March 18, 2008

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Mike Parenteau, at 7:00 pm

Attending:Mike Parenteau, Steve Larson, Ward Wallner, Curt Barker, Gary Fena, Gloria Jordan, Dave Mauch, Paul Sperl, Ron Torfin, and Bob Usset

Open Forum:

CJ Woodrow attended the meeting. CJ wanted to go over the OMGAA Training Camps. The camps have gone very well and we have heard positive response’s overall about the camps. Next year we would like to expand to camps to be more in-depth, to work on specific areas and to include coach’s clinics.

CJ also introduced to OMGAA the concept of a Sports Campus in the Maple Grove area. The Sports U plan is to have a complex available for all sports and age groups. The Sports U plan is moving forward and has some corporate funding.

Secretary’s Report: Minutes for the month of February 2008 meeting were submitted by Steve Larson for Tim Murphy, for board review and approval.

Motion to approve minutes was made by Paul Sperl

Seconded by Gloria Jordan

Motion was voice approved unanimously, with 2 type changes.

Tim submitted his report, to remind the directors about the background check requirement. He would like to have the directors to have "any coach that gets an OMGAA shirt to wear" at games must fill out a background check form. We need to ensure that we have them screened.At this time forms need to be notarized. This should be done at their coaches meetings.

Future minutes will be posted to the website after the meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: Ward Wallner reported that at this time approximately 1531 kids have registered. Ward mentioned that there several outstanding checks.

Director’s Reports:

IT Director: Don Myhre needs a date to close registration for each league. Also when should we close the camps registration? We need golfers for the OMGAA Golf Tournament; we will send out a blast email to remind people the Golf Tournament.

Training Director:Dave reported the training camps went very well. Gloria is helping with the additional training camps. Gloria will also set-up 2 more Pitching/Catching clinics for the beginner brackets kids.

Equipment Director: Chris Sullivan reported that the Rulebooks, Scorebooks, First Aid Kits and Baseballs have been delivered. The throw down bases will be delivered in March and Softballs & Ice Packs will be in April. Gloria had requested some replacement catcher equipment; at this time the house leagues are using the good used Traveling equipment.

Fund Raising Director: Gary Fena reported the Golf Tournament will be on May 17. We need to have more golfers to register for the tournament. Gary has been in contact with Sundance Golf Club for additional participants.

Vice President:Steve Larson reported he has submitted the permit request to Maple Grove Days Parade. Steve also talked about additional fundraising opportunities at Maple Grove Days (food booth, batting cage or pitching mound). OMGAA has selected Sports Star Photography as their 2008 photographer.

Senior House League Baseball Director:Paul Sperl reported he has all of his league Coordinators in place, but still needs a Tournament Coordinator. Player registrations are on track and Paul is planning on 41 teams. 12/13 & 14/15 American League tryouts will be April 12th at Frenbrook Fields 3&4. For bad weather tryouts will be held at Competitive Edge in Roger’s. Check the web site for details and updates.

Senior Traveling League Baseball Director: Ron Torfin reported that the Gopher State League will have 11 teams. Mickey Mantle & Senior Babe will each have 2 teams.

Junior Traveling Baseball Director:No report

Junior House Baseball Director:Gloria Jordon reported that currently registrations are down in the 9 Year Old and 10/11 Leagues. Gloria will send out a blast email as a reminder. 10/11American League tryouts will be April 13th at Frenbrook Fields 3&4. For bad weather tryouts will be held at Competitive Edge in Roger’s. Check the web site for details and updates.

President:Mike Parenteau made comments about the Star Tribune article on 3/7/08 about athletic association fraud. OMGAA was mentioned in this article. The incident accrued in 1987 and is not a recent event. We have posted a letter to the editor at the Star Tribune and will follow up with a letter to the O/MG Press. The Star Tribune will print a follow up article to clarify the event and to include the positive things OMGAA has accomplished and are continuing to do. Mike discussed as a 501 (c) (3) certificated holder we need to make sure we are giving donations to organizations that are qualified under the 501 (c) (3) guidelines.




Motion to adjourn was made by Dave Mauch

Seconded by Curt Barker

Motion was voice approved unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 9:40 pm.

Submitted by,

Steve Larson Vice-President for Tim Murphy, OMGAA Secretary

Minutes are not considered official until approved by the Board at the next meeting.

Future Meetings:

April 15, 2008 / 7:00 pm
May 20, 2008 / 9:00 pm
June 17, 2008 / 9:00 pm

All meetings at the Maple GroveCommunity Center