Attachment B-2

Employers' Training Resource

WIA Activity Summary for Youth-Only Programs

Complete one for EACH activity (make copies of form as necessary)

1. / Organization Name
2. / Activity/Program
3. / Amount of WIA funds requested for this activity/program / $
4. / Amount of current contract with ETR for this activity/program / $
5. / Describe any proposed changes, including any changes to the target populations and/or geographic areas to be served, for this activity in the upcoming year:
6. / Planned Enrollments and Performance. Please remember that WIA Youth Programs now operate under the Common Measures of performance only: Placement in Employment or Education, Attainment of Degree or Certificate and Literacy/Numeracy Gains for Out-of-School Youth. There is no longer any distinction between Younger and Older Youths, no more Younger Youth Skill Attainments and no exemption from the placement or diploma measure for youths who exit while still in secondary school.
In-School Youths / New Enrollments / Carry Overs / Total
Enrolled / # of Exits Planned
Total Enrollments
  • # of In-School Youths (14-21 at enrollment)

# Attaining Outcome / Planned Exits / Attainment Rate (%) / State Minimum*
Common Measures
  • Placement in Employment or Education (no exclusion of exits still in secondary school)
/ 67%
  • Attainment of Degree or Certificate (no “work-readiness” certificates, no exclusion of youths exited while still in secondary school)
/ 47%

* Current statewide rate. Actual statewide or local rates TBD.

If proposed attainment rates are significantly higher or lower than State Minimum, please explain below:

Out-of-School Youths / New Enrollments / Carry Overs / Total
Enrolled / # of Exits Planned
Total Enrollments
  • # of Out-of-School Youths (14-21 at enrollment)

  1. # who will be enrolled in education during their participation in your program.

  1. # expected to be Basic Skills Deficient at time of enrollment or carry-over.

# Attaining Outcome / Planned Exits in Category / Attainment Rate (%) / State Minimum*
Common Measures
  • Placement in Employment or Education (no exclusion of exits still in secondary school)
/ 67%
  • Attainment of Degree or Certificate1 (no “work-readiness” certificates, no exclusion of youths exited while still in secondary school)
/ 47%
# Attaining Outcome / # of EFLs Set / Attainment Rate (%) / State Minimum*
  • Literacy/Numeracy Gains2(advancing to next Educational Functioning Level (EFL))
/ 30%

1Applies only to those enrolled in education at some point during participation in your program. Planned Exits in Category should be the same as # of Exits Planned for line 1 above.

2Applies only to those who are Basic Skills Deficient. Gains are taken as earned.

* Current statewide rate. Actual statewide or local rates TBD.

If proposed attainment rates are significantly higher or lower than State Minimum, please explain below:

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