MARCH 10, 2010

Mayor Don Gray called the meeting to order with roll call as follows: Arthur, Robinson, Peterson, Curtis and Taylor all present. A Peterson/Curtis motion to approve the Tentative Agenda carried unanimously.

Visitors Present: Jane McConaughy, Owen Hall, Jason Wenger, Josh Yoder, and Todd Rollinger.

Owen Hall addressed the Council about several issues regarding the river and riverbank. He would like the City to provide three sets of stairs on the west side of the river along River Street to provide access to the river for fisherman. He would like to have access to the water at the dam on the west side of the river. The city boat ramp is in need of maintenance and the river needs dredged above the dam. Mayor Gray will look into the process needed to do this work. The river bank is controlled by the Corp of Engineers and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and no work can be done without permission and permits.

Fire Chief Josh Yoder reported to the Council. In February there were six medical calls in the city and two fire calls. There were no calls in the county. The fireworks display will be done on the Fourth of July which is a Sunday not on the third when the AMVETS will do the parade and downtown events. He will work with Public Works Director Allen Burkle to implement procedures and guidelines to be followed during a flood event.

A Peterson/Taylor motion to approve the Minutes of the February 8, 2010 and the February 10, 2010 meetings carried unanimously.

A Curtis/Arthur motion to approve the February Financial Report carried unanimously.


General $15,748.41 $21,255.56

Road Use $9,367.55 $7,199.12

Employee Benefits $151.06 $1,588.55

TIF $1,069.72 -0-

Debt Service -0- -0-

Capital $124.84 $39,735.07

Water Utility $5,202.94 $5,055.68

Water Deposits $112.45 -0-

Sewer Utility $4,204.27 $3,652.96

Garbage $3,002.50 $4,270.50

ABC Childcare $3,592.19 $3,580.00

Expendable Trust $.48 -0-

TOTAL $42,576.41 $86,337.45

A Peterson/Robinson motion to approve the third reading of an ordinance to change the number of library board members and the length of the terms carried unanimously.

Mayor Gray opened a Public Hearing for input on the proposed budget and certification of taxes for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2011. There was no public input. Mayor Gray closed the Public Hearing.

A Robinson/Arthur motion to approve Resolution 031010-1 adopting the budget for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2011 carried unanimously by roll call vote.

Mayor Gray opened a Public Hearing for input on the Floodplain Management Ordinance. Josh Yoder asked what changes were being made. The clerk explained the floodplain maps have been redone by FEMA for all of Linn County. The previous maps were done in 1982. The City is mandated to redo the ordinance with the new map panels cited in the ordinance. There were no other significant changes to Central City’s ordinance. The ordinance needs to be implemented by April 5, 2010 in order for residents with floodplain insurance to have coverage. The City did not receive the new maps until the first week of March so the second and third reading will need to be waived in order to meet the FEMA deadline. Hearing no other comments Mayor Gray closed the Public Hearing.

A Taylor/Curtis motion to approve the Floodplain Manage Ordinance carried unanimously by roll call vote.

A Peterson/Arthur motion to waive the second and third reading of the Floodplain Management Ordinance in order to meet the April 5th FEMA deadline carried unanimously by roll call vote.

A Robinson/Curtis motion to adopt the new Floodplain Management Ordinance carried unanimously by roll call vote.

Linn County Deputy Brady presented the Council with the monthly ‘Calls for Service Report’. There were 127.13 hours logged in February.

City Engineer Jason Wenger updated the Council on the plans for the East Main Street Construction Project. Cost estimates for pavers in the intersections matching the rest of Main Street compared to stamped concrete were reviewed. There is no significant savings so the Council directed him to go with the pavers that will match the rest of Main Street and Barber Street. The sidewalk on the north side of Main Street was discussed. The Council had asked for cost estimates to make the north sidewalk six feet wide to eventually connect with the trail system. The extra two feet would add $17,000 to the project. The Council decided to not go with the extra width because there will be no funds to connect to the trail in the near future. The engineers are working on the area around the railroad bridge to eliminate flooding of the street during a heavy rain event. Plans have been sent to the railroad but they have not responded to requests from the engineers for work around and under the railroad bridge. The city has an old agreement that allows maintenance along the railroad tracks so the engineers will proceed with the plans and reference this agreement. The final plans should be ready in the next month so the project can go out for bids for summer construction. A public meeting will be held March 31st for residents and businesses on the construction route. This will allow residents to review the plans and be advised of possible problems that may occur due to construction.

A Taylor/Arthur motion to approve Resolution 031010-2 approving the Final Plat for Birkland First Addition to Linn County, Iowa carried unanimously by a roll call vote.

An Arhur/Robinson motion to approve a contract with the Linn County Sheriff’s Department for law enforcement services for Fiscal 2011 subject to correcting the dates on the contract carried unanimously.

A Taylor/Peterson motion to approve the bills and bills paid interim carried unanimously.

City Attorney William J. Sueppel presented the Council with a new draft of an ordinance for a franchise agreement with Alliant Energy. He has spoken with an Alliant representative and they are no longer asking for an administrative fee. The Council will review the ordinance and contact the attorney with any questions or concerns. The ordinance will be sent to Alliant Energy for their review.

The Council approved paying for the motel room for the National Main Street convention to be held in Oklahoma City in May. The registration fee for the convention is $345 and will be paid by a scholarship from Mainstreet Iowa. Travel expenses and other costs will be paid by the clerk.

The Council reviewed a letter from the DNR outlining violations for failure to meet effluent limits. The city engineer and Al Burkle have been reviewing ways to address this problem. The Council is aware that future improvements to the sewer lagoons will need to be made and an action plan will be submitted to the DNR.

A Robinson/Curtis motion to have Councilperson Arthur purchase six laptops for the city council and mayor at a price not to exceed $500 per laptop carried by the following vote: Taylor – no, Robinson-yes, Curtis-yes, Peterson-yes and Arthur-yes. Laptops would allow each councilmember to receive meeting packets electronically; saving on staff time, paper, and copy costs, and improve communication with other entities through email. This would also allow councilmember’s to keep all city information and correspondence in one location. The laptops will be turned in at the end of each term and passed on to the new councilmember so they will have access to all previous minutes, ordinances and actions taken by previous councils.

A Taylor/Peterson motion to adjourn at 9:03 p.m. carried unanimously.


Don Gray, Mayor



LaNeil McFadden, City Clerk