By: Ian McTavish

Huntsville High School


It’s All in the News: Google’s Impact on Society

For: Mr. McTavish

By: Ian McTavish

September 17, 2008

Article 1

Carr, Nicholas. "Is Google Making Us Stupid?." The Atlantic July/August 2008: 56-63.


Nicholas Carr states “the media or other technologies we use in learning the craft of reading play an important part in shaping the neural circuits inside our brains” (Carr 62). The premise of his article is that his use of Google to find facts or quotes is changing how he reads. Nicholas used to be able to read a long article or book with ease. Now he finds that he is bored if information isn’t presented in a “swiftly moving stream of particles” (Carr 57). The best quote that sums up his thoughts goes like this:

Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski (Carr 57).

Although Carr compares his topic with Nietzsche using the typewriter instead of writing, there is very little data to back up his opinions. Many thoughtful points are brought forward, but it would be interesting to see actual research that backs up his claims.

Rationale for inclusion

How we read and process information is fundamental to how we function in society. Google has become a source of information and reading. For good or bad, we need to determine the impact this has and how it will affect our society.

Article 2

"The second browser war." Economist 387.8596 (06 Sep. 2008): 72-74. Canadian Reference Centre. EBSCO. [Library name], [City], [State abbreviation]. 17 Sep. 2008 <>.


When you are reviewing an article – make sure to cover the main points that the article focuses on. Try to include some quotes that emphasize the key concept. Also, include what you thought of the article and make sure to back up your thoughts with reasons. It’s not good enough to say “I didn’t like the article”. Why did you not like it (I’m bored is not a reason).

Rationale for inclusion

Why did you feel the article touched upon your focus?