Title: Greek Vases
School: Lantern Road E.S. Corporation: Hamilton Southeastern Schools
Grade Level(s): 1st Class Periods: Approximately 4-6
Objectives/Essential Question(s):
Art History-Students will study facts about Ancient Greece when read Felix Travels Back in Time by their teacher. Students should complete “Bringing Things Into Focus” and look at the examples of Greek Vases in their supply baskets. If artists finish early, they may color “Greek Amphora” (found on enchantedlearning.com).
Art Production- Students will create an athletic event (ancient or modern) on their “vase paper” by drawing in pencil. Students will utilize wax/water resist by coloring in all detail (silhouette-style) with black crayon and painting with a wash of terracotta watercolor. Vases are cut out of the paper to achieve a “3-D look” on a 2-D surface.
Art Critique-Using the Greek Alphabet, students will write one-word compliments (i.e.-good, great, nice, fun, color, shape) in Greek. One Greek word compliment will be written in each “Art Partners” sketchbook/journal.
Art Aesthetics-Students shall answer an aesthetics question (“Greeks proudly displayed their vases. Vases are functional. Is a vase a work of art or just something an Ancient Greeks used?”) in a discussion group.

Indiana Visual Art Standards


Indiana Standards from Other Disciplines

1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.2.3, 1.3.3, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.7.1, 1.7.2, 1.7.3, 1.8.1, 1.9.1, 1.9.2, 1.9.3, 1.9.4, 1.10.1, 1.10.2, 1.10.3, and 1.13.1 / Reading 1.1.1
Hand Writing 1.6.1
Speaking/Listening 1.7.1, 1.7.2, and 1.7.3
Geometry 1.4.4
Science (Common Themes) 1.6.2
History 1.1.2
Individuals/Society and Culture 1.5.5




Vase, resist, wash, athlete, black figure, red ground, terracotta, line, shape, geometric, organic (free-form), Greece, and form. / Felix Travels Back in Time, examples, worksheets, “vase” papers, pencils, erasers, black crayons, terracotta watercolor wash, paintbrushes, newspaper, scissors, Greek Alphabet Worksheets, sketchbook/journals


/ Assessments
Day 1-Students will hear the chapter of Felix Travels Back in Time regarding Felix’ visit to Ancient Greece. Additionally, students will complete “Bringing Things into Focus” worksheet, view visual examples of Greek Vases in their supply baskets, and complete the “Greek Amphora” worksheet, if time allows.
Day 2 and 3-Students shall view the visual examples again and have Sports Illustrated Magazines for perusal too. Students will receive their “vase paper” and begin drawing their chosen athletic event (ancient or modern). When finished drawing, artists will color everything in with black crayon.
Day 4 and 5- Students should complete coloring and come to the painting stations when called to “wash” their vases with terracotta watercolor. “Washed” vases will be stored in the drying rack while artists work on their “One Word Greek Compliments” in their “Art Partners” sketchbook/journal. When vases are dry, students may cut them out. / HSE Art Grading Rubric


Felix Travels Back in Time
The Felix Activity Book
Another Trip Around the World
enchantedlearning.com (Great, some FREE worksheets)
(Felix web site with fun things to do/print)
(On-line “Rubric-creator”)