Roman Muzalevsky

Roman Muzalevsky

3802 14 St., NW, unit 304 tel.: 203-508-2655

Washington DC, 20011 e-mail:


Mr. Muzalevsky is an international affairsand security analyst and professionalwith 5 years of project assistance and management experience in the U.S. andCentral Asia. He worked for USAID and DFID development projects, U.S.think tanks, and private companies. He hasextensive experiencein research and analysis of international affairs, security, and strategic trends affecting Eurasia. His articles have appeared in the Eurasia Daily Monitor, Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst, Yale Journal of International Affairs, Aljazeera Net, Review of International Law and Politics, Journal of Central Asian and Caucasian Studies, Asia Tines On-line, Turkish Weekly, and Radio Free Europe/RFL.Muzalevsky holds MA in International Relations with Concentration in Security and Strategy Studies from YaleUniversity and Diploma in Int.Affairs from Int.AtaturkAla-TooUniversity in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia.


The Jamestown Foundation, Writer for Eurasia Daily Monitor journal, Washington DC, 01/10 - present

  • Writing on strategic, security and military issues affecting the U.S., NATO, Russia, Central Asia, Caucasus and Afghanistan

Krull Corp., Research Analyst, ad hoc projects, Washington DC,08/15/09 – 07/09/10

  • Developedrecommendations for a business planestablishing a innovative consultancy firm to perform analysis of security; reviewed the business plan for RUSI International Defence Think Tank
  • Edited materials, researched and analyzed:relations of the Central Asian states with the U.S., EU, China and Russia, geopolitics, transportation, trade and energy transit networks; energy security; alternative energy development and its integration into global security architecture; WMD proliferation; global security & order
  • Azerbaijan-U.S.strategic partnership; Transatlantic partnership and security relations between U.S. and EU; the concept of the non-polar (multi-centric) world and related security challenges for the global order; defence and intelligence partnership between the UK and U.S. (for the session at the RUSI-Legatum Institute Conference on 05/18/10 featuring Paul Lever, Edgar Buckley, David Omand, Kori Schake)

Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, Program Coordinator, Washington, DC, 09/09-06/10

  • Coordinated management of research and policy projects: The Key to Success in Afghanistan – A Modern Silk Road Strategy, Chechnya’s Wartime Diplomacy, Fergana Valley in Central Asia
  • Organized forums involving high-level speakers on developments in Central Asia, Caucasus, and Afghanistan; managed budget expenditures; liasoned with clients and supervised contractors in Eurasia;
  • Since Dec. 2008 researched and wrote on international affairs, security and strategic issues affecting the U.S., Central Asia, Caucasus and Afghanistan for the Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst journal; translated chapters for the book on the Fergana Valley of Central Asia, edited by S. Frederick Starr, from Russian into English
  • During 06/09-09/09 researched articles on politics, history, security of Central Asia, Caucasus, & Afghanistan, foreign policies of great powers toward these regions for the Institute Chairman S. Frederick Starr

Yale University, Teaching Fellow, New Haven, CT, 09/07-04/09

Taught and/or graded the following classes for Yale University studentsunder the supervision of:

  • Current Israeli Ambassador to the US Michael Oren: America in the Middle East class
  • Progressive author Jonathan Schell: Strategic, Political and Moral Dilemmas of Nuclear Age class
  • The former Senior Adviser to Shultz, Kissinger, & ReaganDiplomat In Residence Charles Hill: International Ideas and Institutions class

Center for Political-Military Analysis, Hudson Institute, Research Analyst,Washington, DC, 05/08-08/08

  • Researched and analyzed Russian, US, and Central Asian countries’ national security concepts, foreign policy concepts, military doctrines, etc.; editedCentral Asia-related books and reports for Richard Weitz, trackedstrategic developments in Central Asia, Caucasus and Afghanistan using regional languages and sources
  • Wrote memos and papers on the US’ and Russia’s security strategy in Central Asia, foreign and defense policies of Central Asian states, regional security, counterterrorism in Central/South Asia

UK Department for International Development(DFID) Public Finance Reform Project,Public Expenditure Management (PEM) Associate/Internal Audit Associate, Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia,06/06 - 07/07

  • Promoted public governance reforms within the Kyrgyz Government; conducted research on international best practice of the PEM reform; handled budget requests, prepared reports and analysis
  • Assisted efforts to improve legal and financial Kyrgyzstani Government capacity; coordinated development and lobby efforts of Law on Internal Audit that was approved by the Kyrgyz Parliament

CSM Solutions Inc., US Central Command & US Joint Forces Command Regional Military Exercises Cooperation 2006Cooperation 2007,Translator/Interpreter (Russian & English), Central Asia, 07/06 - 07/06, 06/07 - 06/07

  • Translated and interpreted for Head of National Operations Center and Head of Logistics Cell at Regional Coordination Council; upon requesthelped with the training of multi-national military personnelon the use of communication systems and prompt reporting, coordination and policy development in the emergency context

National Democratic Institute for International Affairs of the USA, Parliamentary and Political Party Program Intern,Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia, 06/05 - 06/06

  • Assisted efforts to promote civil society, rule of law and democratization; organized nation-wide seminars on election observation and monitored Kyrgyz Presidential Elections in 2005; prepared weekly Kyrgyzstan news reports for Washington, DC office;
  • Researched training materials for Kyrgyz political parties, proxies of presidential candidates and Parliament staff; assisted Parliamentary and Political Party ProgramManagerswith management and Kyrgyz Parliament capacity building


  • Yale University.MA in International Relations, Security and Strategy Studies, CT, 09/07-05/09
  • Yale University Certificate in International Security Studies, 05/09
  • Four Teaching Fellowships, 09/07-05/09
  • Henry Hart Rice Fellowships - 06/07-05/09
  • Yale University International Relations Fellowship - 06/08
  • Opportunity Grant of the U.S. State Department - 08/07, 11/08
  • George Frederick Jewett Foundation Fellowship for Projects on Contemporary Practice of Grand Strategies - 03/08
  • Momentum Program onLeadership, Negotiations, & Culture Change of theMercy Corps/Conflict Management Group at Roger Fisher House, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 03/07 - 04/07
  • International Ataturk Ala-Too University. Diploma in International Relations. Thesis - “Power Transition Theory: China’s Growth and International Insecurity,” Kyrgyzstan,Central Asia, 09/01-06/07
  • Eurasian Undergraduate Exchange Program of the U.S. State Department administered by International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX).Carroll College. Non-degree exchange program in International Relations. Helena, MT, 08/04 - 05/05


  • English (fluent); Russian (native); Turkish (fluent); Kyrgyz, Azerbaijani, Chinese (basic)


  • “Crisis in Kyrgyzstan” program, KPFA Public Radio, 06/22/10
  • “Crosstalk” withPeter Lavelle on “Ending the Chaos in Kyrgyzstan,” Russia Today, 06/16/10
  • “Kyrgyzstan in Turmoil,” The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, 04/28/10
  • ChristianScience Monitor, Trend AZ, Aljazeera, China Legal Daily, BBC History Magazine, Rosbalt


Eurasia Daily Monitor Journal of the Jamestown Foundation, Washington, DC:

  • “The Perils of Too Much Security in Central Asia”
  • “TAPI and the Prospects of an Indian-Turkmen Strategic Partnership,” 06/16/10
  • “Turkmen-Chinese Cooperation: Key to Turkmenistan’s Diversification Strategy,” 05/12/10
  • “The US and Azerbaijan: Unraveling a Strategic Partnership?,” 05/05/10
  • “The Economic Underpinnings of China’s Regional Security Strategy in Afghanistan,” 04/19/10
  • “The Implications of China’s High-Speed Eurasian Railway Strategy for Central Asia,” 04/02/10
  • “Shifting Regional Dynamics Force Russia to Suspend Promised Loan to Kyrgyzstan,” 03/15/10
  • “Holbrooke’s Visit Highlights US-Uzbek Regional Dilemmas and Opportunities,” 03/08/10
  • “Kazakhstan Offers to Hold Joint Military Exercises with Turkey,” 02/02/10
  • “Turkmenistan’s Naval Plans: Promoting Its Maritime and Energy Interests,” 02/16/10
  • “NATO-Kazakhstan Transit Agreement: Unleashing the Potential of Northern Supply Route,” 02/24/10

Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst Journal of the Central Asia-Caucasus Institute, Washington DC:

  • “China’s Engagement with the South Caucasus: Limits and Prospects,” 06/09/10
  • “Revolution, Government Institutions, and the Fate of the Kyrgyz State,”04/14/10
  • “The US-Kyrgyz Military Center and Kyrgyzstan’s Multi-vector Foreign Policy,” 03/17/10
  • “The Rogun Controversy: Decoding Central Asia’s Water Puzzles,” 03/03/10
  • “US-Central Asia Relations: Going Beyond Afghanistan,”01/20/10
  • “Call for Better Governance and End to Corruption Mark the Agenda of Clinton’s Visit to Afghanistan”
  • “Armenia-Turkey Protocols: Tactical Cooperation in the Shadow of Strategic Competition in Eurasia”
  • “General McChrystal’s Confidential Assessment: A Case for Redefining Victory in Afghanistan,” 10/14/09
  • “Feithuall Gulen Movement in Central Asia: a Blessing or a Curse,” 09/01/09
  • “Krishna’s Visit to Uzbekistan: The Makings of India’s Central Asia Policy,” 10/28/09
  • “CSTO Rapid Reaction Force Reveals Russia Security Priorities,” 02/25/09
  • “General Petreaus in Search for Alternative Routes in Afghanistan,” 02/11/09
  • “Kyrgyz Operation against Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan Reveals Growing Terrorist Threat”
  • “Kazakh President Nazarbaev Calls for Global Currency,” 03/26/09
  • “SWAT Deal in Pakistan Conceals Victory for Islamic Radicalism,” 03/11/09
  • “The Russia-Afghan Forum: Russia Marshall Plan for Afghanistan?,” 06/17/09
  • “Turkmenistan Boosts its Role in Regional Energy Cooperation,” 12/10/08
  • “Uyghur Unrest in Urumqi: China’s Bleeding Wound,” 07/15/09


  • “A Central Asian Tinderbox,” Aljazeera English, 06/23/10
  • “Georgian Opposition: Through Luck in Moscow to Popular Trust at Home?,” Turkish Weekly, 06/21/10
  • “Breaking Kyrgyzstan’s Cycle of Violence,” Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 06/17/10
  • “China's rail goals raise regional doubts,” Asia Times Online, 04/14/10.
  • “The Russian-Georgian War: Implications for the UN and Collective Security,” Journal of Central Asian and Caucasian Studies, Vol.4, Issue 7, International Strategic Research Organization, 2009
  • “Russian Strategy in Central Asia: An Analysis of Key Trends,” Yale Journal of International Affairs, Vol. 4, Issue 1, 2009
  • “The War in Georgia and Its Aftermath: Russian National Security and Implications for the West,” Review of International Law and Politics Journal, Vol.5, Issue 19, 2009.