Thinking Ahead

Dementia Awareness Week

NICE Pathways: Dementia
Quality Standards - QS1: DementiaQS30: Supporting people to live well with dementia
TA217: Alzheimer’s disease – donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine and memantine (Mar 2011)
CG42: Dementia - supporting people with dementia and their carers in health and social care, Nov 2006 (Last modified Apr 2014
NICE advice: 1)Low-dose antipsychotics in people with dementia [KTT7] 2)Management of aggression, agitation and behavioural disturbance in dementia: carbamazepine [ESUOM40] 3)Management of aggression, agitation, and behavioural disturbance in dementia: valproate preparations [ESUOM41]
NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries
Dementia. (Last revised March 2010, last minor update April 2015)

Other Useful Information
NHS Evidence
Dementias – library of evidence, research, guidelines and information sources
Cochrane reviews
Statins for the treatment of dementia (July 2014)
Cholinesterase inhibitors for rarer dementias associated with neurological conditions (March 2015)
Rivastigmine for Alzheimer's disease (April 2015)
Pharmacotherapies for sleep disturbances in Alzheimer’s disease (March 2014)
MHRA Drug Safety Update
Antipsychotics: initiative to reduce prescribing to older people with dementia (May 2012)
Rivastigmine (Exelon) transdermal patch: risk of medication errors (June 2010)
Health Technology Assessment
Study of the use of antidepressants for depression in dementia: the HTA-SADD trial (2013) / Department of Health
The DementiaChallenge
A national strategy launched in 2012 aimed at making a difference to the lives of people with dementia and their families and carers.
Focuses on three main areas; health and care, creating dementia friendly communities, improving dementia research
NHS England: Dementia Toolkit- helping GPs with timely diagnosis and post-diagnostic support (September 2014)
Complementary Medicines
Omega-3 fatty acids intake and risks of dementia and alzheimers disease: a meta analysis (Nov 2014)
Cochrane reviews
Aromatherapy for dementia (Feb 2014)
Omega 3fatty acid for the prevention of cognitive decline and dementia (June 2012)
Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE)
Vitamin D, cognition, anddementia: a systematic review and meta-analysis(May 2014)
Review on herbal medicine fordementia: a systematic review (March 2010)
Patient Information
Alzheimer’s Society (
Free downloadable patient information as well as support and advice for patients and carers
Information for health professionals, incl. dementia e-learning resources, local services, training opportunities and research
Dementia UK (
Information, support and practical advice for patients and carers
NHS Choices (
Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease – includes information on symptoms, treatments, prevention and practical tips for living with the condition
Patient UK
Dementia – information and links on a wide variety of related information

Produced by Stephen Fleck, Medicines Information Pharmacist, Southampton Medicines Advice Service May 2015