Grading Rubric Example: Examination requiring application of theory, analytic

Criterion: / As (90-100) / Bs (80-90) / Cs (70-80) / Ds (60-70) / F (<59)
Content (80%) / The task includes approximately three quarters or more of the relevant information under the correct headings and in the right order. Few irrelevancies included. / The task includes about two thirds of the relevant information. There may be evidence of slight difficulties in organising the information or of slight incomprehension. / The task includes at least half the relevant information required, but some disorganisation and misunderstandings may be evident. The essential message is passed on and provides a useable basis for the recipient to work from. / The information conveyed convinces the reader that although the student has understood the gist of the material, s/he is not fully in command of it and the message to the recipient is unclear. / The information provided fails to convince the recipient that the student has grasped the basics of the material.
Structure (10%) / Well presented in the appropriate form. Corresponds fully to the task set and includes references to it. / Mainly corresponds to the task set; laid out in a logical order. / Does not correspond to the task set. Haphazard arrangement of the material. / The information provided may be accurate but would need reorganization to be of practical use. / Does not correspond to the task set, nor is it presented in such a manner as to be of any practical use.
Quality of English (10%) / Fluent; few or no errors. / Minor blemishes of style; a few spelling errors. / Some clumsy phrasing; some spelling errors. / Clumsy phrasing; some grammatical errors, spelling mistakes. / Clumsy phrasing, grammatical errors, meaningless sentences, many misspellings.

Adapted from: David Green, UCE Birmingham, UK

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