Church Partnership Program


Semester  Fall  Spring 20_____

Have you previously attended Northwest University?  Yes  No

GPA Requirement: 2.3 - Regular; 2.2 to 2 - Probation (GPA Appeal required - see Coordinator for details)

Degree  CML Certificate in Ministry Leadership

 AML Associate of Ministry Leadership

 AA Associate of Arts

 BA ______(indicate which BA)

Please specify the CPP location

Name ______City ______State _____

Personal Information

 Male  Female

Name ______

Last First Middle Maiden

Address ______

City ______State ______Zip ______

Birth Date ______Social Security ______

Email (Required) ______

Best Contact Phone (______) ______Alternate Phone (______) ______

Citizenship:  US  Permanent US Resident  Other ______Veteran?  Yes  No

Have you been convicted of any criminal offenses excluding minor traffic violations?  Yes  No

If yes, explain on an attached sheet.

List all names that may appear on transcripts:


Education - if you have less than a 2.3 GPA, include a GPA appeal (see Coordinator)

Have you taken any Advanced Placement courses  Yes  No

Have you taken any Running Start classes  Yes  No

Have you taken any Concurrent Credit courses  Yes  No

High School, GED, Homeschool / City, State / GPA / Graduation Year

ALL colleges are required whether courses transfer or not. Please list ALL schools.

* ompletedl______m sites

College / University
(including college during HS) / City, State / GPA / Year
Last Attended

Request official transcripts from the Registrar of each school you have attended to be sent directly to:

Northwest University, Enrollment, College of Adult & Professional Studies

PO Box 579, Kirkland, WA 98033

High School or GED and all college transcripts are required.

SAT or ACT if you have already taken them.


Current Employer ______Position ______

City ______State ______

Ø  I affirm that I will respect standards of conduct as stated in NU’s Student Handbook.

Ø  I am aware that admission to one program does not imply acceptance into other academic programs at NU.

Ø  I understand enrollment in NU’s CPP depends on acceptance and continued good standing at my CPP site.

Signature ______Date ______

Please submit this application to your Church Partnership Program Coordinator