministries, 2nd: Scholarship Fund

GREETERS: Welcome Team #4

USHERS: Michael Steiginga, Joseph Post, Sally Haven

NURSERY: Infant: Karen Borduin; Toddler: Kim Pedersen, Cindy Borduin

CH. CHURCH: JoAnn Angelucci/Mary Beth and Allie Steiginga

JR. CHURCH: Jeanne Veenstra/Joe Post



Pastor Chris will be away from June 21-30. If any need should arise during that time, please contact your elder. Pastor Chris, Pete Steensma, and Pastor KC Vande Streek from Faith Community will be spending time at Calvin Seminary exploring a new initiative within the CRC called Renewal Lab. Please be in prayer as they learn more about this and begin to discern if this might be something God is leading churches in this area to join together in doing. To learn more about this visit the link from Calvin Seminary http://calvinseminary.edu/resources/centers-and-institutes/igcpr/the-renewal-lab/#A2 or talk to Pastor Chris.


Today we celebrate our middle school graduates. Along with their families, we give thanks to God for this milestone in their lives. As they begin high school, our love and prayers go with them. May God continue to bless and keep you and grow you in His grace!

Cindy Borduin

Greta Botbyl

Dana Carey

Allie Steiginga


The Blood Drive will take place on Monday, June 30, from 4 ~ 8 PM.

Reminder: tithing envelopes are available for pick up in the nursery hallway.



Monthly Income: $27,786

Monthly Expenses: $32,361

Monthly Budget: $39,215

YTD Income: $374,920

YTD Expenses: $385,930

YTD Budget $430,284

A budget shortfall of $44,354 has forced us to withhold synodical ministry shares. YTD we have paid less than half of the synodical ministry shares.

As we close out this church year, our income is much lower than budgeted, though we have been able to keep expenses lower than budgeted, we are now finishing the year with $11,000 more in expenses than income. In addition, we have incurred a large unanticipated a/c repair cost. To try to close this deficit, we will have a special deficit reduction offering on June 22.


The Council invites you to our annual congregational meeting tomorrow June 16 at 7:30 PM. Two primary objectives for the meeting will be approval of a budget for the 2014-15 fiscal year and selection/affirmation of Council members for the 2014-17 Council term. The draft 2014-15 budget has been circulated to the congregation in your church mailboxes, along with other background information and discussion topics to be covered at the meeting.

Council nominees for the 2014-17 are as follows:


Ralph Faasse

Bill Heerema


Chris Borduin

Bob Storms

Gary Veenstra

The two Elder nominees will be affirmed at the congregational meeting. Two Deacon nominees will be selected by lot to serve for the 2014-17 Council term. The selection will take place at our annual congregational meeting.


Join us today as we honor Sharon Van Der Heide for her many years of service as a worship coordinator (18 years) and organist (37 years) immediately following morning worship.


If you would like to gift the Faber family with a home-cooked meal, visit www.TakeThemAMeal.com. Last name: Faber, password: ellenfaber.


We need help. If you would be willing to help with the Sunday morning bagel time, please let Ann or Har Kuipers know. If you are currently on the list, we will keep you on. See us at church or call us at 973-585-0723. Thanks in advance!


You are invited for a ministry night at Covenant CRC’s Fellowship Hall on Thursday, June 26, at 7 PM to visit with Tim and Stephanie Steen and their family. The Steen’s are currently serving as missionaries in Tanzania and are returning to the US for a visit. Come and celebrate God’s faithfulness with them as they share pictures and stories. If you are willing to bring a dessert, email .


YouthQuest wishes everyone a happy and healthy summer! See you in the Fall!

The LinC Summer Mission Trip is in need of tools!

(July 6-12)

We are required to bring the following tools:

• 1 - Chalk line and chalk

• 1 - Square

• 2 - Chisel

• 2 - Ground fault interrupter

• 2 - Caulking gun

• 2 - Spade Shovel

• 1 - Circular saw

• 3 - Paint bucket hook

• 3 - Nail Bar

• 1 - 8 ft. stepladder

• 3 - 16-ft or longer extension ladder

• 1 - 1 box of rags

• 2 - 5 gallon drink Jug

• 1 - Electric drill and bits

• 2 - Post hole digger

• 2 - Drop cloths

Mark your tools by putting a piece of duct tape on the tool and then write YouthQuest and your name on the tape. We will take good care of your tools and return them to you after our trip.

If you can donate any of these items please contact Denise Banaag @ 862-221-2014 or email her at so we will arrange to pick up your tools the week before our trip.


‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.

And pray for us, too . . .” Colossians 4:2

June 15, 2014


Ethel DeSee has a new address. 303 Sicomac Avenue, Apartment 11, Wyckoff, NJ 07481. Phone: 201-485-8374. Please update your church directory.


Continue to pray for Judy Van Heemst who was admitted to the hospital this past week. Pray for renewed strength for Judy.

John Winters remains at the Christian Health Care Center for rehabilitation and is showing some improvement. Pray for renewed health and strength for John.

Pray for our expecting moms and their families: Kristen and Craig Borduin (7/16/14); pray for good health for Kristen and her baby.


Kassie Borduin Ellen Faber Gert Troast Judy Van Heemst


Min De Witte Margarent Laauwe Edna Smith

Marge Moses Emma Schuil Rachel Smith


Jen Kuiken

Gordon and Shirley Kuipers

Harold and Ann Kuipers

Marcia Kuipers

Kyle, Michelle, and Briana Laauwe

Pray for Mission Outreach


Local Church Plants – Home Missions – World Missions

Classis Hudson & Hackensack Church Plants: This week, we pray for Grace Community Chapel in South Brunswick and Pastor Jae Park. Also, pray for Global Vision Church of Edison and Rev. EunBoem Kim.

Prayer for Synod: The congregations of the Christian Reformed Church in North America are asked to remember the synodical assembly in intercessory prayers today. Let us pray that the Holy Spirit will equip the delegates to serve in faith and obedience and will lead the Christian Reformed Church into new and challenging areas of ministry. May we together experience the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace as we strive to know and to do the will of the Lord.

Synod News: Find news, photos, live web casts, and more on Synod 2014 at www.crcna.org/synod. For daily updates by email, sign on to the Synod News List. The week-long assembly runs form June 13-19 at Central College in Pella Iowa.

Local Mission Trip: Spend a weekend—or a week or two—in Philadelphia, PA. One Hope Community Church, a Home Missions church plant, has bought an old vending machine warehouse that needs to be transformed into a worship and outreach space. Volunteers (individuals, families, youth groups, etc.) are invited to come help out to demolish, construct, beautify, host, engage, and love their neighbors. More info available at www.crcna.org/servicelink or .

PRAYER LINES ~ Call 201-652-4277, ext. 2, to hear the prayer line, which is updated as needed on Friday afternoons. You can also check our denominational prayer requests at 888-CRC-PRAY or www.crcna.org/pray.

Council News

June, 2014

The Council had its June meeting on the 2nd of the month. Several items were dealt with and resolutions were made:

·  The body approved by motion and vote to accept the plan of the Ad Hoc Response Team as to how to deal with the outcome of our congregational meeting held this past February. The congregation will receive a letter, have a brief review time at the June congregational meeting, and, finally, a series of town hall meetings will be held in the months ahead to deal with the concerns and future plans in detail.