CGS 1570 section 064 – Microcomputer Applications

Monday/Wednesday/Friday 10:50am – 12:30pm, Bldg. 15/room 1104

Instructor: Katharine Brown e-mail:

Office: Building 15/ Room 3204, (904) 620-2985

Hours: Mon/Wed/Fri, 1/2 hour before & after class (10:30-10:50 & 12:30-1:00)



Computer Confluence, 5th Edition, Beekman, Prentice-Hall, 2003

(includes CD & compact guide: Web Page Creation & Design, Ericksen)

Learn MS Windows XP Brief, McMahon, Prentice Hall, 2003

How the Internet Works, Gralla, Que, 2002

Word 2000 Essentials (Basic), Mulbery, Prentice Hall, 2000

Excel 2000 Essentials (Basic), Fox and Metzelaar, Prentice Hall, 2000

Minimum Software:

Windows 2000, MS Word 2000, MS Excel 2000, Netscape Communicator 4.x

(Note: MS Works will not satisfy the requirements of this course.)


** Four 3 ½” diskettes – high density (1.4MB):

–labeled with your name, class/section, file names

** Pocketed folder for turn-in assignments and diskettes:

–labeled with your name, class/section in the upper right-hand corner

–include small binder clip to hold diskettes in folder

** Scantron answer sheets (alphabetic, available from bookstore)


Course Objectives:

To gain a basic understanding of computers and computer applications, including hardware, software and communications.

To achieve fundamental skills in word processing (MS Word), a spreadsheet application (MS Excel), Internet browsing (Netscape 6.x), and e-mail (pine) in a Windows XP operating system environment.

Expectations & Policies:

  • Class time will be used for lectures, group discussions, and real-time demonstrations. Extensive use of a PC will be required outside of class to prepare projects and complete assignments. Familiarize yourself with the General Purpose Lab on the 2nd floor, Matthews Bldg. All UNF students with a valid student ID can use this lab.
  • Attendance is not mandatory, but you are responsible for all material covered in class. If a class is missed, it is your responsibility to obtain class notes from other students.
  • Arrive on time and be prepared to discuss assigned material in class.
  • Assignments are due at the beginning of class. Late assignments will incur penalties.
  • NO make-up exams will be given. Exams may be taken early with prior notification.
  • Food and/or drinks are *not* allowed in any of the computer classrooms or labs.
  • Conduct yourself properly and be respectful of others.
  • Comply with the Florida Computer Crimes Act and UNF’s Academic Integrity Code.

The last day to withdraw from this class is with a grade of ‘W’ is Friday, June 6th. After that date, a grade of WF or WP will be assigned if you petition to withdraw. Please note -- your advisor, the CIS Chair or COCSE Dean may deny your petition. See UNF catalog for further details.

CGS 1570-064 Summer 2003 page 2

Evaluation will be in the form of:

…at least 2 exams, 3 software projects, reading assignments,

additional assignments/quizzes, and, class participation

Grading scale:

92 – 100% A

90 – 91%A-

88 – 89%B+

82 – 87%B

80 – 81%B-

78 – 79%C+

72 – 77%C

64 – 71%D

below 64%F

All assignments and projects will be due at the beginning of class on the day indicated.

Late assignments will be subject to a late penalty of 10% (a letter grade) for each day, or part thereof, late. (Late assignments may be submitted to staff in at the CIS dept office in 15/3201 to be date/time stamped.)


You are required to review e-mail to your Osprey account at least once a week. Notifications of homework or special assignments will be made through your UNF e-mail account on Osprey. It is your responsibility to check and use this account regularly.

Reading Assignments:

The Review Questions and/or Skills sections at the end of each reading assignment shall be completed prior to the class lecture indicated on the syllabus. Answers shall be completed on a separate sheet of lined paper, sufficient to hand-in for grading. Your name, class & section, book, chapter and date shall appear in the upper right corner of the assignment.

Some assignments will be reviewed in class; others will be handed in for grading.

Applications Projects & OS Assignment:

Three application-based projects will be assigned during the term, demonstrating your ability to use Netscape Communicator, MS Word 2000, and MS Excel 2000 under WindowsXP, as well as a Windows/DOS/Unix assignment. These projects/assignments will be submitted in hardcopy & softcopy format as described under “Supplies”.


Exams will be a combination of multiple choice, matching, fill-in the blanks and short answers. A scantron answer sheet will be required for segments of each exam. Material covered in the reading assignments, although not covered in class, and any material discussed in class is suitable for testing.

**No make-up exams will be given.** Prior arrangements must be made to take an exam early.

** Comply with the Florida Computer Crimes Act and UNF’s Academic Integrity Code **