Welcome to Summer 2004 Page 1
Patrick Henry High School
Annual Study of Shingle Creek Watershed
June, 2012
Personal Behavior Contract
I, , understand that this program is a privilege and completely voluntary on my part. I have chosen to attend a school where I must work as hard as I can during a very short time period.
Therefore, in order to make the most of the opportunity and successfully complete my Summer School classes I understand that:
- I must abide by the Minneapolis Public Schools Citywide Discipline Policies, especially in regard to possession of weapons, look-alike weapons, fireworks and any other object that can be used to intimidate another individual.
- If I cannot abide by these rules, I will be sent home for the day. If I am sent out again for any infraction, I will be dropped from the program. Fighting will result in an automatic dismissal from the program.
- Any verbal abuse of any staff member or fellow student will result in my being dropped from the program.
- No electronic devices including headphones, radios, cellphones, etc. are allowed in class. The school is not responsible for securing personal items.
- No food or beverages are allowed in class.
- I will be present each day and stay with my teacher both inside and outside the building and on field trips unless given permission by the classroom teacher.
- No prescriptions may be taken during Summer School without proper medical authorization. If I wish to take any prescription medication during Summer School, I will submit the appropriate medical authorization to the Summer School Coordinator.
- I will not wear any hats or headgear while inside the school building.
- Gang, drug or alcohol paraphernalia or any apparel designating such membership or activities is not permitted inside the school building.
- I will leave the building grounds immediately when I have finished for the day.
I must respectfully support a learning environment which means:
1) I will not talk when the instructor or another classmate is discussing work.
2) During work time I will work quietly on my assignment unless otherwise instructed by the classroom teacher.
3) I will complete the amount of work and time requirements as defined by my teachers in order to earn credit. Mere attendance is not sufficient to earn a credit.
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Parent Signature Date Student SignatureDate
To be signed by Classroom Teacher Date