Name ______Biology- ____ Date______

9  Weeks Test Review

1-3 Draw a picture of a cell in each solution. Use arrows to represent the movement of water AND explain what would happen to the cell. HYPOTONIC ISOTONIC HYPERTONIC

4.  Pictured to the right is a lipid bilayer embedded with a channel protein. What is that protein responsible for? Transporting large molecule across the membrane that do not easily or readily diffuse.

5-14 Give the function OR NAME of the organelle.

Ribosome / Site of protein synthesis
Vacuole / Large sac for storage of water, minerals, wastes found in plants
Nucleus / Control center of the cell, contains the blueprint for protein production.
Mitochondria / Powerhouse of the cell, site of cellular respiration, production of ATP
Golgi Body / Packages and sorts proteins & other materials for transport
Centriole / Found in animal cells, used for cell division
Lysosome / Found in animals, vesicles that contain enzymes to breakdown waste or old cell parts
Chloroplast / Filled with cholorophyll in plant cells, used for photosynthesis
Nucleolus / Site of ribosome production
Plasma Membrane / Selectively permeable phospholipid bilayer

15.  An isotonic solution is the result of equal concentrations of a solute on both sides of a membrane. What happens to the movement of the molecules when this occurs? The movement of molecules stops when the concentration is equal on both sides of the membrane.

16- 23 Complete the chart below

Passive/Active / Short definition / Example
Diffusion / Passive / Movement of molecules from high àlow concentration across the cell membrane / Diffusion of air freshener across the room
Phagocytosis / Active / “Cell eating” Cell engulfing large molecules from outside the cell and bringing them in within a vessicle / White blood cell eating bacteria
Protein Pump / Active / Moving charged ions across the cell membrane from lowàhigh concentration / Sodium/Potassium Pump
Endocytosis / Active / Moving a molecules into the cell lowàhigh with the use of Energy ATP / White blood cell eating bacteria
Facilitated Diffusion / Passive / Movement of large molecules across a protein channel from highàlow concentration without the use of Energy / Glucose molecules moving across cell membrane
Pinocytosis / Active / “cell drinking” The cell takes IN extracellular fluid and small molecules. / Cell drinking
Osmosis / Passive / Movement of water from highàlow No ENERGY / Plumping veggies at store
Exocytosis / Active / Movement of molecules outside of the cellà cell getting rid of wastes. / Cell getting rid of waste

24.  Label each picture with the correct endocytosis

process and explain the differences.

25.  Complete the T chart of characteristics.

Prokaryotic Eukaryotic

26.  What are the two main components of the cell (plasma) membrane? Phospholipids & Proteins

27.  List two organelles found in the plant cell which aren’t found in the animal cell. Cell wall, chloroplast

28.  List the one organelle found in the animal cell that isn’t found in the plant cell. Centrioles, lysosomes

29.  Thru 40 Complete the chart below

Nucleic Acids / NUCLEOTIDE / DNA & RNA / Holds blueprint for protein production
Proteins / AMINO ACIDS / Polypeptide / Function in all metabolic processes, enzymes
Lipids / Glycerol & fatty acid / Triglyceride / Long term energy storage, insulation
Carbohydrates / MONOSACCHARIDE / Polysaccharide / Short term energy ATP

41. How are monomers and polymers related?

Nucleic Acids / Everything we eat
Proteins / Meat, beans
Lipids / Fat, oil, butter
Carbohydrates / Pasta, rice, potatoes

Monomers are the smaller parts that make up polymers

42. Complete the chart to the right

43. Identify the type of reaction below and tell what it is used to create.

44. Identify the type of reaction below and explain what is happening.

Dehydration Synthesis- removal of water to bond monomers together to form polymers

45. What is the order of the organizational structure of an organism: atoms à molecules à organic molecules à cell organelles à cells à tissues à organs à organ systems à organisms

46. What is an enzyme and How does it work? Protein catalyst that speeds up a chemical reaction. 1. Lowers activation energy 2. Breaks the bonds between substrates

47. What is activation energy?

Energy needed to start a chemical reaction.

48. What factors affect the way an enzyme work?

pH level, temperature, amount of substrate, presence of an inhibitor

49-53 Label the following: substrates, active site, substrate-enzyme complex, reactants, & products