The question to address at your meeting on Dec 12, is when to start the removal of Smart Meters in Arizona. They are killing machines. Precautionary discretion requires that this be the only Smart Meter question on the agenda.
Marianna Hartsong, Smart Meter / Health update Dec 5, 2014
Health Update / Log,
Documentation of Health Damages to myself, my bees, my hens, my plants, since the arrival of Smart Meters in Sedona, April 2014.
Thank you for the time and attention reading this will take.
Thank you for any pro-active action this inspires you to take. I may be more sensitive than most, but I am speaking for all people and for all Life: Smart Meters are killing us.
Please do not consider yourself in a position to evaluate or vote on the safety of Smart Meters (let alone levying a fine for those trying to escape their damage by opting out) until you have thoroughly read my document and all attached reading materials below. It is time to remove all Smart Meters in Arizona, ASAP. Thank you.
I have been a resident of the Verde Valley since 1995, and Sedona since 2006. This part of Arizona has been my home now for almost 20 years, close to a third of my life, and it is my home and where I wish to live. I am a 20-year contract member of the Flagstaff Symphony and am one of the founding members the Verde Valley Sinfonietta. I am a co-founder of the Slow Water Team, and for the past three years have been a core part of the steering committee of Greening Harmony that was awarded, through Gardens for Humanity, two grants from the Sedona Community Foundation and the Hospital to support the community service we offer.
I am Harvard educated and hold a PH.D. in Clinical Psychology. I am neither senile nor crazy, though I am currently fighting for my life in a town inflitrated by Smart Meters; and, I am both intelligent and highly observant. Please listen and pay attention to what I have to say. It might just save your life down the road.
Home, where one lives, should be a safe place. Since April 9, 2014, when Smart Meters came into my area of Sedona (although I did not have one on my home, my home was surrounded by six Smart Meters), my home has been anything but safe. Living has become a veritable hell. I suffered a retinal tear and detachment 6 ½ hours after the meters were installed and had to miss a concert I was scheduled to play with the FSO and go instead to Phoenix to have my eye operated (first of three eye operations I have had to undergo since). My normally docile bees attacked me (did not recognize me because their signaling systems got scrambled), and I had a heavy bee die-off about 8 days after the meters were installed. FYI: Bees are what pollinate our food supply; no bees, no food. I also started to get malformed eggs from my hens – one hen was no longer able to metabolize the calcium properly (one of the debilitating effects of RF). I also had one of my eight broccoli plants present with a malformed, genetically modified bud. I lost three fruit trees this summer, that is they died, (this has not happened before), and I got strikingly little fruit off the rest of my fruit and nut trees this year, the fruit I did get was stunted, and tasteless. This is in a fully permacultured yard that normally feeds me and others year round.
So not only does it turn out that I am highly sensitive to the Radiation Frequencies emitted by the Smart Meters, but my bees, hens, broccoli and fruit and nut trees also seem to be at effect. I suspect this is more than a chance correlation.
The arrival of Smart Meters in Sedona has been and is both way inconvenient, dangerous to my personal well-being, and expensive. I was so sick by the third week in April that I ran away out of town for two weeks to a place with no Smart Meters and during that time all my symptoms went into remission (except my retina, which has now undergone three operations), and I slept like a babe in arms while away.
Prior to the Smart Meter assault on my immune system I was not aware of being sensitive to WiFi or to others’ Smart Phones, but now I am highly reactive to all such. Using Blue Tooth in my car has the same effect, so I have had to have that disabled. I have had to purchase land-line phones, wired internet service. I had to get rid of my old mattress as the springs in it were acting like an antenna to the RF and frying my brain every night. I bought special very expensive material to use as covers on my bed that is supposed to deflect the RF. I have had to disconnect the electricity to my bedroom. And despite all these remediations I am still regularly woken bolt upright two to three times a week in the wee hours of the morning (presumably when the mass transfer of information is being passed from meter to meter). I usually awaken in a bit of a panic and dripping wet in sweat and with my head throbbing (pulsing from the inside is perhaps a better description). I have never been a person to suffer insomnia or headaches prior to this. I have added extra melatonin to my supplements (because the RF stimulates the pineal gland in the head and intercepts the melatonin production cycle) – even so, once woken in this manner it is often hours before I get back to sleep if I do get back to sleep. Our sleep cycle is when our body gets to heal and restore itself – I have been robbed of this privilege more nights than not since the meters came in to town. This is exhausting and debilitating. This night disturbance to my sleep is despite having persuaded my neighbors to revert to analog meters.
It is ‘normal’ now that my entire body, but especially my back and chest, aches as if it had been run over by a Mac Truck. Both when I lie down for my afternoon meditation (something I have been doing for over forty years pain-free!) and when I get up, the pain in my spine is so acute it takes my breath away. I know others who have been experiencing this strange back pain phenomena – folks who are not aware of being sensitive to Smart Meters. Makes me curious, is this a new Smart-Meter induced medical trend?
The noise I heard the first night the Smart Meters were deployed in my area, that I thought was a disturbance to the night’s silence, turns out it is a constant very high-pitched ringing in my ears, 24/7 that has not gone away. As a musician, this is a challenge. Again, others have told me of their intense tinnitus. So the exorbitant pressure I experienced in my head not only blew my retina, but somehow damaged my inner ear.
Something I noticed recently: the bed of my fingernails has shortened by at least 1/16th of an inch since last April, making them look short and squat. There is a space of more than 1/8 of an inch now between the place the nail last connects to the finger and the end of the finger – on two fingers that space in now 3/16’s of an inch. Makes me wonder: is this change in my fingernail growth and the new back pain I am experiencing due to my body’s inability to metabolize calcium properly in the face of the RF? What does this mean about the bones in my body as a whole? Other connective tissue? I have not yet had myself measured at the docs office, but my sense is that I have shrunk considerably in the last six months.
I am doing everything I can to maintain my wellness, but it feels like an uphill battle. Each new exposure pulls me down, and takes longer to come back from.
At my request, after a month of pure hell where I thought I would die if I had to stay in my home, all my neighbors agreed to have the old analog meters put back on their houses. I was again somewhat safe in my home, although my ears, that started ringing that first night, have not stopped ringing. All was good for a while, no more odd eggs, bees seemed to rally after a heavy die-off in April, and some nights I got a restful sleep.
Sometime toward the end of the summer, I did not pay attention, things changed again. I suddenly noticed weird mal-formed eggs coming back (about one a week), I would wake up again bolt upright in the middle of the night and not be able to get back to sleep, and the fatigue deepened. The other totally ‘off’ thing with the hens: they have not stopped laying eggs this fall as is normal for them. Even though I have two year old hens, where the egg production should be down, and even though, when the days get shorter in the fall they usually go into a no-egg laying rest time (fall of 2013 -- same hens a year younger -- they did not lay from mid September 2013 until January 2014), now I get anywhere from 3-5 eggs a day from my 8 hens. This is not normal. However, since the Smart Meters stimulate the pineal gland (what interrupts human sleep and our melatonin production), just as if I had lights on 24/7 in the hen’s cage, which I do not, the hens pineal gland is being stimulated and they are laying eggs. Ask any commercial egg grower, and they will tell you that if they keep the lights on, egg production will go up – but that is not normal or humane or healthy for the birds.
My bees have had such a die off this fall that I am now not certain they will make it through the winter. The hive seems to be 1/3 to ¼ the size it was before meters came to town.
What happened? The house that is immediately to the NW of my property (our properties share a corner), tenants moved in, and sure enough they have a Smart Meter. Since April and during the first part of the summer, although there was a Smart Meter on the House, as the house was empty it was not transmitting. They are from Mexico and I have not yet had a chance to speak to them as I must take an interpreter with me.
Each of us who becomes symptomatic has different symptoms. • My personal first ‘warning’ sign is a sense of fullness and pressure inside my head; • next comes dizziness and nausea; • next my brain stops being able to connect the dots – the synapses apparently break down; • finally (and I have only let myself get there two times early on, before I realized what danger I was in around Smart Meters) I go into what I call ‘melt down’, I become paranoid, irrational, and have to get out at all costs. The two times I got there I was actively suicidal.
There are more and more places in town where I can no longer spend time.
• I do most of my shopping now on-line. I know that I am not the only one so doing for this very reason: it is too toxic to shop in person. Thus, Smart Meters are not good for Sedona businesses.
• I can no longer attend or teach OLLI classes because that building is too electronically toxic for me. There is grief for me in this — OLLI has been a rich part of my life for the past ten plus years — I’ve been teaching and taking classes there ever since it opened, was on the OLLI Council, etc.
• I got sick (dizzy, nauseous and disoriented) after an hour’s presentation at Keep Sedona Beautiful the other day — my first post SM test of that building. I was certain from my reaction that they had a Smart Meter, went outside to find a different kind of analog looking meter — need to go back and check the make, etc. Will do when I have time. Is theirs one of the so-called “Trojan’ analog meters that is purported to conceal a Smart Device inside?
• Supermarkets are impossible — places like Wal Mart and Cost-co the worst — five mins max in a store like that and I must leave as my brain stops functioning.
• I am no longer able to participate in the Tai Chi Che group that I love so much and have been a part of for years at the Church of the Red Rocks, again, because the environment there post Smart Meters is so electrically toxic to me now that an hour’s exposure is a functional loss of the rest of the day.
• I have friends I can no longer visit in their homes, not because they have a Smart Meter, but because their neighbors do and at their home I get caught in the cross-fire. RF cross-fire can happen between two or more SM’s, but it can also happen when a SM is aimed at some good Sedona dirt — a friend has a meeting room built into the side of the foothills of Thunder Mountain — I had to leave a seminar I really wanted to be at, because I was getting so nauseous and disoriented in her room — the SM was across the street some 80 feet away, but the room we were meeting in was built into the hill behind it.
• My eye doctor’s office is one of the most toxic places I have yet to visit in West Sedona (Leenhouts Plaza): four SM’s placed about 100 feet apart, two and two facing each other and cycling right through his office. I have presented Dr. Paydar with a Smart Meter information pamflet and he has done nothing to change out the meter to his office. I also presented another doctor in the same building the same information. No change. When I go for an appointment, I check in -- then go back outside to the far side of the parking lot where it is sort of safe to wait, go in to get the drops in my eyes, go out again, then am in for the ten-20 mins of an exam, and am sick for a day after that. Who is liable if I should faint when waiting outside in over 100 degree weather? I even told Dr. Paydar when I presented him the pamflet, that I knew SM’s were good for his business because of their documented ill-effects on eyes.
• Uptown is pretty much a write-off for me everywhere now. I drive through because I have to to get to Flagstaff, but I no can longer shop there, at all. • only 5 mins walking around the apartment where our friend Ron Sanders died a week after he moved in just off Jordon Rd in Uptown, and my brain was pulsing so intensely inside my cranium, I had to leave. 5 mins exposure = a full four hours recovery time.
Smart meters aside from making some of us sensitives very sick are not good for Sedona’s economy — they are forcing money to be spent outside in on-line stores, rather than here at home.