French 4
Madame Cook
Bienvenue à la classe de français 4 à Aurora! My name is Madame Cook and this is my 14th year at Aurora High School. This class is an advanced class that provides preparation for the final class of French called Advanced Placement Language and Culture. Themes that are studied are meant to prepare you and give you a base for the material at the AP level. Much new vocabulary will be added and grammar will be refined. Some of the themes that will be studied are:
- Famille and Community
- Contemporary Life
- The Quest for Self
- Global Challenges
- Science and Technology
- Esthetics
These are the AP themes. Both French 4 and AP will work from the same book but will cover different information alternate years. AP French has additional test prep and outside assignments.
-Text T’es Branché, Level Four and AP (provided) You also have an online copy and online workbook
-pencils and pens
-a binder with pockets and paper in which to place handouts and write notes
-A composition book
Classroom Policies:
Grades-Grades will consist of unit tests and projects, small assessments and homework. Not all homework will be counted in your grade. You are encouraged to do all homework as if it will be as it is solid preparation for your success in class and on quizzes and exams. Grades are divided into two categories-formative and summative. Formative grades make up 20 percent of your grade and summative make up the remaining 80 percent. Homework should be done in a timely manner. If homework is one day late, I will give half credit but anything after will most likely earn a “zero”. An exception to this will be excused absences. Grades are posted online through PIV and you may look at these anytime. Grades follow the normal 10 point scale.
Honesty-Please do your own work and stay away from online translators. I know very easily whether one has been used and I will not take work from them. This is a global language department policy. Translators are considered to be a form of cheating and will result in a “zero” and a call home.
Assignments-All assignments will be posted on my Twitterat MmeCookFrench and my syllabi and major files are on SchoolPointe at under my teacher page on the Aurora High School tab.
Make-up work and Extra Help-Exams will mostly be made up after school. Extra help is available by appointment with me after school. There are upper-level students who volunteer their services to tutor who will be available about a month after school begins. I will let you know of their availability. You must show up for any scheduled session you sign up for with them or you will lose this privilege.
Helpful Websites:
This is the textbook website. You will be signing up for a student account later on in the lab. This site has practice quizzes and flashcards with sound bites for pronunciation practice.
This is my favorite francophone website. It has music, art, culture and news from all over the world.
A great site for learning basic and traditional French songs.
Search “French language” and you will find help with all grammatical aspects of the language and even how to type French accents on the keyboard.
The most comprehensive site to practice French vocabulary, grammar and culture.