Staff Structure Reorganization Committee

March 30, 2006

Attendees: Beth Layton, Betsy Simpson, Lori Driscoll, Robert Shaddy, Laurie Brennan, and Brian Keith. Bill Covey attended in order to clarify the committee charge.

Review of Charge by Bill Covey

We are to review the classification of the positions unique to the library, LTA, Sr. LTA, LTA Supervisor, Archivist, and Senior Archivist and propose a new structure. Also, if positions are in incorrect categories, we will make recommendations about changes to different categories (for example, a position with systems responsibilities may be changed to the systems classification). Further we are to suggest career progression mechanisms. The charge is officially spelled out in the objective and charge below:

Library Objectives:

  • To establish a staff position classification system for library specific positions that best serves the libraries’ stake holders

Specific charges to the committee:

  • Review the current library specific positions and the current position classification system for them.
  • Review the staff positions and classification systems of other similar organizations outside of the University.
  • Consider the work completed by the most recent committee working on the revision of the staff structure. Adopt their recommendations as you see fit.
  • Solicit input from the University’s Classification and Compensation staff.
  • Solicit input from employees from throughout the libraries via surveying.
  • Develop a proposed system that adequately serves all of the libraries. This proposal should consider advancement practices such as steps or advancement in place, and the use of competencies.

This is due by 5/30/06.

Bill emphasized the fact that committee is not charged with reducing the number of library employees nor is our purpose to reduce current employees to lower classifications/pay grades.


Per Brian, we are looking at uniquely library positions. He and Dale talked with Kyle Cavanaugh and HR is committed to the library classification re-org. He noted that the Vet (Med) Hospital techs were similar, unique to that institution and a progression was created for the techs. Also, we have just completed the job descriptions as part of the Performance Management Initiative process for all staff that fall under this charge.

People in the group (Lori, I think) noted that ALA and ARL have worked on support staff issues including compensation. Lori sent e-mail later in the day—text is below:

Some folks may already be aware of these resources, but others might find them useful to our committee work.

Bureau of Labor Statistics: Library Assistants

Bureau of Labor Statistics: Library Technicians

ALA round table --

and a document linked from their site for competencies:

From the ALA's Criteria for Programs to Prepare Library Technical Assistants

"C. Nature of the work of the LTA

1. LTA’s perform supportive paraprofessional tasks under the direction of a librarian, media specialist, library associate, or other supervisor. As members of the personnel team they carry out operations and services essential to effective functioning of the organization.

2. The work of the LTA may fall within one or more functional areas of library media or information center operation, for example technical services, public services, or media services. In some cases LTA’s may manage a department, branch or small library.

3. The tasks and types of work assigned to LTA’s are more fully outlined below under I. E. "Duties and Responsibilities." By way of definition it may be useful to state four exclusions from the work of the LTA:

a. Tasks that require an in-depth knowledge and ability in production of material, equipment maintenance, or programming, to the extent that specialized training at the technician level is required.

b. Tasks that require a full knowledge of Librarianship or instructional technology and exercise of judgment based on a broad knowledge of library resources, their intellectual organization, or their educational informational, cultural, or scholarly use. Establishment of policies, materials selection, complex information and guidance services are illustrations.

c. Tasks that require other professional, scientific, or specialized education. (Editors, public relations, and other professional specialists fall within this category.)

d. Positions in which the primary duty consists of proficiency in tasks of a general office nature which can be done by individuals with office-type specialized training or experience, e.g., secretary, personnel clerk, accounts maintenance clerk, and file clerk.

D. Duties and responsibilities at the LTA level

1. LTA duties and responsibilities are related to a variety of functions adapted to the objectives of the specific institution and assignment. These may include the performance and/or supervision of:

a. Access services processes, in an online or off-line environment, necessary to the utilization and circulation of materials.

b. Technical services processes, in an online or off-line environment, necessary for acquisition and organization of information.

c. Collection management processes necessary for the processing and preservation of materials.

d. Information services processes, an online or off-line environment, necessary to for retrieval of information from local and remote locations.

1) Answering directional or factualquestions. This may involve use of a limited group of reference tools such as almanacs,encyclopedias, handbooks, dictionaries, periodical indexes.

2) Locating bibliographical information for which complex searching is not required.

3) Providing assistance in the operation of hardware and software

e. Public relations services necessary for the promotion of the collection and institution."



State and National Wages 2004

Location PayPeriod 10%25%Median 75%90%

United States Hourly$7.21 $9.13$12.22 $15.92 $19.89

Yearly$15,000 $19,000 $25,400 $33,100 $41,400

Florida Hourly$8.53$9.68$11.54 $14.43 $17.46

Yearly$17,700$20,100 $24,000 $30,000 $36,300


Brian talked about orienting the group. He suggested the following steps/events:

  • A meeting with UF Compensation & Classification
  • Presentation on what other institutions are doing including how advancement within the same classification is supported.
  • Discussion of outcomes from the first committee that finished over a year ago.

Brian also asked people about their thoughts on a staff survey. He will continue that discussion via e-mail.

There was a brief discussion about educational level requirements. It was tabled until we design specific categories.

Smathers Libraries has been and will continue to temporarily hold classifications reviews since we expect a report from this committee with new categories. The report is due to the directors in 2 months.

Organizational issues:

  • Chair: All present suggested that Brian be the chair.
  • Scheduling: Brian will look at the Outlook calendar for the Smathers folks and contact Law and Health reps about their schedules.

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