February 17, 2015
February 17, 2015
7:00 PM
1.Call Meeting to Order
Sunshine Law Statement
In accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey Public Meeting Act, Chapter 231, P.L. 1975, the Lenape Valley Regional High School Board of Education has caused notice of this regular monthly meeting to be posted in each of the three municipal buildings in the Regional School District and the Lenape Valley Regional High School. Notice of this meeting has also been published in the Daily Record and the New Jersey Herald.
Announcement of Executive Session
An Executive Session may be held at the next monthly meeting for the purpose of discussing PERSONNEL/LEGAL/CONFIDENTIAL MATTERS. Action may or may not be taken.
2.Flag Salute
3.Roll Call
4.Acceptance and Review of the Regular and Executive Meeting Minutes of January 20, 2015
5.Meeting Open to Public – 20 minute maximum, 4 minutes perspeaker maximum
6.Board President’s Report
7.Board Secretary’s Reports
RESOLVED, That resolutions numbered 1 through 3 be adopted as presented:
1.Board Secretary Certification
RESOLVED, That the Board Secretary certifies that as ofJanuary 31, 2015, in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)3, the total of encumbrances and expenditures for each line item account does not exceed the line item appropriation in the 2014-2015 school district budget.
January 31, 2015
Assistant Superintendent for BusinessDate
Board Secretary
2.Board Secretary’s and Treasurer’s Reports
RESOLVED, That the following reports prepared by the Board Secretary dated January 31, 2015, be accepted:
Secretary’s Report to the Board of EducationAttachment A
Bond & Coupon Checking AccountAttachment B
Unemployment Compensation InsuranceAttachment C
Cafeteria AccountAttachment D
Feder ScholarshipAttachment E
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the following Treasurer’s reports dated January 31, 2015, be accepted:
General/Special RevenueAttachment F
Payroll AgencyAttachment G
Payroll NetAttachment H
Capital ReserveAttachment I
3.Student Activity General Account and Department of Athletics Account
RESOLVED, That the following bank reconciliation reports and the reports of receipts and disbursements dated January 31, 2015, be accepted:
Student Activity General Account Attachment J
Department of Athletics AccountAttachment K
The current interest report for January 2015 is included herein as Attachment L.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert G. Klinck
Assistant Superintendent for Business/Board Secretary
There was no correspondence this month.
9.Superintendent’s Report
RESOLVED, resolutions numbered 1 and2 be adopted as presented:
1.Superintendent Contract Amendment
RESOLVED, That the Board of Education approves the revised contract of employment for Paul M. DiRupo, Superintendent/Principal, for the term July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2016, per the terms and conditions of the attached contract. (Attached)
2.2015-2016 District Calendar
RESOLVED, That the Board of Education adopt and approve the district calendar for the 2015-2016 school year. (Attached)
10.Committee Reports
a.Finance and Physical Plant Committee (Robert Nunn, Chairperson)
TheFinance and Physical Plant Committee meeting was held on Tuesday, February 10, 2015.
RESOLVED, That resolutions numbered 1 through9be adopted as presented:
1.Board of Education Certification
RESOLVED, That the Board of Education hereby certifies in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)4, that after review of the Board Secretary’s and Treasurer’s financial reports for the month of January 2015, and upon consultation with the appropriate district officials, no major account or fund has been over-expended and sufficient funds are available to meet the Board’s financial obligations for the 2014-2015 fiscal year.
2.Approval of Bills
RESOLVED, That the following bills be approved for payment:
January 30, 2015 $225,384.63
February 13, 2015 $ 77,127.64
Total $302,512.27
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the following bill payments be ratified for the Lenape Valley Cafeteria Account:
Date / Warrant / Amount1/21/15 / #1617 – Hubert repair on griddle / $275.98
1/21/15 / #1618 – Maschio’s Food Svc/December Lunches / $18,816.14
1/21/15 / #1619 – Maschio’s Food Svc/October Lunches / $25,226.91
1/21/15 / #1620 – NJ Dept of Agriculture/Oct & Dec commodities / $91.95
WHEREAS, The funds appropriated to certain General Fund Accounts in the 2014-2015budget of the Lenape Valley Regional High School District have been insufficient to meet the obligations which normally would be charged against them; and
WHEREAS, It appears that there will be unexpended appropriations in certain General Fund Accounts at the close of the 2014-2015 school year;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the following transfers be approved by the Board of Education:
Finance and Physical Plant Committee (Robert Nunn, Chairperson)– continued
FROM / TO / AMOUNT / FOR11-000-262-624 / 12-000-262-730 / $3,900.00 / Floor Scrubber
Fuel Oil / Equip Supplies
11-140-100-101-0A / 11-213-100-101 / $5,000.00 / Resource Salaries
Teacher Salaries / Resource Salaries
11-000-291-270 / 11-000-261-420 / $100,000.00 / Portico Repair
Health Benefits / Required Maintenance
11-000-222-601 / 11-000-222-604 / $150.00 / Media Center Toner
Library Books / Media Center Supplies
11-000-251-340 / 11-000-251-330 / $1,750.00 / Professional Svcs
Fiscal Svs Pur Tech / Fiscal Svs Pur Prof Svs / Portico
11-000-262-490 / 11-000-262-300 / $156 / Right to Know Asbestos
Custodial Pur Svcs / Cust Prof/Pur Tech Svcs
11-000-291-270 / 11-000-251-592 / $5,000 / Classified Advertising
Health Benefits / Classified Advertising
11-000-240-800 / 11-000-240-500 / $700 / NJ School Jobs
Sch Admin Other Obj / Sch Admin Pur Svcs
4.Travel Reimbursement Policy
WHEREAS, The Lenape Valley Regional High School Board of Education has recognized school staff and Board members will incur travel and related expenses related to and within the scope of their current responsibilities and for travel that promotes the delivery of instruction or furthers the efficient operation of the school district.The Board of Education shall comply with the requirements of
N.J.A.C. 23B-1.1 et seq. and Board Policy 6471 for the reimbursement of school district employee and Board member travel and related expense reimbursements; and
WHEREAS, N.J.A.C. 23B-1.1 et seq. and Board policies require Board member travel and related expense reimbursements to receive prior approval by a majority of the full voting membership of the Board, and require staff member travel and related expense reimbursements to receive prior approval of the Superintendent of Schools and prior approval by a majority of the full voting membership of the Board; and
Finance and Physical Plant Committee (Robert Nunn, Chairperson)– continued
WHEREAS, The Board has concluded that the travel and expense reimbursements listed in this resolution are in compliance with State travel and reimbursement guidelines as established by the Department of Treasury and incorporated herein;
BE IT RESOLVED, The Board of Education approves the travel and related expense reimbursements as set forth below:
Event / Date / Cost / EmployeeRubicon / 2/24/15 / $254.45 / Mark Fiedorczyk
University of Alabama Spring Clinic / 3/26 – 3/29-15 / $388.00 / Donald Smolyn
5. Roof Project Change Order
RESOLVED, That the Lenape Valley Regional High School Board of Education approve a Change Order for the Roof Project (bid of May 21, 2014), per the approval of Parette Somjen Architects. The Change Order a decrease in the total cost as follows: (Attached)
Credit for unused allowance:
Total Amount of Change Order: $50,000.00
Original Base Bid of May 21, 2014$818,000.00
Final Cost of Project$768,000.00
6.AHERA Inspection Report
WHEREAS, RAMM Environmental Services, Inc. of Fair Lawn, New Jersey, completed the AHERA mandated six-month facility re-inspection for asbestos containing materials;
BE IT RESOLVED, That the Lenape Valley Regional Board of Education accept the AHERA six-month facility re-inspection report as presented by RAMM Environmental Services, Inc. The Assistant Superintendent for Business is hereby directed to extend an invitation to the public, staff, parents and other interested parties to review the report in its entirety. The report is available in the Business Office. (Attached)
7. Disposal of Textbooks
RESOLVED, That the Board of Education authorize the Assistant Superintendent for Business to dispose of the textbooks on the attached list that are outdated and obsolete. (Attached)
8. Capital Project List
WHEREAS, The Lenape Valley Regional High School Board of Education has capital projects that must be completed in order to maintain the condition of its building and grounds;
Finance and Physical Plant Committee (Robert Nunn, Chairperson)– continued
BE IT RESOLVED, That the Lenape Valley Regional High School Board of Education approves the following Capital Project List:
1.Technology Improvement to local area network (LAN) to increase wireless capability
2.Repaving of parking lots and roads
3.HVAC Unit replacement (three units)
4.Resurfacing of tennis courts
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That said projects will be included as an amendment to its Long Range Facility Plan (LRFP) as soon as the New Jersey Department of Education’s LRFP software is available for data entry.
9. Professional Architect Services – Building Entry Overhang Ceiling Replacement
WHEREAS, There exists a need for professional architectural services to prepare bid specifications, drawings and supervise a project to insulate and replace the ceiling of the entrance portico; and
WHEREAS, The Lenape Valley Regional High School Board of Education
has examined and compared hourly rates for architectural firms serving
school districts in Sussex County, along with comparing qualifications andexperience;
WHEREAS, The Board of Education has discussed and deliberated the advantages and disadvantages of other architects;
WHEREAS, FKA Architects has extensive experience as an architectural firm, is familiar with the policies and procedures of a high school district, and given this experience and competitive fee, it is advantageous to the Lenape Valley Regional High School District to retain the professional services of FKA Architects; and
WHEREAS, The Public School Contracts Law N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-5.a.1 requires that a resolution authorizing the engagement of professional architect services without pubic advertising and bidding therefor, must be publicly advertised;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Lenape Valley Regional High School Board of Education as follows:
- The Lenape Valley Regional High School Board of Education is herewith authorized to engage the services of FKA Architects, located at 306 Ramapo Valley Road, Oakland, New Jersey 07436, at the fee of $11,250, plus a $500 reimbursables, to prepare the bid specifications and drawings, and to supervise the project.
2.This appointment is made without pubic advertising and bidding therefor as a “Professional Service” under the provisions of the Public School Contracts Law, since N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-5.a.1
Finance and Physical Plant Committee (Robert Nunn, Chairperson)– continued
specifically permits the waiving of the public advertising and bidding therefor for service of this nature.
3.A copy of this resolution shall be published in the New Jersey Herald within ten (10) days of its passage.
b.Personnel and Management Committee (Anne Keenan, Chairperson)
The Personnel and Management Committee meeting was held on Tuesday, February 10, 2015.
RESOLVED, That resolutions numbered 1 through 17 be adopted as presented:
1.High School Principal
RESOLVED, That the Board of Education does hereby approve the hiring of Mr. Thomas Claeys as Principal of Lenape Valley Regional High School, at a salary of $124,000, effective July 1, 2015, through June 30, 2016.
2.Maternity Leave Request
RESOLVED, That the Board of Education does hereby approve Mrs. Kathleen Finizio’s request for a disability leave, as per article XVI of the Lenape Valley Education Association contract, to begin on or about March 29, 2015, utilizing accumulated sick and personal days while on disability leave. On or about April 28, 2015, Mrs. Finizio will be placed on a leave of absence without compensation pursuant to the New Jersey Family Leave Act. Her anticipated return date is July 1, 2015. (Attached)
3.Disability Leave Request
RESOLVED, That the Board of Education does hereby approve Mrs. Mary Hyziak’s request for a disability leave, as per article XVI of the Lenape Valley Education Association contract, to begin on February 16, 2015, utilizing accumulated sick days while on disability leave. Her anticipated return date is April 13, 2015. (Attached)
4.Guidance Counselor Maternity Leave Replacement
RESOLVED, That the Board of Education does hereby approve the emergent hiring of Mr. James Cresbaughas a Guidance Counselor Maternity Leave Replacement. He will be compensated at the per diem rate of $200, no benefits, effective on or about March 29, 2015, through June 30, 2015.
RESOLVED, That the Board of Education accepts, with regret and appreciation, the resignation of Ms. Tanya LaBell, Instructional Aide, effective February 6, 2015.
6.Teacher of Mathematics Maternity Leave Replacement
RESOLVED, That the Board of Education does hereby approve the emergent hiring of Mr. Scott Dubiel, having attested that he has not been convicted of any disqualifying crime pursuant to applicable statute, as a Teacher of Mathematics Maternity Leave Replacement. He will be compensated at the per diem rate of
Personnel and Management Committee (Anne Keenan, Chairperson)– continued
$200, no benefits, effective April 13, 2015, through May 25, 2015, or until the return of Mrs. Sollers, and not to extend past June 30, 2015. (Attached)
7.Teacher of Family and Consumer Science Leave Replacement
RESOLVED, That the Board of Education does hereby approve the emergent hiring of Mrs. Donna Joseph-Ford, having attested that she has not been convicted of any disqualifying crime pursuant to applicable statute, as a Teacher of Family and Consumer Science Leave Replacement. She will be compensated at the per diem rate of $200, no benefits, effective February 16, 2015, through April 10, 2015, or until the return of Mrs. Hyziak, whichever is first. (Attached)
8.Assistant Track Coach
RESOLVED, That the Board of Education does hereby ratify the emergent hiring of Mr. Matthew Seniukas an Assistant Track Coach, effective March 1, 2015, through June 30, 2015, at a salary of $4,139, Tier 3, Schedule B of the LVEA contract.
9.Assistant Track Coach
RESOLVED, That the Board of Education does hereby ratify the emergent hiring of Mr. Thomas Gervasioas an Assistant Track Coach, effective March 1, 2015, through June 30, 2015, at a salary of $4,139, Tier 3, Schedule B of the LVEA contract.
10.Assistant Track Coach
RESOLVED, That the Board of Education does hereby ratify the emergent hiring of Mrs. Caley Richardsonas an Assistant Track Coach, effective March 1, 2015, through June 30, 2015, at a salary of $4,139, Tier 3, Schedule B of the LVEA contract.
11.Assistant Baseball Coach
RESOLVED, That the Board of Education does hereby ratify the emergent hiring of Mr. Adam Thomas as an Assistant Baseball Coach, effective March 1, 2015, through June 30, 2015, at a salary of $5,200, Tier 2, Schedule B of the LVEA contract.
12.Assistant Girls’ Lacrosse Coach
RESOLVED, That the Board of Education does hereby approve the emergent hiring of Ms. Susan McGrath, having attested that she has not been convicted of any disqualifying crime pursuant to applicable statute, as Assistant Girls’ Lacrosse Coach, effective March 1, 2015, through June 30, 2015, at a salary of $4,139,Tier 3, Schedule B of the LVEA contract. (Attached)
Personnel and Management Committee (Anne Keenan, Chairperson)– continued
13.Instructional Aide Appointment
RESOLVED, That the Board of Education does hereby approve the emergent hiring of Ms. Kelli Costaas a part-timeInstructional Aide, ata salary of $17 per hour, 5.5 hours per day, not to exceed 27.5 hoursper week, with no benefits, effective February 18, 2015, through June 30, 2015.
14.Co-Curricular Advisor
RESOLVED, That the Board of Education approves the appointment of Mr. Mitchell Rufas the Musical Technical Director for the 2014-2015 school year, at the salary of $3,183, Schedule C, Tier 4 of the LVEA contract.
15.Athletic Supervisor
RESOLVED, That the Board of Education approves the appointment of Mr. William Pickettas Spring Weight Room Supervisor, for the 2014-2015 school year, at the salary of $3,183, Schedule B, Tier 5, of the LVEA contract. (Attached)
16.UpGrade Annex
RESOLVED, That the Board of Education approves the following individuals listed below as an UpGrade Annex Instructor with after school hours at the stipend listed below, effective March 1, 2015, through June 30, 2015:
- Mrs. Angelique Bender - $800
- Ms. Meghan Crampton - $800
- Mr. Scott Dubiel - $1,600
17.Substitute Teachers
RESOLVED, That the Board of Education approves the following substitute teachers for the 2014-2015 school year at the rate of $80 per day and $85 per day after twenty (20) days in the district:
- Daniel SullivanCentenary College
- Jacob QuasiusLycoming College
c.Curriculum and Policy Committee (Michael Bender, Chairperson)
The Curriculum and Policy Committee meeting was held on Tuesday, February 10, 2015.
RESOLVED, That resolutions numbered 1 through 4 be adopted as presented:
1.SEMI Waiver
WHEREAS, A school district may seek a waiver of the requirements to maximize Special Education Medicaid Initiative (“SEMI”) if it can show that as per the October 15, 2015, Special Education student count, it had forty (40) or fewer Special Education-Medicaid eligible students, or that efforts to participate in SEMI would not provide a cost benefit to the district; and
WHEREAS, The New Jersey Department of Education has projected that Lenape Valley Regional High School has twenty-four (24) Special Education-Medicaid eligible students;
BE IT RESOLVED, That the Lenape Valley Regional High School Board of Education hereby request that the Executive County Superintendent grant its request for a waiver of the requirement to participate in the SEMI program. (Attached)
2.State Championship Wrestling Competition
RESOLVED, That the Board of Education does hereby approve the attendance of all qualifying students and three wrestling coaches to attend the State Wrestling Championship Competition to be held in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The State Competition will be held from March 6, 2015, through March 8, 2015. The total cost of the competition trip is not to exceed $2,000 for staff and student registrations, lodging, and meals.
3.NJSIAA Cooperative Swimming and Ice Hockey Petition
RESOLVED, That the Board of Education does hereby authorize and approve the submission of a petition to the NJSIAA for the continuation of a cooperative ice hockey program and a cooperative swimming program with the Newton Board of Education for the 2015-2016 school year.
4.DECA ICDC Field Trip
RESOLVED, That the Board of Education does hereby approve the attendance of eight qualifying students and two staff chaperones to attend the DECA ICDC (International Career Development Conference) to be held April 24, 2015, through April 29, 2015, in Florida. As per Board of Education policy, the Board will subsidize 75% of the student cost and 100% of the faculty chaperones’ cost for registrations, lodging, and meals. The total cost of the trip is not to exceed $10,860. (Attached)
11.New Business
12.Old Business
13.Meeting Open to Public – 20 minute maximum, 4 minute per speaker maximum
14.Executive Session (if necessary)
15.Motion for Adjournment