PATH Academy Charter Board Meeting
March 16th2017
- Attendance: Mark Miles (Board Chair), Joseph Patin (Treasurer), Veronica Linder (Secretary), Crystal Felix-Clarke (CEO/Principal), Andrea Arroyo (Community Rep)
Guests: Elise Falco (GCSA Consultant), Nadra Hopkins
- Call to Order – 1 min.
Notes:Call to order at 6:27pm made by Chairman Mark Miles
Actions Taken:Modify Agenda to remove Facilities Grant Update and replace with vote to accept Nadra Hopkins as new board member. Also modify agenda to remove GCSA update
Motion (who, what):Motion to amend the agenda made by Crystal Felix-Clarke.
2nd (who)Andrea Arroyo
Votes: Unanimous
- Approval of minutes – 4 min.
Notes: Secretary to update the following from 2.1.2017 minutes: Correct the spelling of:
Crystal Felix-Clarke, Andrea Arroyo and Chester Wojna. Correction to section #V : Andrea Arroyo motioned to amend the agenda in section V: GCSA Update
Actions Taken:Accept Minutes from 2.1.17 meeting with modifications
Actions Taken:
Motion (who, what):Motion to accept 2.1.2017 minutes with modifications made by Andrea Arroyo
2nd (who) Joseph Patin
Votes: unanimous votes
- Finance Committee – 10 min. – J. Patin
Notes: 1.) PATH spent less this month due to reduced contract labor costs. 2.) Crystal advised we still have not received reimbursements from Title I, but this is typical. 3.) DeKalb County Board of Education sent payment of $18K for windows. This was incorrect amount so Crystal sent it back to them and they re-issued correct amount. 4.) Patin asked if DeKalb County water corrected bill as of yet? Crystal advised not yet. We will continue to pay average monthly rate until they do. 5.) Patin stated the finances are stable and asked if there are any large expenditures planned/ Crystal stated the Fire alarm panels are old and will need to be replaced. She also will need water fountain filters totaling $30K. 6.) Mark Miles said we need to invest in a cover for the PATH busses. Estimated $50K to be used through the facilities grant.
Actions Taken: Motion to approve monies used for covering of busses
Actions Taken:
Motion (who, what):Motion to approve spending of funds for bus covers made by Andréa Arroyo
2nd (who) Joseph Patin
Votes: Unanimous
- Principal/CEO Report – 15 min.
- Academics – 10 min
- Leadership Team Update – 5 min.
Notes: 1.) DeKalb county superintendent requested their cabinet meeting meet at PATH. They were very impressed and sent a thank you letter. Andrea requested Crystal send all board members a copy of the letter. 2.) PTO is active and raising funds by selling coffee and other snacks at soccer games. May 6, 2017 is the PATH carnival from 10:00am -2:00pm. Nadra stated she is the PTO chair and asked for procedural guidance in fund raising and revenue management. Elise stated there is a GA PTO org that can assist with procedures and protocol. She will give Nadra contact information. 3.) 4 PATH employees are now Zumba instructors. The goal is to have classes at PATH and invite the community. Mark Miles asked if we were insured for such activity. Andrea suggested we obtain a copy of the insurance policy. Crystal will ask insurance agent to speak at our next meeting. 4.) Saturday school is a huge success. 84% attendance. 5th grade has 94% attendance. 5.) Leadership retreat held in Nashville, TN. The following leaders participated: Crystal Felix-Clarke, Veronica Tinsley, Jason Stein, andMr. Lettich. Andrea asked for 2 take-aways from retreat. Crystal provided the following: a: Confidence that PATH can replicate the processes that were learned; b: the participants who attended represented all 4 quadrants of the program. 6.) Summer school reduced to 2 weeks, however, same 48 hour series. This will be accomplished by making summer school full days instead of half days. 7.) Elisa reminded Crystal that LEEKS training must be completed. Crystal agreed and ensured she will complete it by June.
Actions Taken: 1.) Crystal will contact insurance agent and arrange meeting with board regarding contents of the policy. 2.) Crystal will complete LEEKS training by June. Elise will provide GA PTO contact information to Nadra. 3.) Crystal will forward confidential thank you letter from DeKalb Superintendent to all board members
Motion (who, what):
2nd (who)
- Governance Committee – 5 min.
Notes:1.) Mark Miles presented Nadra Hopkins as potential board member. She is a parent at PATH and has attended the 2.02.2017 board meeting. 2.) Provide secretary access to upload board meeting notes within 48 hours
Actions Taken: Nadra Hopkins accepted as newest board member
Actions Taken: Crystal will email board minutes PDF to secretary today
Motion (who, what): Motion to accept Nadra Hopkins made by Joseph Patin
2nd (who) Andrea Arroyo
Votes: Unanimous
- Public Comment – 10 min.
- Please note that teacher, staff and student names are federally protected and shall not be mentioned by name during public comment.
Notes:No public comments made
Actions Taken:
Actions Taken:
Motion (who, what):
2nd (who)
- Set AprilAgenda
Notes: April board meeting scheduled for April 19, 2017 at 6:30pm-7:30pm. Agenda items will stay the same and include update from PATH insurance agent re: policy contents
Actions Taken:
Actions Taken:
Motion (who, what):
2nd (who)
- Reconvene to vote on Executive Session
Notes: No Executive Session
Actions Taken:
Actions Taken:
Motion (who, what):
2nd (who)