
DeMolay Advisor Development Program In Ohio

Coordinator of DAD TrainingDirector of Education and Training

John J. PienceDuane A. Kemerley

821 Longbrook Dr.456 S Broadway St

Wadsworth OH 44281Williamsburg OH 45176

(330) 414-8621(513) 490-6083


Completion of Phase II is required BEFORE a person can be listed for certification as a DeMolay Advisor under the By-laws and Regulations of DeMolay International. Upon satisfactory completion of Phase II, a Certificate of Completion and a D.A.D. pin will be awarded to each trainee. While completion of this training is required, it does not make someone a DeMolay advisor. A person must be nominated by the sponsoring body, accepted by the Executive Officer, and pass the background check before they are certified as a local DeMolay Advisor.

This Basic Training Program consists of eight modules and takes four hours. It is our intention to make this training available at statewide events as time, interest, and trainer availability allow. Local and regional training can be arranged directly with members of the training staff.

The fee for the materials related to this phase of the training is $10.

Guidelines for Trainers

The integrity of this program is the trainer’s responsibility. Do not shortcut the training procedure. There are legal liability, ethical, and insurance issues that make using the complete program a necessity.


  • Call or Email the Coordinator of DAD Training (John Pience) as soon as Date / Place / Time are set so that others needing training can be referred to your training session.
  • Make sure you have complete kit and all necessary equipment available.
  • Have more than adequate sets of training materials (books, certificates, and pins).
  • Review the preparation information in the DAD Kit (pages 8 - 39 especially).


  • Each trainee fills out a registration form.
  • Receive $10 per trainee for materials.
  • Each trainee receives a DAD Program book.
  • Fill out draft copy of DAD Training Certification form and have trainees review for accuracy.
  • Each trainee views portions of Youth Protection DVD.
  • Receive and commit to follow up on all discussion questions related to the Youth Protection program.
  • Each trainee signs the Youth Protection acknowledgement sheet.
  • Each trainee completes an evaluation form.
  • Each trainee who attended the full training session receives certificate and pin.
  • Thank each newly trained leader for their time that day, and for their commitment to the young men of DeMolay.
  • Fill out DAD Training Certification form with complete information:

Full Name, Complete address, Chapter #

On Advisor ID# -- Advisor ID is same as DeMolay ID for Senior DeMolays

If individual does not have or does not know ID#:

For new advisor (non-Senior DeMolay) = NEW

For Senior DeMolays = SR. DeMOLAY

For former advisor= FORMER ADVISOR

FOLLOW UP (within one week)

  • Trainer keeps and carefully files a copy of DAD Certification form.
  • Trainer mails copy of DAD Certification form with Trainer’s signature to the Coordinator of DAD Training (John Pience).
  • Trainer mails Youth Protection acknowledgement sheet to Coordinator of DAD Training (John Pience). You may choose to make a copy for your files.
  • Send $10 per Trainee to Coordinator of DAD Training (John Pience). DAD Certification Form will not be accepted without fees.
  • Review Evaluation sheets and send them to the Coordinator of DAD Training (John Pience).
  • Make all checks payable to “OHIO DeMOLAY”.


DAD Certification Form

–A copy to the Executive Officer of the Jurisdiction (yellow)

–A copy to DeMolay International (white)

–A copy for the Coordinator of DAD Training file

–A copy to the Director of Education and Training for file

Youth Protection Program Acknowledgement Form

–A copy to the Director of the Youth Protection Program

–A copy for the Coordinator of DAD Training file

–A copy to the Director of Education and Training for file

Evaluation Form

–Original for the Coordinator of DAD Training file

–Copy to the Director of Education and Training for file.


–All fees sent promptly with forms to Jurisdictional Treasurer by the Coordinator of DAD Training.

DAD Training – Trainer Guidelines1