Become a National Park Expert

This project is due Thursday, April 30, 2015.

You are going to become an expert on a national park. As an “expert” you will research and then demonstrate your knowledge through a PowerPoint and presentation.

1 - Your PowerPoint should include the following slides (in this order):

  • Slide 1 – Name of your park, location (state), & proper heading
  • Slide 2 – Map of the park
  • Slide 3 – History of the park – For example: Why/When did it became a National Park and/or The Human Story (archeology)
  • Slide 4 – The geology of the park (LANDFORMS…how were they created LOOONNNG AGO?)
  • Slide 5 – The climate during the year (You may want to include a temperature chart)
  • Slide 6 – The ecosystem(s) of the park
  • Slide 7 – The fauna (animals) of the park
  • Slide 8 – The flora (plants) of the park
  • Slide 9 – The natural resources of the park
  • Slide 10 – Environmental issues affecting the park
  • Slide 11 – A day in your park (Plan 1 day of activities you would enjoy doing when visiting your National Park)

Your slides should include text and photos

You may wish to send a letter or email (immediately) to your park asking for information. VISIT! The National Park Service will be happy to send you lots of “goodies.”

Print out a hard copy of your presentation to turn in on the due date (April 30, 2015). Attached to the hard copy should be your bibliography. You must use at least 2 resources – the Internet is considered ONE source.

2 - ORAL PRESENTATIONS: Beginning on April 30, 2015, we will begin oral presentations. During your 4-8 minute presentation, you will be your national park’s “expert,” telling us about your research and convincing the class to visit your park! Make it entertaining, but factual.

VISUALS are great to use in your presentation! You may use a Power Point but NOT the same as the one you handed in to me. This is because I do not want ANY text during your presentation. VISUALS are great but no paragraphs or sentences. People tend to read their Power Point presentations and this can be very dull to the audience.

You will not have time to review ALL of the topics you researched during the presentation. Pick the information YOU found to be the most interesting. Remember, you are the expert! You want us to visit your park! What would attract us?

Guidelines for this project:

Use your own words – DO NOT PLAGARIZE

Demonstrate your knowledge with report & presentation

Label all photos

Correct spelling/grammar

Be creative

Presentation is well rehearsed

Important Dates

March 11, 2015 – Introduction of the project

PARENT SIGNATURE (see attached)

April 8, 2015 - Progress Report Due (see attached)

April 30, 2015 – PowerPoint hardcopy duewith bibliography. Presentations will begin on this date. Presenters be chosen randomly each day until all presentations have been presented.

My student and I have read the requirements for the “Become a National Park Expert” project due Thursday, April 30, 2015.

We realize that late work will not be accepted and will result in a grade of zero.

Quality work is important in SAS classes.


Student Date


PeriodAssigned National Park


Are you working with a partner….if yes, whom?


Parent SignatureDate

Becoming a National Park Expert

Progress Report

Due April 8, 2015

Presenter (s) ______

Name of Park ______

Give one example for each of the following areas regarding your park:

  1. Ecoystems


  1. Natural Resources


  1. Why/When was your park established?


  1. Geological Features


  1. An environmental problem


Become a National Park Expert project is due on Thursday, April 30th

Late work will not be accepted.

Become a National Park Expert

Presentation due Thursday, April 30, 2015

Bring this rubric on April 30th

Presenter (s) ______

Name of Park ______

PowerPoint (220 points)

  • Have 11 slides following the guidelines
  • Information is in your own words
  • Includes photos
  • Correct spelling


Oral Presentation (100 points)

  • Presentation is creative, well rehearsed
  • Presentation is 4- 8 minutes in length
  • Knowledgeable of park information
  • Enthusiasm and appropriate volume

Grade: ______