Road Safety GB
Meeting of Policy and Management Committee
held at
Camden Town Hall, London
Tuesday 14 September, 2010.
Member / Region/ Authority/ Organisation / AttendanceAlan Kennedy / Durham C.C. Chairman / Present
Tim Philpot / Wolverhampton M.B.C. Vice-Chairman / Present
Su Negus / Medway B.C. Secretary / Present
Theresa Casbard / Hertfordshire C.C. Treasurer / Apology
James Gibson / Leicestershire C.C. P.P.P.R.O. / Present
Paul Watson / Hartlepool B.C. N.E. / Present
Becky Prosser / Leeds C.C. Y.H. / Apology
Sue Snoddy / Bradford M.B.C. Y.H. / Present
Tish Barnwell / Rutland C.C.D.C. E.M. / Present
Katie Brimley / Essex C.C. E / Present
Cheryl Evans / West Berkshire Council SE / Present
Malcolm Burns / Wiltshire C.C. SW / Apology
Abdul Rashid / Birmingham C.C. Mercia / Present
Steve Chadwick / Shropshire Council Mercia / Present
John Ricketts / Cheshire W & Chester NW / Apology
Melanie McHale / Warrington M.B.C. NW / Present
Christine Fitzgerald / TfL L / Present
Gareth Tuffery / LB of Southwark L / Present
Emma Norton / LB of Newham L / Absent
Jeff Green / C & C of Swansea Wales / Present
Brian Hogarth / Administrator / Present
3.28 Minutes of the Meeting held on 15 June, 2010.
These were confirmed
Matters Arising
3.22. As a result of his attendance at the RAC Meeting, Tim has been invited to attend a Dinner at the Conservative Party Conference.
3.29. Road Safety GB Survey.
Copies were circulated and will be cascaded to the Membership.
AK is working with PACTS, IRSO and RSS to assess the results and to use them in the preparation of a letter - setting out the impact of Government Spending Policy on the provision of Road Safety Services and the opportunities which will remain -
which will be circulated to Local Authority Chief Executives?
He also stressed the need for Regional Representatives to be aware of what is happening in their Region and to identify where Road Safety GB can offer assistance or advice.
S.N. One RSO in SE is currently under 90 days notice of redundancy.
P.W. Two authorities in the NE are at risk of losing their RS service
CF. In London, whereas TfL provided resources to Boroughs and had a strategic role, generally speaking the Boroughs now control their own activities and consequently TfLs impact is reduced.
JG. The funding situation in Wales will be known in December but there are fears about the impact of future funding reductions.
TP mentioned that some authorities (e.g Sandwell M.B.C) have already taken decisions on future service provision. He also felt that authorities should be encouraged to stress their successes. A Survival Plan would be useful.
AK agreed and felt that RSGB should be in a position to provide advice in these matters.
It was agreed the Evaluation of projects was essential – although some are nervous of diverting scarce resources to Evaluation. Service provision should also be data led.
KB felt that a major problem was the duplication, by local production, of resources.
SN/BH. Very often, however, this is a defence to maintain the Road Safety Team in the face of political pressure to pursue activities which would not otherwise be priorities.
TPfelt that P&M should be in a position to evaluate regional initiatives.
There was general concern that the joint letter would not reach CE’s or that they would pass it on to those who manage Road Safety service provisionn. RSO’s will receive a copy and it is hoped it will be sent by 22 September.
MMC. It is likely that, in two authorities, in NW, the service will be outsourced and others may follow.
AK. There are continuing fears about the role being undertaken by Fire and Rescue Services who really are not in a position to provide a relevant, modern, road safety service.
3.30 RSGB “The Business”.
PW. Feels Road Safety is quickly becoming a business rather than a service and income generation is becoming increasingly important.
In view of DfT’s apparent change of strategy could RSGB make a pitch to take over, or have a more active role in, National Publicity Campaigns?
JG. Stressed the need for all DfT assets to remain available. As far as posters are concerned this is not a problem but “usage rights” make this difficuly with radio and TV promotion.
AG. Sometimes DfT announce smaller localised campaigns without prior warning
and this is not the best way to proceed.
A further discussion with Laura Durham (DfT) seems to be necessary and desirable at this stage. The “Good Egg Guide” is a good example of the sort of campaigns which can de delivered at local level with benefits for DfT.
SC. Re-stressed the need for RSOs to be informed of future planning.
PW. stressed the need for inter-authority co-operation on strategy. RSS will seek greater financial input from local authorities in future but many authorities will probably adopt independent local schemes. Is there a role for RSGB to offer advice on Business Development to local authorities and partnerships’ particularly on NDORS?
KB. Felt that there were dangers in not having the overall umbrella of RSS.
TB.Could not understand why some Partnerships were so closely allied with RSS.
KF/ JG. Felt it was desirable to have parity (consistency) across the country.
It was noted that larger areas (e.g Greater Manchester) would have difficulty in referring visiting drivers to a course in their own area.
PW. Is willing to circulatethe Business Case being proposed for Cleveland but will “de-personalise” it.
PW. Will work with AK, SN, CE and KB to make availble, by December, a RSGB Business Case for the delivery of NDORS is available nationally.
3.31. Chairman’s Report.
AK has now visited 7 Regions. He felt his last visit to Mercia was well received. He will visit Eastern Region and North East shortly. One or two Mercia Members felt they were not allied to RSGB. It was pointed out that RSGB had succeeded LARSOA - which the Region has fought hard to join.
He mentioned the recent Survey of the Regional structures and thanked those who had responded. Anything further to complete the Survey should be forwarded to SN
There is a need for Regional Representaives to P&M to become more pro-active and also for P&M to have a stronger role. They are the first conduit to Members in their Region.
TC has problems keeping in touch with Members and would welcome assistance from Representatives.
PW was asked to consider taking a role on Officers Group (Business Development Officer).
It was also pointed out that Liz Brooker, in her role of PR Support Officer, is entitled to attend Officers Group and this Committee.
3.32 Vice-Chairman’s Report.
TP. continues to update the Businees Plan as appropriate.
He wondered whether it would be possible to present the results of the
Drive research at National Conference.
The conference agenda is almost complete. The major issue has been attendance and the decision was made to provide 4 free places per Region. This was generally agreed with one exception.
A discount was also offered for block bookings for 20+ places.
Neither of the above was to be taken as setting precedents for future Conferences.
Nick has projected an attendance of c150 delegates.
Consideration is being given to having an “Officers Stand” at Conference to communicate with the Membership, with many of whom we have very little day to day contact.
Three of the free places in Wales were likely to be taken by Police employees one of whom was Chair of RSW. TP accepted the need for this one but feels he needs to give the others some further thought.
Wolverhampton MBC has withdrawn support for Tim’s assuming the Chair in 2011 but has not asked him to relinquish the post of Vice Chair. He has therefore offered to resign but wonders how easy it will be for the Association to find a new nominee who would be able assume the Chair in 2011. He offers, therefore to remain in post and suggests a solution may be for AK to remain in the Chair for anextended period.
Members voted on two possible options.
- Maintain the current procedure.
- AK to extend his period in the Chair with TP as Vice Chair subject to confirmation by the Membership.
KB wondered whether, to ensure continuity, there was the opportunity to have in place a person who would be, virtually, a Deputy Vice-Chair and SC suggested this was a third option.
The second option was unanimously agreed and, in consequence, AK and TM will seek confirmation of their roles for a further period of 2 years in November 2011.
3.33 Report of Press and Public Relations Officer.
JG Reported some recent website statistics. Recently more than 9000 visits in one monthhad been recorded and usage continues to increase.
SKV contract will end on 30 September.
NR is prepared to field press contacts, including weekends with no further fee. He is also anxious to add RSGB comments to website stories.
Nick will compile an up-to-date list of press contacts.
Nick is not prepared, without an additional fee, to draft press releases. JG will assume that role.
Overall, it is hoped to reduce, considerably, the monthly cost of PR and press activity.
James commented on recent media activity.
Media Statements / Press Releases
- RSGB at the heart of the North Report debate (21/6)
- RSGB lends support for 'Lighter Later' campaign (29/6)
- Work in partnership and share expertise, says Road Safety GB chair (6/7)
- RSGB refuted claims by the TaxPayers’ Alliance regarding cameras (12/7)
- Road safety experts issue joint statement in defence of safety cameras (24/8)
- RSGB hatches nationwide child car seat campaign (6/9) National and Local
Media Interviews
- BBC Radio Leeds (16/6) -James Gibson,North Review report on drink driving
- BBC Radio Leicester (16/6) - James Gibson, North Review report on drink driving
- BBC News 24 (17/6) - James Gibson, North Review report on drink driving
- BBC Radio Somerset (21/6) - James Gibson discusses speed reduction
- Radio day (22/6) – James Gibson, child restraints, 8 interviews with various stations across the UK including BBC Radio 1 Newsbeat with support from GRACO
- BBC Radio Five Live (9/8) - Tim Philpot contributes to debate about funding cuts and safety cameras
- BBC News 24 (10/8) - James Gibson, Safety Cameras
- Radio Tees (6/9) - Alan Kennedy, Good Egg Guide launch
- BBC Radio Newcastle (6/9) Alan Kennedy, Good Egg Guide launch
- Changes with SKV Communications
- Continued support for Good Egg campaign
- Further announcements in relation to The North Review
- Lynda Chalker Award
Further announcements re drink/drug driving are expected from DfT.
Further nominations for the Linda Chalker Award are sought (September 30)
2 have been received at present and a further 2 are anticipated. Officers will propose a winner and ask for P&M approval by Email.
AK explained the circumstances surrounding the loss of a major part of the funding from Highways Agency for the “Good Egg Guide campaign. This will result in Dynamic Advertising funding the shortfall which is unacceptable. Alan has been asked to contact Ginny Clark at DfT to discuss the situation. In these unfortunate circumstances the launch was considered to have been very succesful.
The Road Safety Knowledge Centre is starting to be well used It will be officially launched at the Road Safety Delivery Board on 15 September. The managemnt will shortly be taken over completely by RSGB. There are currently 342 listings with many more referral pieces. There will shortly be a direct link from the RSGB Website.
In future the Think Website will become both a professional and a public website.
DfT will have a Christmas Drink/Drive Campaign but with no TV input. The theme will be “Personal Consequences”.
There will also be a further “Tales of the Road” initiative – the main feature being branded exercise books for school use.
There is also a further motor cycling campaign in preparation - to be active from March 2011 and to be linked with Sharp (a rating system for safety helmets).
There will be, shortly, a mailing to Secondary Schools which will draw attention to online resources.
3.34 Financial Report.
In Theresa’s absence Alan circulated copies of the Report to 06/09.
Finance Report for P & M - 14/09/10
Current A/C (27/08/10) £42,437.35
Reserve A/C (21/07/10) £78,793.97
Balance of unpresented income/expenditure - £1449.54
Breakdown 1 Jan – 6 September 10 – (all inclusive of VAT)
1617.84HMRC VAT refund
345.00Subs 09/10 (Portsmouth & Bolton)
69851.24Subs 10/11
4113.26Sale of goods
7050.00DfT website contribution
1643.77Profit from event (PTW Seminar & Conference 09)
662.31Error payments
Outstanding Income
13 LAs invoiced – awaiting payment£5,346.25
Expenditure £62,828.79
2727.49Meeting expenses
488.66Financial admin (bank charges, tax advice)
575.00PACTS membership
183.47Delivery charges
2950.15HMRC VAT payment
662.31Refund of error payments
Update on Subscriptions for 10/11 at 22 September 10
(NR = not requested an invoice)
North East – all paid
Yorks/Humberside – all paid
Mercia – all paid
East – all paid
North West – all paid
East Mids – all paid
London – 2 o/s
Barking and Dag – not invoiced
Ealing (NR)
Harrow not renewing this year – management decision
Hillingdon not renewing this year – no budget
South East – 1 o/s
East Sussex – invoice returned – no PO
South West – 1 o/s
Plymouth (NR)
Gloucestershire not renewing
Wales – 2 o/s
Gwynedd (NR)
Rhondda (NR)
Scotland – 2 o/s
Fife not renewing
Tayside Police not renewing
Scottish Borders not renewing
Central Scotland Police (NR)
Midlothian Council (NR)
There was no support for a reduction in Membership Fee in 2011 although Members were mindful of the current changing situation.
There are three outstanding subscriptions due from London, one in South West, 2 in South, 2 in Wales and 2 in Scotland.
It was agree to refund money received from Dynamic Advetising in relation to sales of “Good Egg Guide”.
AK referred to a number of potential sponsors with whom negotiations are taking place to provide sponsorship for various activities, both small and major.
3.35 Secretary’s Report.
SN reported her contact with Lancashire C.C re “Ride” Research. It is hoped this will be to hand by 30 September.
She is working on a Job Description for Regional Representaives and would welcome input from Members before producing the final document.
She is also looking at the question of Advisers/Spokespersons many of whom have been named for years but have not been required to be active.
3.36. Regional Representatives.
Paul Watson, North East
Reported on recent RSS National Project Managers Meeting.
This was a bleak report with tone set by Paul O’Sullivan, Head of Road User Activity, DfT.
Other speakers included. For a copy contact Paul Watson.
Paul now has a core group who are interested in taking this forward.
The next move will be to have a conference call to set up a framework. PW would like to be made aware of any activity which leads to any qualification in Road Safety.
JG mentioned that Flintshire are currently initiating a trial of SCP camera technology. AK asked that results be made available on RSKC. TP mentioned that the School Crossing Working Group (Richard Hall) would wish to be aware of any paperwork generated.
Motor Cycling
GT mentioned that he and David Glanville were agreed that there might be a case for a motor cycling element to the Conference 2011. He will take this up with NR.
The meeting closed at 2.55pm.